Jie Yin opened his eyes, swept his surroundings, and was taken aback.

There was chaos all around, and nothing could be seen.

The whole chaos seems to be only him.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric desert disappeared silently.

Even the countless armies of the Holy King God Realm do not know where they are going.

In the chaos, there is no trace of light.

Jie Yin was taken aback, and hurriedly sacrificed a twelve-grade golden lotus to protect him.

"Where is this place?"

Ying Yin thought in his heart, without knowing it.

He didn't understand why he suddenly appeared here.

In the chaotic void, even the sound seems to be swallowed up, and there is no sound.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the distance.

This light made Jie Yin excited for a while.

Could it be that a ray of light is the exit?

"So, am I trapped?"

Sacrifice the twelve-grade merit lotus platform, and lead it towards the light.

However, this ray of light seems to be very close, but it is actually very far away.

This time, the connection can be confused.

How is this going?

Jie Yin tried hard to recall, and suddenly he thought of something.

"The Lord of the Great Dream, the Great Dream Heart Sutra, could it be that I am in a dream!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Instantly understood.

It turned out that he was trapped in the dream of the Lord of the Great Dream.

Lord of big dreams, prove Dao with dreams!

No matter who they are, they will dream, which gives the Lord of the Great Dream an opportunity to take advantage of the emptiness.

Get it!

He was trapped in a dream.

However, how to break this dream!

Receiving and offering the [-]th grade merit lotus platform, with a bang, it smashed towards this chaos!

This chaos seems to be endless.

The expression of the receptionist changed suddenly, how to break through this dream?


With a loud shout, he sacrificed the [-]th grade merit lotus platform and walked towards the light.

He only heard a loud noise, and his [-]th grade merit lotus platform actually fell down.

Even, the merit lotus platform of the twelfth grade directly dropped several grades.

This scene directly vomited blood.

Could it be that he can't break this dream?

Only when there are dreams in the world will you be trapped by the Great Dream Heart Sutra of the Lord of Great Dreams.

What if, I accept, there is no dream?

No dreams!

As Jie Yin thought about it in his heart, there seemed to be an unprecedented avenue and light in front of him.

No dreams!

Only, cut the dream!

Cut off this dream, there will be no dreams!

Receiving and leading, as if seeing an unusual avenue.

He shouted and had an epiphany!


The whole chaos is shaking.

Those dreams that were entwined with the connection, all dissipated in an instant.

Acceptance, this is cutting a dream.

Every dream disappeared instantly.

When Jie Yin opened his eyes, he realized a magical power.

This is the magic of preaching.

He, proving the Tao in a dream!


Standing in the void, shrouded in endless madness.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"My [-]th rank merit lotus platform has dropped the rank, but I also proved Taoism and supernatural powers because of this. Is this a blessing in disguise?"

Raising his head, looking at the endless chaos, his eyes sank, and the giant blade lifted up and slashed away.


With the power of a slash, the heaven and the earth seem to be crumbling, and the chaos is torn apart in an instant.

on the battlefield!

Looking at countless cultivators, they entered a dream.

The master of the big dream smiled proudly, and he began to harvest these ants.

After entering his dreamland and being imprisoned by him, these cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness were harvested by him like a mustard.

"My big dream has come true, everyone, it's time to harvest!"

The Lord of the Great Dream stood in the void, waved his hand, and announced his masterpiece to several powerful beings.

Several powerful beings, such as the king of idols and the master of kendo, showed very happy expressions.


"Haha, I use my dream to prove the Dao, and no one will want to walk out of my dream!"

The Lord of Big Dreams smiled proudly.

Sound off!

In this void, a voice suddenly came out.

A voice said coldly: "Really?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Big Dreams was stunned for a moment, and he raised his head and looked into the distance.

A powerful being, standing in the void!

"Who is Er?"

The lord of the big dream showed a hint of coldness and said coldly.

"Follow the floods, cut the dream today!"

Exactly, the reception that came out of the dream.

"Zhan Meng? Haha, you are like an ant, and dare to call it Zhan Meng? Who dares to kill my dream?"

The lord of the big dream was furious.

This reception seems to have come out of a dream.

However, his Great Dream Heart Sutra is so powerful.

How did this lead come out?

The master of the big dream snorted coldly, even if he walked out of the dream, he would still die!

As soon as the word "death" came out, the lord of the big dream, with endless runes of Dao Yun, headed towards catching and killing.

Taking a sneer, he waved his big hand and summoned the giant blade that lifted the sky, slashing away like the trend of annihilating the heavens and the world.


The heavens and the world are trembling, and the universe and galaxies are being destroyed.

This giant blade that lifts the sky directly smashed through the dream, directly smashed the master of the big dream.

The Lord of Big Dream screamed and stepped back in a hurry, revealing a touch of shock.

He looked at Jie Yin and said in shock, "Damn, how could this be?"

"Without a dream, you can kill it!"

After sneering, the giant blade of Qingtian slashed towards the body full of cracks!Husband.

Chapter 146

No dream, all can be cut!

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