Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, and Yang Mei Daxian didn't even dare to think about it.

Only that powerful being who once opened up the world could understand the Chaos Avenue.

However, that powerful existence was transformed into all things in the wild because of the resistance of the opening of the sky.

Now, in the heavens and myriad worlds, a supreme existence of the Chaos Dao will be born again!


The chaotic earthquake, the ten thousand way surrender.

The whole world is resonating.


Qin Tian is in the chaotic void, with chaos above his head and the heavens on his feet.

Countless stars, then annihilated!

Countless universes are shaking and collapsing.

In the chaotic void, in the three thousand avenues, the shadow of the devil flashed from time to time.

Qin Tian stood proudly, devouring the Qi of Chaos.

In front of Qin Tian, ​​there seemed to be a Tao formed by endless chaos.

In this way, the endless river of time is trembling.

Countless universes are mourning under this Dao.

Even, this is a road paved by countless chaotic universes.


The Qi of Chaos Avenue hovers in the void, piece by piece.

This chaotic avenue of air is like a chaotic universe.

It can be seen how great the Qi of this Chaos Dao is.


Qin Tian stepped out, and countless chaotic universes were shaking.

Chaos Void, this chaotic road, extends far and wide, endless.

Under this chaotic way, suddenly, countless figures appeared.

If it is seen by all living beings in the wild, they will be shocked.

Above each chaotic universe, stands a phantom of the chaotic devil!

And these countless chaotic demon gods seem to hold up this chaotic way!


Qin Tian stepped out again, and the chaotic universe and the chaotic demon god after being stepped on collapsed and annihilated!

Chaos Avenue, there is no way out!

No matter how difficult it is, you can only move forward.

Ahead, endless, no one knows what will be ahead.

Qin Tian doesn't care, this is the way he wants to break through.

His Chaos Avenue!

Chaos void, endless.

Qin Tian took another step.


The prehistoric beings do not know, but the countless heavens of the prehistoric sea have seen it!

A powerful being, walking on the road of Chaos Avenue.

With every step, a chaotic universe collapsed.

With every step, a Chaos Demon God suddenly disappeared!

He is the strongest existence and the invincible existence.


One step out, the universe is annihilated.

This is Qin Tian's Chaos Avenue. No matter the thorns in front of him, he has to step on it.

Step over, and you will master this Chaos Avenue.

There is no obstacle in this world!

Only, cowardly heart!


Qin Tian stepped on the center of Chaos Avenue, and countless stars fell instantly.

The heavens and the world seem to have encountered a terrifying disaster.

In the wild world sea, the turbid waves are rolling like a sky.

Countless worlds are rolling with the turbid waves of the world.


Countless Heavenly Dao bowed to the ground in shock.

Every Heavenly Dao trembled.



Qin Tian took one step at a time, and at this step, he was about to reach the end of the endless chaos avenue.

A chaotic universe, instantly annihilated.

Three thousand avenues surround him.

Every time the Chaos Demon God is annihilated, there is a road that falls to Qin Tian.

Three thousand avenues, gather in me!


Qin Tian stepped forward again, and the entire chaotic void was torn apart.

Strong man, how strong!


Qin Tian's last step was to reach the end of Chaos Avenue.

Here, there is endless chaos, endless laws of chaos, surrounding him.

In an instant, Qin Tian realized the Chaos Avenue, the Three Thousand Avenues, surrounding him.

When you think about it, Chaos is born!

When a thought falls, chaos is destroyed!

Having mastered the Chaos Avenue, Qin Tian did not stop, he even opened the unknown door!

Every Tiandao is shaking, and they are all discussing in the Tiandao chat group.

The Great Desolate Heaven Road was promoted to the Chaos Avenue.

However, he did not stop!

What else is he going to do?

These days, I can see it in an instant.

Countless heavens are all shocked.

In the prehistoric world, he is still breaking through!

Still breaking through!

Breaking through the Great Desolate Avenue, breaking through the Chaos Avenue, he is still breaking through!

Break through Hongmeng Avenue!


Countless heavens, bow down to the ground.

The Tiandao chat group was full of intense discussions and shocks.

"The prehistoric way of heaven is still continuing to advance and continue to break through!"

"Honghuang Avenue, Chaos Avenue, he is still breaking through, it turned out to be Hongmeng Avenue!"

"Hongmeng Avenue, how can the heavens and the world block the power of Hongmeng Avenue?"

"Too powerful, too terrifying!"

These days, they are all in shock.

This is the first Heavenly Dao, successfully promoted to Great Desolate Avenue and Chaos Avenue.

However, he is not satisfied, he has to be promoted to Hongmeng Avenue!

The infinity gate seems to block the chaotic void and another void.

Qin Tian stood in front of the gate, and he knew that behind this gate, there would be a more powerful way, surpassing the Great Desolate Avenue and Chaos Avenue.

Behind this door, will be Hongmeng Avenue!

In the prehistoric world, countless creatures are shocked.

A lot of great powers in the wild, worshiped sincerely.

These prehistoric powers feel that the Dao of Heaven has been promoted to the Dao of Chaos!

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