"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"


Countless wild creatures agreed in unison, and went to the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

Some of these prehistoric creatures, along with the patriarchs of various clans, rode on the battle clouds, mighty and mighty.

Some stepped away and turned into bright lights.

For a time, countless beams of brilliance gushed out from the trillions of trillions of prehistoric land.

These countless beams of brilliance all went to the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos

In the void, the brilliance is splendid, illuminating the heavens and the world!

Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

The patriarchs of various clans, such as Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shiqilin, Twelve Ancestral Witch, Yaozu Ersheng, etc., each led an army of hundreds of millions of their own clan to come.


In the void, billions of trillions of demonic energy descended.

Demon Venerable Jidu led hundreds of millions of demons to cross over.

Yin-Yang Patriarch, Good Fortune Patriarch, Qiankun Patriarch and other strong men, stepped into the air.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness, gathered in the Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos.


In the void, a pupil of Heavenly Dao suddenly appeared.

The Great Desolate Heaven, appeared!

"Ten thousand years have come, the battle has begun, this time, take the Holy King God Realm!"

Qin Tian stood in the void and issued orders.

Countless prehistoric creatures said in unison, "Battle!"



The sound of slaughtering shook the world.

The gods of the Great Desolation, led countless armies, stepped out of the sea dam, stepped out of the Great Wall of Primal Chaos, and went to the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.

Clouds of war shrouded, flags covered the sky!

Hundreds of millions of trillions of hordes of prehistoric forces are fighting the Holy King God Realm.

Qin Tian stood in the void, as if he was waiting for something!


Holy King God Realm!

Ten thousand years have passed.

Countless Saint King God Realm creatures looked up and seemed to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, the entire Holy King God Realm shook for a while.

A supreme being, stepping through the void!

Countless Saint King God Realm creatures are boiling and excited.

"々' Welcome the demon master out of the customs!"

"Welcome the demon master to exit!"

Countless creatures, facing the void, worshiped devoutly.

This strong existence is exactly the half-step heavenly way of the Holy King God Realm, that master of ten thousand demons.

The magician of the god realm!

"The time of ten thousand years has come, you will follow me to fight the floods and avenge the saints!"

God Realm Demon Master, waved his hand and said solemnly.

He was very angry when he thought of several strong men, several half-steps of heaven, who died in the flood.

For the past ten thousand years, he has been thinking about how to fight the flood.

Today, it's finally time to fight!


A powerful existence strode out.

He stood proudly and said, "Demon Master, I would like to be the pioneer!"

This mighty existence is Dugu Invincible, the strong man of the Holy King Divine Realm!

Dugu invincible, powerful!

Hearing this, the demon master looked at the void and said coldly: "The ants in the wild, invade the Holy King God Realm, wait, pick up weapons and fight with me!" (Good money)

Countless creatures took out magic weapons and weapons one after another, and looked at the void, the space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years in size.

Dugu Wudi shouted and rushed directly to the space channel.


Dugu Wudi just passed, and suddenly, from the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, a powerful holy prestige appeared.

This tyrannical holy power directly stunned Dugu Wudi!

Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out of the space passage.

Dugu Wudi's expression suddenly changed, he looked up, this was a supreme being.

"I am Yang Mei, today, suppress the Holy King God Realm!"


The vast Shengwei, surging and surging, is killing Dugu Wudi.

Dugu Wudi's face turned cold, he shouted loudly, "I am Dugu invincible, invincible in the world, who dares to stop me?"

The demon master looked up and saw countless figures pouring in, his eyes sank, full of killing intent!


The ants of the great wasteland have finally come to die! .

Chapter 154

"I am alone and invincible, invincible in the world!"

Holy King Divine Realm, the space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years is not far away!

Dugu is invincible, standing proudly, looking at Immortal Yang Mei.

He is an invincible existence, how can he be suppressed by these ants?


Dugu Wudi shouted loudly, punched in the air, and hit Daxian Yang Mei.

Daxian Yang Mei waved his hand and shouted: "You wait to kill the souls of the Holy King God Realm, this Dugu is invincible, leave it to me!"

Sound off!

The patriarchs of the Honghuang tribes nodded in unison.

The patriarchs of Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin led hundreds of millions of troops to kill them.

The two demon saints, led by several demon saints, led hundreds of millions of demon tribes to kill the holy king god realm!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, several powerful witches, went to kill them.

Demon Lord planned the capital, led hundreds of millions of demons, and killed the past.

Holy King God Realm!

Hundreds of trillions of holy king gods and cultivators are screaming frantically.

"Invasion of the Great Wilderness, we will prepare for the war!"

"Invasion of the Great Wilderness, we will prepare for the war!"

Countless Saint King God Realm creatures, shouted loudly, quickly assembled, and went to kill the great army.

For a time, the Holy King God Realm army and the Great Desolate army started a fight.

This is a new plane battle, and countless creatures and monks have been killed.


The two sages of the demon clan, the second sages of the West, and other prehistoric powerhouses all looked towards that figure in the void.

The magician of the god realm!

Every ancestor-level powerhouse in the Great Wilderness also looked at the demon master of the gods.

God Realm Demon Master, standing proudly in the void.

There was a deep coldness in his eyes.

As soon as they met his eyes, it was like falling into an abyss of eternal doom.

The patriarchs of the three clans, the Sanqing Sage, Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, the gods of the Great Desolation, looked towards the void.

The demon master of the gods, coldly swept away these wild gods, he smiled coldly, and said: "Wait, are you all here to die? Very good, my gods demon, today, will kill you."

The demon master of the God Realm shouted loudly, and slammed the sky-high demon palm into the sky, directly smashing the countless floods of war into powder.

With this palm, there are about a million terrifying army, turned into ashes!

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