She looked cold and said solemnly, "Who dares to fight me!"

Nuwa's words led to a powerful existence in the Holy King God Realm.

This powerful being looked at Nuwa, sneered, and said, "I'm coming!"


As he stepped out, the void was shaking.

This powerful being stood proudly, snorted coldly, and said, "Wait for the ants in the wild, my wishful master is here, wait for the ants, tremble!"

The Lord of Ruyi, drank it in a deep voice, and directly performed the magical power, turning it into the power of swallowing billions of trillions!

A vast holy might, as if it devoured everything in the world in an instant, sticking to it.

This is the divine art of the Lord of Ruyi, called Wanfa Ruyi!


All things in the universe are swallowed up by the Lord of Ruyi.

At the same time, a cauldron suddenly flew out from the head of the Lord of Ruyi, hovering in the void.

"Nüwa, I want to refine you to nourish my cauldron!"


The Lord of Ruyi, sacrificed the cauldron, strode out, and stepped forward.

Countless stars flew towards the cauldron while shaking.

This cauldron is infinitely large, and even if it devours countless stars, it does not fill up at all.

A galaxy, a universe, it seems that in this cauldron, it does not appear.

At this moment, this cauldron directly enveloped the land of trillions of trillions, devoured frantically, sticky!

Immediately, the cauldron rushed towards Nu Wa.

Seeing this, Nu Wa directly sacrificed the lotus lantern, releasing an infinite fire of seven treasures.

Who would have guessed that as soon as the Seven Treasures Wonderful Fire came out, it was immediately swallowed up by the cauldron.

Nuwa was shocked and hurriedly took back the lotus lantern.

Her face turned cold, and with a fluttering palm, she hit the Lord of Ruyi.

The Lord of Ruyi gave a deep smile, took out the cauldron, and blocked it directly.


Countless stars, countless galaxies, all trembling, trembling, and destroying under Nu Wa's fluttering palm.

The cauldron did not seem to be afraid, but continued to devour it.


Nu Wa's fluttering palm landed on the cauldron.

Immediately, Nu Wa felt an infinite devotion, as if she was going to be swallowed into the cauldron.

Nuwa was shocked, and hurriedly released a vast holy might that hit the cauldron.

In this way, she broke away from the swallowing of the cauldron and fell not far away.

Nuwa raised her head, her face turned cold, this cauldron seems to be able to devour the saint of heaven!

The Lord of Ruyi smiled in a deep voice and said, "My cauldron can devour the heavens and the world, and it can devour the saints of heaven, Nuwa, today, you must be devoured by my cauldron!"

Ruyi Lord, showing a touch of pride.

He shouted loudly, and the Wanfa Ruyi Divine Art and the cauldron cooperated as one.


All the heavens and the world are trembling, as if they were shaken by the swallowing of the cauldron.

The Lord of Ruyi shouted, took out the cauldron, and walked towards Nuwa.

Seeing this, Nu Wa couldn't help but take a few steps back.

She felt the power of this cauldron, and immediately, she secretly sacrificed a magic weapon.

Nuwa knew that this magic weapon could fight the cauldron!


The Lord of Ruyi sacrificed the cauldron and slammed it!

He shouted loudly and said, "Nüwa, you have no way out, you will be swallowed up by my cauldron!"

When Nuwa heard the words, she suddenly laughed out loud, and she sneered: "Really?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Ruyi felt a shock in his heart.

Could it be that this Nuwa is hidden?


His cauldron can devour the heavens and the world!


Nuwa sneered, and directly sacrificed the map of the mountains and rivers.

This map of mountains and rivers, society and crops, turned into an endless devouring trend, directly swallowing the Lord of Ruyi and the cauldron.

Do not!

The Lord of Ruyi roared, reluctantly trying to use the cauldron to smash the map of mountains and rivers.

Nuwa fluttered her palm, like breaking the sky, and pushed him into the map of the mountains and rivers.

Although everything went very well, Nuwa was still slightly injured.

The Ruyi Lord, who was trapped in the map of the mountains and rivers, held the cauldron and shouted loudly.

No matter how he sacrificed the cauldron and smashed it at the mountain and river, he couldn't shake it!

Even, in this map of mountains and rivers, the Ruyi Lord holding a cauldron saw the phantom of Nuwa.

He didn't know that this was the beauty of the map of mountains and rivers, which could transform all things in the wild!

The Lord of Ruyi held up the cauldron and rushed towards Nuwa in the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Nuwa looked at the map of Shanhe Sheji, and she said coldly: "You are like ants, be silent!"

With a wave of the jade hand, the map of Shanhe Sheji suddenly rolled up.

I only heard a scream from the Lord of Ruyi, followed by the sound of the cauldron shattering.

The prehistoric camp, countless strong people, are all happy for Nu Wa.

The Holy King God Realm camp, several powerful beings, were very shocked and angry.

A powerful existence, snorted coldly, and said, "I will fight!"

He stepped forward, waved his hand, and an infinite Dao Yun rune appeared in the void of trillions of trillions.

"The Great Dream Heart Sutra, the master of my great dream proves the Tao with dreams!"


In the land of billions and trillions, countless cultivators of the flood and desolation seem to have entered a dream! .

Chapter 145

There are dreams in the world, dreams may be illusory or real!

Even the most powerful beings are often plagued by dreams.

If, in this world, in the heavens and myriad worlds, there is a strong person who proves the Dao with dreams and masters the Dao of Dreams, it can be said to be a very terrifying existence!

Lord of big dreams, step forward.

He swept away countless cultivators and waved them casually, but he saw that in the void, hundreds of millions of trillions of places were shrouded in Dao Yun runes.

This is not an ordinary Dao Yun rune, but the dream way of the Lord of the Great Dream.

"The Heart Sutra of the Great Dream, the Lord of my Great Dream, prove the Dao with dreams!"

The Lord of the Great Dream, standing in the void, with a big wave of his hand, countless Taoist runes enveloped the world.

"Sleep deeply, the creatures of the heavens and the world, countless monks, give up the fight and return to the dream!~"

The Lord of the Great Dream released the infinite rune of Dao Yun.

Those hundreds of millions of trillions of holy kings and gods who are fighting, countless monks in the flood, all entered the dream created by the master of the big dream in an instant.

This is an illusory dream, but it is a real existence.

A lot of great powers in the wild, some ancestor-level powerhouses, were also shrouded in the Great Dream Heart Sutra of the Great Dream Lord and entered the dream state.

Once you enter the dream state, you will be under the control of the Lord of the Great Dream.


In the void, countless Taoist runes, like rain, enveloped the sky.

Countless cultivators of the Great Desolation have entered the dream created by the Lord of the Great Dream.

Every prehistoric monk seemed to be asleep.

Even some sages from the prehistoric wilderness were shrouded in this Dao Yun rune and entered a dream state.

Dreams are true and false!

Countless Dao Yun runes are shrouded on the top of the head.

A dream, coming towards the reception.

This dream seems to have penetrated the weakest place in the heart.

In the end, the dream invasion was successful.

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