All living beings in the wild, gathered a tyrannical fighting force.

The infinite power of all living beings swept across the void, and directly smashed countless forbidden techniques into the sky.

Seeing this, the Demon Master of the God Realm suddenly changed his face, unbelievable.


The power of all living beings in the wild, smashed the heavens and the world, smashed countless forbidden techniques, and smashed the body of the demon master of the gods.

Do not!

The Demon Master of the God Realm was shocked, and he felt his body shatter like a spider web.

This time, the demon master of the God Realm was extremely shocked.

The power of all beings in the wild is endless, like a turbulent sea of ​​all beings, rushing towards the demon masters of the gods.

The demon master of the God Realm roared, turned and stepped directly into the space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years!

This demon master of the Holy King God Realm actually stepped directly into the space passage and escaped into the Holy King God Realm.

Countless Holy King God Realm army and several strong men were shocked.

I don't know who shouted, and the countless army of the Holy King God Realm fled to the Holy King God Realm in a hurry.

The space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years is silent and devastated.


Countless wild powerhouses rushed to the space channel.


In the void, a vast holy might descended from the sky and stopped all beings!

"I am the way of heaven!"

"Wait, stop, this war, return to the cave to practice, after ten thousand years, fight the Holy King God Realm again!"


The vast Heavenly Dao Shengwei blocks the gods and countless monks.

The Jiehai dike, outside the Great Wall of Chaos, is a barren place, filled with chaotic turbulence!

This battle is quite brutal!

Even though he killed many powerful saints in the divine realm, several powerhouses were killed in battle.

The ancestor of Ming He, the emperor Fuxi died in battle.

Sanqing, the second saint of the demon clan, the patriarch of the three tribes of the Honghuang clan, and several ancestor-level powerhouses were also injured or damaged.

If he forcibly attacked the Holy King God Realm, it would probably result in a lose-lose situation.

All sentient beings in the prehistoric times, worship sincerely!

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

Countless cultivators and gods of the monstrous wilderness returned to the land of various ethnic groups, began to cultivate, and waited for ten thousand years to conquer the Holy King God Realm.

And in the Holy King God Realm.

The God Realm Demon Master ordered the Holy King God Realm army, several powerful beings, to go to practice.

He was hit by the power of all living beings, and he was eager to retreat and practice!

Several powerful beings, countless armies of the Holy Kings of the God Realm, said in unison: "We will obey the decree of the demon master!"

"We respectfully follow the decree of the demon master!"

For a time, all sentient beings in the Holy King God Realm went to practice.

The demon master of the God Realm stepped out in one step and fell into the place of retreat.

"Wait ten thousand years before I fight the floods!"

The Demon Master of the God Realm, his eyes as deep as abyss, revealing a deep hatred!

Whether it is all beings in the Holy King God Realm or all beings in the wild, they are all cultivating and refining magic weapons.

All living beings in the prehistoric world are also looking forward to fighting the Holy King God Realm in ten thousand years.

Some great powers who have not earned merit are also looking forward to earning merit next time.

Even Xeons such as Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian, etc. are still cultivating.

The entire prehistoric wilderness has rained down a hundred years of rain, nourishing all living beings in the prehistoric wilderness, and at the same time, it is silently repairing the barren and broken prehistoric battlefield! .

Chapter 153

Prehistoric age does not know!

Thousands of years, fleeting!

Over the past ten thousand years, countless cultivators in the prehistoric era have been cultivating and consolidating their cultivation.

Powerhouses such as the Second Saint of the Monster Race, the Sanqing, and the Patriarch of the Honghuang and Desolate clans repaired the damaged magic weapons while cultivating.

In these ten thousand years, the prehistoric world has been very quiet.

From time to time, there will be a puff sound, which is the cultivation base of the prehistoric cultivator.

Ten thousand years ago, in that battle, many monks were killed or injured in the flood.

Some monks entered the six realms of reincarnation and reincarnated in reincarnation.

Some monks have improved their cultivation and greatly increased their strength.

In the flood, many strong people stepped out of the cave.

And stepping out of the cave mansion, the great power of the great wasteland can see the wild land nourished by the rain, and it is full of vitality.

In the vast and boundless East China Sea, a dragon energy of trillions of trillions surging out.

Zulong, the patriarch of the dragon clan, stepped out in one step, setting off an endless wave.

"It has been ten thousand years, and my cultivation has reached its peak again. The way of heaven, my ancestor Long is willing to lead the dragon clan to fight for the realm of the holy king and the gods for the way of heaven!"

Thousands of years ago, Nuwa gathered the power of all living beings in the flood and desolation to injure the demon master in the god realm, causing the demon master to lead the remnants and escape back to the holy king god realm.

Ten thousand years later, his ancestral dragon is willing to fight for the world of heaven!

Immortal volcano!

A mass of nirvana fire lifted a figure and volleyed out.

"My Yuanfeng, I am willing to fight the Holy King God Realm for Heaven!"

Countless phoenix clan army, facing the figure of Nirvana fire, devoutly bow!

Inside the undead volcano, the sealed Jiutian Kunpeng wailed.

Kirin Cliff!

A strong earth force rose into the sky.

A figure appeared on the Qilin Cliff.

Countless unicorn clan powerhouses bowed reverently and said, "We welcome the patriarch to leave the customs!"

This figure is the beginning unicorn!

The ten thousand years have come, and the patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans have appeared in the prehistoric world!

Not Zhoushan!

The twelve ancestor witches walked out of the Pangu Temple one after another!

Ancestor witches such as Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Qiangliang Zuwu, Houtu Zuwu, etc. strode out.

"The time of ten thousand years has come, the twelve ancestors are willing to fight the Holy King God Realm for the heavenly way~!"

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, towards the Ancestral Dragon, worship sincerely!

Supreme Demon Court!

Demon Emperor Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi, strode out.

"Di Jun, Taiyi, meet Heavenly Dao, our demon clan, willing to fight for Heavenly Dao in another world!"

The Second Saint of the Monster Race is also out!

In the wild land, countless strong men stepped out of the cave!

Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Western Second Sage, Nuwa, Qiankun Patriarch, Good Fortune Patriarch, Yin-Yang Patriarch and other prehistoric gods.

There are also Xeons such as Hongjun Daozu, Demon Zu Luohu, Yang Mei Daxian and so on, and walked out.

Countless prehistoric creatures looked up at the sky and bowed devoutly!

"We welcome Heavenly Dao!"

"We welcome Heavenly Dao!"

Every prehistoric warrior is pious.

Heaven is empty!

Qin Tian felt the thoughts of all sentient beings.

He smiled slightly, transforming into the prehistoric heaven, covering the prehistoric land of trillions of trillions.

Hundreds of millions of trillions of prehistoric land, countless prehistoric powerhouses, feel the coming of heaven and holy prestige!

"Wait for all sentient beings to obey orders!"

"The ten-thousand-year period has come, you will go to the Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos, follow me, and fight the Holy King God Realm!"

Heavenly Dao Shengwei, shrouded in the sky of trillions of trillions of trillions.

Every prehistoric creature worships devoutly.

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