The Immortal Execution King roared loudly, his voice full of pain.


King Zhu Xian took a few steps back and looked at his body in shock.

His body, like a cobweb, cracked!

It turned out that the Sanqing Saint was suppressed by the Immortal Execution King at first.

Even the Pangu Fan, Taiji Map, and Qingping Sword couldn't stop the Immortal King.

Sanqing was immediately suppressed by the Immortal Execution King.

But during the crackdown, the Three Qings instantly formed a trinity.

Sanqing was originally transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit.

Now, the three purities are one, and the real body of Pangu has been summoned.


Pangu's real body, with the sky above his head and the earth on his feet.

With a pair of cold eyes, he swept towards Immortal Execution King, and immediately shouted: "Axe!"

The infinity of the sky, with a huge earthquake!

A beam of brilliance penetrated the shrouded trillions of killing energy and fell into Pangu's hands.

Open the god axe!

This Heaven-Opening Treasure was seen by the Immortal Execution King, which shocked him immensely.

Immortal Execution King suddenly felt that something was wrong, he hurriedly attacked first, and threw his fists away.

The real body of Pangu of trillions of trillions glared at Immortal Execution King.

"Rat, Dare!"

The real Pangu shouted loudly, and volleyed out the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe.


Even if he is like the Immortal Execution King, the Xeon who is known as the Half-step Heavenly Dao cannot stop him from opening the Heavenly God Axe.

With a loud noise, the Immortal Execution King screamed, and his body was split open by the Heaven-Opening God Axe.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness, the powerhouses of the Holy King God Realm, were shocked.

A [-] thousand yuan Pangu real bodies, holding the axe, slashed at the Immortal Execution King.


Immortal Execution King's body shattered, cracking like a spider web.

That Pangu real body once again swung out the Heaven-Opening God Axe.


With the power of an axe, the world trembled, the universe was instantly desolate, and countless galaxies were annihilated.

Obliterated, and the broken primordial spirit of the Immortal Execution King!

Do not!

The Immortal Execution King roared furiously, full of unwillingness! .

Chapter 143

Do not!

Pangu's real body swung out an axe, directly shattering the body of the Immortal Execution King, breaking his primordial spirit.

This half-step Heavenly Dao, supreme-level powerhouse, wailed with pain on his face.

The Primordial Spirit is broken, and the Immortal Execution King knows that it is not good!

He hurriedly fled away, but the Qingping sword was sacrificed by Tongtian and penetrated directly.


The Primordial Spirit of the Immortal Executioner struggled and wailed.

"I hate it!"

"I am immortal and immortal, why was I killed!"

The Immortal Execution King screamed, his Primordial Spirit collapsed, his body died and the Dao disappeared!

Holy King God Realm camp.

Several powerful beings were taken aback.

This Immortal Execution King died in battle, but the second half-step Tiandao was killed.

The king of idols, the master of swordsmanship, and the master of big dreams, although shocked, but also very angry, angry!

The prehistoric camp is full of envy and applause.

The three Qing Dynasty will join forces to kill the supreme-level powerhouse Immortal King Zhuan, and he will definitely get rich merit rewards.

Thinking of merit rewards, these great powers are full of envy.

Immortal Execution King died in battle, and the tens of millions of trillions of holy kings in the divine realm were suddenly shocked.

The High Priest of the God Realm shouted angrily and said, "I'm here to kill this wild ant and avenge the Immortal King!"


The High Priest of the God Realm stepped on countless stars and walked towards Fuxi with majesty.

Every step, countless stars are whining.

This high priest of the God Realm is also a strong saint!

"I am the high priest. Today, I will sacrifice all living beings in the wild!"


Every word you say, you take a step!

He is getting closer and closer to Fuxi.

Fuxi is holding the Human Emperor Sword, and his body is full of fighting intent!

Today, he wants to block this powerful saint for Honghuang.

Fuxi had not yet been sanctified, and he knew that it would not be easy to block this high priest of the God Realm.

However, as a prehistoric powerhouse, with the grace of heaven, there are countless innate human races behind his Fuxi.

"Today, I would like to use the Human Emperor Sword to smash the head of this high priest of the God Realm!"

Fuxi held the Human Sovereign Sword, shouted loudly, and killed the High Priest of the God Realm.

The high priest's eyes sank, and he stared at Fuxi. He snorted coldly and said, "You are like an ant, you dare to stop me? Die 々~!"

With a loud shout, he punched in the air and hit Fuxi.

This punch seems to cover the heavens and the world.

The entire void trembled.


The high priest threw a punch, the heaven and the earth trembled, and the universe collapsed.

The power of one punch directly covered Fuxi.

The prestige of a saint is truly extraordinary.


This punch, turned into a terrifying fist of billions of trillions, seems to devour the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the worlds will be turned into nothingness!

"Tremble, sacrifice!"

The high priest shouted, and the infinite divine power, like raindrops, fell instantly.

At the same time, a shroud of gods was formed.

In this god curtain, countless raindrops are like runes, exuding the breath of heaven.

"My high priest is a saint, who can stop him!"


This punch directly clashed with the Human Emperor Sword swung by Fuxi.

Seeing this, Fuxi shouted, "Block it!"

On this Emperor's sword, the infinite luck of the Emperor poured out.

At this moment, all the great powers of the Great Wilderness could see that Fuxi's sword was as powerful as the sky!

But under the fist of the high priest, this human emperor's luck seemed to be sacrificed.


The Human Sovereign's luck fell directly into that piece of divine curtain.

One after another rune, as if swallowing the sky, tearing the fate of the emperor in an instant.

Fuxi was shocked when he saw this.

His face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed: "Not good!"

When the sound fell, a shattering sound was heard.

His Human Sovereign Sword, unable to stop the high priest's punch, was smashed to pieces on the spot.

Even the emperor's luck was torn apart and swallowed by the runes of the gods!


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