Fuxi felt his qi and blood surging, and hurried back!

Seeing him like this, Nu Wa couldn't help but look worried.

Nuwa called to him, "Brother, I will fight him!"

Hearing this, Fuxi waved his hand and stopped him, "No!"

Fuxi categorically refused Nuwa's request.

He wants to fight the High Priest of the God Realm alone.

When Nuwa heard the words, she became even more worried.

Knowing her brother's temper, she waited for her brother to come to the rescue when he was in danger!

Fuxi stood proudly with his bare hands and fists.

Hearing the words, the high priest of the God Realm laughed and said, "Fuxi, ah Fuxi, it's better for you to be sacrificed by me obediently!"

He sneered and punched Fuxi with a punch.

Fuxi was not afraid of danger, and said loudly: "I will never let you succeed."

"My emperor, Fuxi, is willing to fight to the last drop of blood for the flood!"

Fuxi shouted loudly, and the sound shook the four fields!

"Fight to the last drop of blood?"

The High Priest of the God Realm grinned and said, "Then I will fulfill you!"


The second punch came with a bang.

Compared with the first punch, it was even more terrifying, as if the heavens and the world were smashed to pieces.

Many gods of the Great Wilderness are all shocked and shocked.


Not to be outdone, Fuxi also punched away.

The fists clashed, and the world shook.

This punch almost shattered the world.


Fuxi retreated thousands of miles, his body cracking like a spider web.

He endured the pain and was as majestic as a mountain!

"々' I, I will never retreat!"

The cracked body is getting more and more serious.

Fuxi strode forward, a drop of blood, two drops of blood, dripped down his shattered body!

Nuwa looked worried.

But she knew that her brother was quite stubborn, and she couldn't help saying: "Brother, why are you doing this!"

Countless flood monks are moving.

Human Emperor Fuxi, even if he is injured, he must fight!

May the last drop of blood be fought for the great flood!

What if the body is broken?


Human Sovereign Fuxi, looking at the High Priest of the God Realm, shouted angrily and said, "Come to fight!"

The gods of the flood and desolation are all moving.

The demon ancestor Luohu looked at Fuxi, and he said solemnly: "This Fuxi has some skills."

This is the approval of the demon ancestor Rahu to Fuxi.

As a demon ancestor, he would never easily praise others.

The High Priest of the God Realm smiled and said, "War? How can you fight me with such a crippled body? Well, I will sacrifice you directly!"

He sneered and punched Fuxi with a punch.

Fuxi looked up to the sky with a smile (getting Zhao Zhao) and said, "Fight, fight to the last drop of blood, fight!"

Fuxi was as majestic as a mountain, motionless.


This punch from the High Priest of the God Realm came with a bang.

This punch directly penetrated Fuxi's broken body, and penetrated his primordial spirit.

The high priest sneered and said, "Die!"

Countless stars could not bear this punch and were annihilated, not to mention a wrecked body!

"is it?"

Fuxi endured the pain, laughed long, and said, "Honghuang, I fight for the flood, I fight for all sentient beings, what fear of my death!"


At this moment, Fuxi's body seemed to suddenly swell, and countless brilliance gushed out.

These countless beams of brilliance, in a state of overflowing, run through the High Priest of the God Realm.

Upon seeing this, the High Priest of the God Realm was shocked.

He suddenly realized something, and hurriedly shouted: "No!"

His voice is full of fear!


Nu Wa shouted and flew towards countless brilliance! .

Chapter 144


Countless beams of brilliance poured out of Fuxi's body, penetrating the high priest of the God Realm who had no time to escape.

Fuxi's actions shocked Nuwa.

She shouted, "Brother!"

She, in peerless white, walked away.

Fuxi endured the pain, and the high priest of the God Realm was still roaring.

"I am a saint, but I was suppressed by you, I am not convinced!"

The high priest of the God Realm was full of anger, and he felt that his body was breaking.

This Fuxi actually ended his life by self-destruction.

Do not!

Fuxi used self-destruction to perish with himself!

The High Priest of the God Realm roared, and in the broken body, only the Primordial Spirit remained, trying to escape.

Fuxi's primordial spirit was also broken, and he looked very weak.

But he felt the thoughts of the High Priest of the God Realm, and said solemnly: "Er Hugh wants to escape!"


Countless beams of brilliance overflowed in an instant, and the High Priest of the God Realm screamed and turned into nothingness!

"I'm not reconciled!"

When the primordial spirit was broken, the high priest of the God Realm roared unwillingly.

Immediately, he died!

Fuxi's preserved consciousness turned into a phantom and looked at Nuwa.

"Sister, in the next life, I will still be a human race and protect you for the rest of your life!"

The phantom gradually disappeared, and Fuxi's soul returned to the Six Paths Wheel.

Between the heavens and the earth, all the gods in the wild are shaking.

Fuxi, a powerful man in the wild, perished with the high priest of the realm of the gods in the way of self-destruction.

He used his life to prevent the High Priest of the God Realm from offering sacrifices to the Great Desolate Realm Sea.

Countless prehistoric monks all showed admiration.


Nuwa looked at the phantom that gradually disappeared, and whispered softly.


My brother is about to be reincarnated.

"Brother, when you are reincarnated, I will still be your sister."

Her white clothes are peerless and bright.

The elder brother used his life to guard the flood.

And how could she watch these ants of the Holy King God Realm invade the flood?


Nu Wa stood in the void, sweeping away several powerful beings in the Holy King God Realm.

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