Qin Tian suddenly felt that his body was changing.

This is the change after breaking through the Great Desolate Avenue.

Although he broke through the Great Desolate Avenue, Qin Tian did not stop, he was still breaking through, breaking through the Chaos Avenue.

First there is Hongmeng, then there is chaos, and then there is flood.

Back then, Pangu, who opened up the heavens and the earth, was the Dao of Chaos, and he opened up the heavens and the earth and opened up the floods.

After being promoted to the Great Desolate Avenue, Qin Tian was not satisfied.

He continued to break through, breaking through Chaos Avenue, and mastering the power of Chaos.

Chaos Void!

One after another, the Qi of Chaos rushed towards Qin Tian.

Whether it's in the prehistoric chat group, or in the prehistoric flood of trillions of trillions.

Many wild gods and countless creatures are shocked and shocked!

All the worlds are trembling.

How powerful is this existence?

Qin Tian continued to break through and continued to absorb the Qi of Chaos.


He seemed to be in chaos, and when he looked around, there were countless Chaos Demon Gods.

This is the Chaos Demon God who lives in chaos.

Every Chaos Demon God is an avenue.

Three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are three thousand avenues.


Chaos Void, a shock.

The Three Thousand Great Dao Demon Gods turned into the Three Thousand Great Dao Law.

Every Dao law forms a chain of order.

The whole void is shaking.

In the heavens and the world, countless powerful beings are shocked and trembling!

Around Qin Tian, ​​there seemed to be an orderly chain of Dao laws.

A chain of order gods, shrouded in the chaotic void.

This is the law chain of the three thousand avenues of demons... 0


The heavens and the world seem to be unbearable.

Even the three thousand avenues in the chaos resonated.

The sound of resonance shocked Daozu Hongjun, the ancestor Luo Hu, and Daxian Yang Mei.

Many great powers in the wild are shocked.

"Three thousand avenues resonate, the way of heaven is really terrifying!"

Hongjun Daozu showed shock.

Honghuang chat group!

From time to time, there will be a shocking voice from the prehistoric powerhouse.

Such visions shook the sea dams and the Great Wall of Chaos.

Shake the Great Desolate Sea.

In the boundary sea, the turbid waves are rolling.

Every wave is a world.

Countless worlds, ups and downs.

Countless Heavenly Dao integrated into the Jiehai Sea and worshipped towards the sky above the Jiehai Sea.

Countless heavenly paths are all shocked, all shocked.

Tiandao chat group!

These heavenly ways of surrender are all being discussed.

This is the breath of the Great Desolate Heaven, and he broke through the Great Desolate Avenue.

"The Great Desolate Heaven, breaking through the Great Desolate Great Dao, our lord, it really is amazing!"

"Yeah, especially, when I gave the source of the Dao of Heaven to the Dao of the Wilderness, I didn't know why, but I felt relaxed."

"The prehistoric way of heaven is so powerful, why did I resist at first?"

"Returning to the Great Way of Heaven is the wisest choice we have made since we created the world."

These days, they are all discussed in the Tiandao chat group.

Every Heavenly Dao is facing the void and worships devoutly.

These days, they are all discussing and worshipping.

At this time, Qin Tian was already breaking through the Chaos Heavenly Dao.


In the chaotic void, the land of billions and trillions, countless chaotic gods and thunders descended from the sky and blasted towards Qin Tian.

Seeing this, Qin Tian was not afraid.

He waved his hand, shouted loudly, and threw a punch.

The breath of the avenue came suddenly.

Wherever they passed, these chaotic gods and thunders instantly turned into nothingness.

The entire chaotic void was shaking violently.

Countless Heavenly Dao, all showing adoration and admiration.


The Three Thousand Avenues resonated with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian stood proudly, shrouded in a great avenue.

The Chaos Avenue is about to be broken through by Qin Tian.


Hou Tu looked up at the void, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she said softly, "Husband!"


The chaotic void exploded like a blast.

All the heavens and the world are trembling and wailing! .

Chapter 182

Three thousand avenues resonate!

The heavens and the world trembled!

In this chaotic void, Qin Tian broke through the Great Desolate Avenue.

And Chaos Avenue, he is also about to break through.


Tiandao chat group!

Many Heavenly Dao worships Qin Tian.

This Lord has broken through the Great Desolate Avenue and is breaking through the Chaos Avenue.


All the heavens are shocked!

All the heavens are shaking.

One of Tiandao said in shock: "Only the Lord has such a powerful strength."

Every Heavenly Dao is nodding.

The entire Tiandao chat group is in the sea of ​​the Great Desolate Realm.

In the ups and downs of the world, countless heavenly ways are silently worshipping.

Not only that, the heavens and the world are shaking.

Countless powerful beings are crying.

This is the breath of the road.

A breath that resonated with the Three Thousand Avenues.

Qin Tian didn't know anything about the outside world.

What's more, his breakthrough caused tremors in the entire prehistoric, endless seas, and all the worlds.

Countless creatures bowed to Qin Tian.

The prehistoric heavenly saints were even more shocked.

Heavenly Dao, promoted to the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, is still advancing, and is still breaking through the 30th Dao of Chaos!

Chaos Avenue!

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