
The demon master of the God Realm slammed into him with another slap.

The two saints of the demon clan looked at each other and stepped forward.

The demon emperor Jun, sacrificed Hetu Luoshu.

East Emperor Taiyi, sacrificed the Chaos Bell.

In the Three Qing Dynasty, Laozi sacrificed the Taiji map, Tongtian sacrificed the Qingping sword, Yuanshi sacrificed the Pangu flag!

The twelve ancestral witches suddenly formed a great formation of the twelve gods and gods, condensing the real body of Pangu.

Ancestor Dragon sacrificed the spear of Ancestral Dragon, Yuanfeng sacrificed the fire of Nirvana, Shi Qilin sacrificed the power of the earth.

The ancestor-level powerhouses such as the ancestors of good fortune, the ancestors of Qiankun, and the ancestors of yin and yang sacrificed magic weapons respectively.

For a time, the gods of the Great Desolation sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and joined forces to kill the master of ten thousand demons.


The earth shook, and the billions of trillions of holy kings and gods were torn apart.

Countless stars were instantly annihilated.

Countless galaxies collapsed in an instant!

Countless universes are crying!

How can the billions of trillions of holy kings of the divine realm withstand the pressure of so many magical treasures?

Countless creatures are crying.


The aura of collapse pervades every corner.

The entire tens of millions of holy kings of the gods have been affected.

After [-] years of cultivation, every virgin powerhouse is at its peak.

Dugu Wudi shouted and threw a punch towards Yang Mei Daxian.

He is known as invincible, and this punch has the power to destroy the saint.


With one punch, the world is tearing apart, and the universe is collapsing.

Dugu Wudi shouted: "If you break into the realm of my holy king, you are courting death!"


With the power of one punch, the heavens and the world were shaken apart.

This alone is invincible, indeed invincible.

Seeing this, Daxian Yang Mei smiled faintly.


Dugu Wudi punched Daxian Yang Mei, and he couldn't help showing a sneer.

"Hehe, no one can live under my fist, your body will crack, and your primordial spirit will shatter in pain and die."

Dugu Wudi smiled and stood in the void, staring at Immortal Yang Mei.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mei Daxian's body showed no signs of cracking.

Lonely invincible, shocked.

Daxian Yang Mei said coldly, "Really?"

The sound fell, completely annoyed Dugu Wudi.

He shouted loudly and said, "I don't believe it, my fist can't kill you!"


Dugu Wudi threw out another punch, and the entire void was crumbling and trembling.

The power of a punch slammed into the Great Immortal Yang Mei.


Dugu Wudi suddenly felt his fist strength, as if it had disappeared.

This surprise is not trivial.

He looked up suddenly, shocked.


Daxian Yang Mei shouted and punched Dugu Wudi with a punch.

This punch, like billions of punches, poured out from the punch.

Dugu Wudi hurriedly dodged, but was enveloped by a group of brilliance, as if he was frozen!


Countless fists pierced through Dugu Invincible's body.


Dugu Wudi screamed, his body shattered, and his primordial spirit was also shattering.

"Damn it!"

He shouted, Yuanshen turned to ashes, and he died!

Immortal Yang Mei beheaded Dugu Wudi and looked up at the void!

In the void, the demon masters of the gods used countless forbidden techniques to block the magic weapons and attacks of the gods in the wild.

Every forbidden technique is very terrifying.

This God Realm Demon Master possesses one billion eighty million forbidden techniques.

The Second Sage of the Demon Race, the Second Sage of the West, the Sanqing, the Twelve Ancestors, the Patriarch of the Three Clans, the Ancestor of Qiankun, the Ancestor of Reincarnation, and the Ancestor of Huangquan, etc., have sacrificed magic weapons and came to the demon masters of the God of War.

The Demon Master of the God Realm smiled and shouted loudly, "Hmph, you are all ants, what should I be afraid of?"

The demon master is not afraid of danger, and countless forbidden techniques entangle him!


The Demon Ancestor, Rahu, came across the void.

Holding the God-killing spear, he turned into a trillions of fiendish auras and killed the demon master in the god realm.


The twelve celestial beings of the Twelve Ancestral Witches formed a Pangu real body in an instant.

"Come on the axe!"

The real Pangu shouted, opened the divine axe, and came from the chaos!


The real Pangu roared loudly, held the Heaven-Opening God Axe, and slashed towards the Demon Master of the God Realm.

The demon master of the God Realm suddenly felt the pressure, and he directly waved countless forbidden techniques to block Pangu's divine axe!


The Heaven-Opening Divine Axe slammed down, and countless forbidden techniques were suddenly broken open and shattered.

The demon master of the god realm hurriedly backed away, only to avoid the might of the divine axe.

Countless forbidden techniques were reduced to ashes.

The demon ancestor Rahu, armed with the God-killing spear, came to the Demon Master of the War God Realm.

The demon master of the God Realm, suddenly felt the power of the demon ancestor Rahu.

Especially, on the God Slaying Spear, the trillions of fiendish auras seemed to suppress his infinite demonic energy!

Nuwa stood in the void, and she was dressed in peerless white. She suddenly thought of something, and said sternly: "All beings in the wild, listen to me, we will gather the power of all living beings in the wild, and then kill the demon masters of the gods!"

Nuwa's words spread to the gods of the Great Desolation! .

Chapter 155

Gather the power of all living beings in the flood and desolation, and then kill the demon master!

Nuwa's words spread to the ears of every prehistoric warrior.

Every prehistoric powerhouse was moved and excited.

Ten thousand years ago, he gathered the power of all living beings in the flood and desolation to injure the demon masters of the God Realm.

After ten thousand years?

Every great power of the Great Wilderness looked up at the battlefield!

The eyes of every great power of the Great Desolation are extremely fiery!

on the battlefield!

The Demon Master of the God Realm and the Demon Ancestor Rahu are fighting fiercely~!


The demon ancestor Rahu sacrificed the God-killing spear, instantly smashing a forbidden technique of the demon master of the gods.

The magician of the gods, with a cold snort, formed a barrier with countless forbidden techniques.

The Demon Ancestor Rahu took out the God-killing spear, and charged towards the barrier with endless ferocity.

But no matter how he hit, this barrier could not be shattered.

And when Nuwa's voice fell, all the strong people in the wild, shouted loudly, and sacrificed their original power.

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