Do not!

Holy King God Realm Heavenly Dao Yuanshen, roaring unwillingly.

He is the Heavenly Dao of the Holy King God Realm. How could he be suppressed by the invading Heavenly Dao of another world?

"I want to die with you!"

Heavenly Dao of the Holy King God Realm roared, and his primordial spirit was penetrated by these countless divine chains of order.

But he still moved forward, wanting to break through the law of the Great Dao, and drown the Great Desolate Heaven and all living beings in his self-destruction.

No one wants to escape from the Holy King God Realm.

The Heavenly Dao Primordial Spirit of the Holy King God Realm roared and rushed forward.


Qin Tian snorted coldly, at the end of the force, how dare you do this?


The Law of the Great Dao directly runs through the Heavenly Dao Primordial Spirit of the Holy King God Realm.


This Holy King God Realm Heavenly Dao Yuanshen, screamed, his Yuanshen, unable to stop the suppression of the Dao Law, directly collapsed.

"I'm not reconciled!"

The primordial spirit of the Holy King Divine Realm cracked, howling.

Qin Tian's eyes sank, and a chain of order smashed the primordial spirit directly.


The primordial spirit of Heavenly Dao in the Holy King God Realm disappeared in an instant, and the body died and the Dao disappeared.

Suddenly, a source of Heavenly Dao flew into the distance.

Qin Tian shouted loudly, waved his hand, and directly devoured the source of the Heavenly Dao that was about to dissipate.

Holy King God Realm Heavenly Dao, fallen!

In the desolate Holy King God Realm, there is no trace of life, and everything belongs to chaos and nothingness.

Countless cultivators of the Great Desolation, the gods of the Great Desolation, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, breaking the Heavenly Dao of the Holy King God Realm!

This battle, for Honghuang, was a tragic victory!

Dozens of ancestors blew themselves up and fell.

Tens of thousands of the great army in the Great Desolate War, turned into ashes!

Every prehistoric cultivator looked towards the void.

The prehistoric way of heaven, standing in the desolate world! .

Chapter 158

In the void of the desolate Holy King God Realm, a figure stands in the sky!

This figure aroused the worship of all living beings in the wild.

Every prehistoric monk worships sincerely.

"Congratulations to Tiandao for winning the Holy King God Realm!"

"Congratulations to Tiandao for winning the Holy King God Realm!"

All beings in the prehistoric world, in this desolate holy king god realm, all congratulate the prehistoric world.

"You will be exempted from the ceremony. You have made great achievements in this campaign against the Holy King's God Realm. You will return to the Great Wilderness, and I will reward you greatly!"

Qin Tian's words spread to all living beings.

Hearing the words, all sentient beings in the prehistoric world showed a look of joy.

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

Immediately, this prehistoric sentient beings rode Yunguang and Zhanyun, one after another of brilliance, and flew towards the hundreds of billions of space passages.

For a time, countless cultivators of the flood and desolation left the Holy King God Realm.


In the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, countless cultivators poured into it.

This time, the battle against the Holy King God Realm was a tragic victory.

Since the expedition, many ancestor-level powerhouses have been lost.

Qin Tian looked at this billions of trillions of holy kings and gods, which had already been defeated.

Immediately, Qin Tian merged the origin of the divine way of the Holy King God Realm and began to refine the Holy King God Realm.

This source of the Dao of Heaven was quickly refined by Qin Tian.

Qin Tian waved his hand, held up the Holy King Divine Realm, and went to the sea of ​​​​the Great Desolate Realm.


In the wild world sea, the turbid waves are rolling.

Every wave is a world.

Countless worlds are ups and downs in the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric realm.

Qin Tian held up the Holy King God Realm and integrated the Holy King God Realm into the sea of ​​​​world.

This holy king god realm fell into the realm of the realm without causing much waves.

As if it was very calm, as soon as it fell into the sea of ​​​​boundary, it was only a slight ripple.

Qin Tian stood in the void and swept away the cultivators who went back, and he also entered the Heavenly Dao space.

This time, it took tens of thousands of years to conquer the Holy King Divine Realm.

This is an unprecedented level war.

In the flood, Styx, the saint of the Tao of Heaven, died in battle, and [-] million blood gods were reduced to ashes.

The emperor Fuxi also died in battle.

Reincarnation Patriarch, Huangquan Patriarch, Qiankun Patriarch and other Patriarch-level powerhouses also sacrificed for the Great Desolation.

The great army in the Great Desolate War has lost millions of dollars.

Although, Qin Tian sent all those who died in battle to the Six Paths of Samsara.

But with the death of Huangquan Patriarch, Samsara Patriarch, and Nether Patriarch, there is no one in charge of the Six Paths Reincarnation.

Qin Tian looked at this void, the vast land of billions and trillions, and countless wild creatures. It seemed that there should be an existence who could control the six realms of reincarnation.

Qin Tian thought in his heart, a pair of eyes fell on Buzhou Mountain, and fell on the land of the Wu clan in the Pangu Temple.

Thinking of the Witch Clan, the Twelve Ancestor Witch, Qin Tian smiled slightly and had an idea in his heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed the task of conquering the Holy King God Realm 々~."

"Ding, the system rewards the host with one trillion merits!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, integrating into the origin of the divine realm of the Holy King, and improving the status of the prehistoric world!"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

This time, Qin Tian fought the Holy King God Realm and gained one trillion merits.

This is the first time that so much merit has been obtained.

One trillion merits made Qin Tian start to think about how to distribute these merits.

This time, all sentient beings in the wild have contributed a lot.

Even, several times condensed the power of all living beings in the wild, defeated the demon master, and defeated the holy king of the gods.

And the status of the prehistoric world has increased, and there are several more holy positions.

Qin Tian thought about it and planned to give one of the holy positions to the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan.

All the tribes in the Great Desolation went back separately.

This war lasted for tens of thousands of years.

There are casualties among all races.

The Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, and Lich Clan all returned to their respective territories.

In the prehistoric chat group, some prehistoric gods began to discuss how much merit they could get this time.

Among the Three Qing Dynasties, Yuan Shi was the most proud.

He felt that he would definitely be rewarded with great merit.

Tongtian also had some expectations, but it was Lao Tzu who felt fortunate for the human race.

Although the human emperor Fuxi died in battle, the innate human race acted as the logistics, unlike other prehistoric tribes, who lost millions of troops.

The strength of the innate human race is preserved.

The entire chat group is no longer active.

Some are just some powerful, strong, ask some questions.

Some familiar ancestors withdrew from the group chat after their death.

And those who have some friendship with the ancestors are quite sentimental.

For a time, these great powers of the Great Wilderness were all waiting for the coming of the Dao of Heaven.

And this battle of planes that has lasted for tens of thousands of years has also made the great masters of the prehistoric understand.

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