Only cultivation is the kingly way!

It will never work without cultivation.

Even if you prove the Tao and become sanctified, you must step up your cultivation and break through your cultivation.

After all, Old Ancestor Ming He, the sage of Heavenly Dao, died in battle.

Some of the quasi-holy realm powerhouses in the group are talking about it.

"We must work hard to prove the Tao and become sanctified."

Among them, the most active are the twelve ancestor witches.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, without primordial spirit, only has a powerful body, and cannot be sanctified at all.

Hongjun Daozu looked at the Twelve Ancestors, and he also wanted to wait for the opportunity to ask Tiandao to see if he could give the Wuzu a way to cultivate Yuanshen.

The two sages of the demon clan, the second sages of the west, the patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans, etc. are all waiting.

The demon ancestor Rahu thought in his heart: "々' I don't know how much merit I can get this time."

He is also waiting for the arrival of Heaven.


The entire chat group was shocked!

A vast heavenly sage descended.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness said in unison: "Welcome to the coming of Heaven."

"Welcome to the coming of heaven!"

The prehistoric land of billions and trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions, all feel the sacred power of heaven.

Countless prehistoric monks, countless prehistoric creatures, worshiped devoutly.

"Wait for a gift!"

"After tens of thousands of years of plane battles, the prehistoric world, and the Holy King God Realm. You have worked hard. Today, I will distribute the merits for you and distribute the purple energy of Hongmeng!"

The words of the Tao of Heaven are spread (promised) all over the land.

Every prehistoric powerhouse is excited and excited.

Isn't it just to gain merit in fighting other worlds?

These prehistoric powerhouses looked up and looked expectant.

With a big wave of Qin Tian's hand, a list of merits and virtues released in the group appeared in the group.

This merit reward list is very simple. It is directly ranked according to the amount of merit obtained by beheading the great powers of the other world.

On this merit award list, the number one is actually the peerless Nuwa in white!

Many experts in the prehistoric wilderness were a little puzzled.

Why is the No. [-] Nüwagan?

Is it just because her brother Fuxi died in battle?

Obviously, not likely.

However, the way of heaven arranged this way, and the strong people did not dare to have any objections.

After all, the way of heaven has its own reasons.

Nuwa, who is at the top of the merit award list, has obtained [-] billion merits, a ray of Hongmeng purple energy! .

Chapter 159


The brilliance flashed!

A merit reward list appeared in the chat group.

The gods of the Great Desolation all looked at the merit reward.

That merit reward, the number one, turned out to be Nuwa!

Moreover, Nuwa has obtained [-] billion merits and a ray of purple qi.

This reward has aroused the shock and envy of many experts in the wild.

Why does Nuwa get so many awards?

Is it just because Nu Wa's elder brother Fuxi died in battle?

These wild gods are all speculating and envious.

Hongjun Daozu immediately understood, he swept the group, and said solemnly: "If it wasn't for Nuwa to gather the power of all living beings in the wild, why would we kill the demon master? Why do we think that Tiandao shatters the body of Tiandao of the Holy King God Realm?"

Hong Jun's words relieved these prehistoric powerhouses.

Since Tiandao ranked Nuwa first, there is naturally his reason.

Perhaps, as Hongjun Daozu said.

For a time, all the gods in the prehistoric world were envious of Nuwa and congratulated Nuwa.

This is [-] billion merits, and there is also a Hongmeng purple qi.

The reward is really generous!

Many gods in the wild are also thinking about how much merit they will get.

So, all raised their heads and looked at the merit reward list.

The second place is Kunlun Sanqing.

Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, these three pure sages, have obtained tens of billions of merits respectively!

Sanqing was very excited when he saw the merit award list.

Ten billion merits.

Sanqing couldn't even close his mouth with joy.

The Second Saint of the West and the Second Saint of the Demon Race all congratulate Sanqing.

Sanqing got tens of billions of merits, and looked at the merit list.

In the next column, there are the two saints of the demon clan, Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

And alongside the two saints of the demon clan are the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan.

The twelve ancestral witches obtained nine billion merits respectively.

The Second Saint of the Demon Race and the Twelve Ancestral Witch were all very excited.

Especially the Twelve Ancestors, they suddenly felt that with these nine billion merits, can they break through the cultivation base?

The Second Sage of the Demon Race and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all bowed to the Tao of Heaven, expressing gratitude for the grace of the Tao of Heaven.

Next, there is Hongjun Daozu, and next to him are the demon ancestors Luo Hu and Yang Mei Daxian.

Received eight billion merits respectively.

Immortal Yang Mei received the merits and worshipped devoutly.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu suddenly felt that he had fallen behind Sanqing again, and was very depressed.

Thinking that his dignified demon ancestor was actually compared by Sanqing, I felt quite uncomfortable.

And the list of merit awards, followed by the patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans, Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin.

The army of the three clans, like the patriarchs of the three clans, has obtained rich merits.

On the merit award list, every prehistoric strong man has obtained merit.

Nuwa looked at the [-] billion merits and a burst of purple air, and she thought in her heart: "Brother, don't worry, I will make the human race the most powerful race in the prehistoric world."

The human emperor Fuxi died in battle, and Nuwa thought of this and secretly said in her heart.

She looked towards the coast of the East China Sea, where hundreds of millions of people lived.

Human race, after Lao Tzu's preaching, there are also a group of monks who have broken through the Golden Core Avenue.

However, among the hundreds of millions of people, not many people comprehend the Golden Core avenue.

Therefore, in the battle for the Holy King God Realm, the human race acted as the logistics.

Hundreds of millions of people continue to multiply.

Nuwa thought in her heart that she wanted to make the tribe prosper for her brother.

Immediately, Nuwa called the Ruthless Empress and ordered her to preach among the human race.

"Yes, my lord!"

The Ruthless Empress agreed and readily agreed.

She has completely surrendered to Nuwa and worshipped her as Lord.

Nuwa's words are followed by the Ruthless Empress.

Immediately, the Ruthless Empress went to the coast of the East China Sea, the land of the human race.

Soon, on the merit reward list, everyone with a name received the corresponding merit reward.

All sentient beings in the wild are grateful for the grace of heaven.

Some strong people, after getting the merit reward, went to the merit mall and exchanged some spiritual treasures and the like.

Thus, to strengthen their respective strengths.

East China Sea!

Zulong exchanged a batch of Lingbao from the merit mall.

He distributed the exchanged spiritual treasures to the elders of the dragon clan and some dragon clan powerhouses.

"You will continue to fight with me in other worlds. When the time comes, Heaven will reward me with merit, and I will not treat you badly."

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