Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, and Yang Mei Daxian bowed down to the ground, trembling with fear.

Even, these great people can see that he is still breaking through the way of heaven.

That's right!

Heavenly Dao, still breaking through, he broke through Chaos Dao, still not satisfied!


This door blocked Qin Tian's way.

Qin Tian released the breath of Chaos Avenue and said solemnly, "Broken!"


The endless power of chaos rushed towards this door.

This door seems to be resisting the suppression of the power of chaos!


This door was broken open by the power of chaos! .

Chapter 183


The endless power of chaos shattered this door.

The door was broken open.

A wonderful void appeared in front of Qin Tian.

This is an infinite void, and countless primordial purple energy flows back and forth in this void.

There are so many Hongmeng purple qi.

Here, it is simply Hongmeng Void!

When Qin Tian stepped into this door, one after another, the purple air of Hongmeng flowed instantly.

Qin Tian stepped into this door with one step, and with a big wave of his hand, countless Hongmeng purple energy instantly seemed to be frightened.

At this moment, Qin Tian was shocked.

Fortunately, he has now stepped into Chaos Avenue and wants to be promoted to Hongmeng Avenue.


Qin Tian stepped into the Hongmeng space, and a stream of Hongmeng purple energy rushed towards him.

At this moment, Qin Tian finally felt the mystery of Hongmeng Avenue.

Hongmeng Avenue is above Chaos Avenue and the Great Desolate Avenue.

Standing in the Hongmeng space, Qin Tian felt the purple air of Hongmeng.

This one after another Hongmeng purple energy surrounds his body.

When Qin Tian stepped into the primordial void, the heavens and the world, countless universes, and countless powerful beings were all shaking and trembling.

The heavens and the world seem to be under enormous pressure.

I saw that the crystal walls of some worlds were broken in an instant.

Such a powerful crystal wall is shattering and cracking.

Even some powerful beings seem to be frightened, very fearful and fearful.

Qin Tian, ​​a supreme being.

His actions in the Hongmeng space instantly affected the heavens and the world.

Countless heavenly paths in Jiehai were instantly stunned.

The Great Desolate Heaven opened a door leading to Hongmeng Avenue.

Disappeared in the eyes of countless heavens.

Countless heavens are all shocked.


The prehistoric world is simply too terrifying.

Such a powerful existence simply makes these Heavenly Dao tremble.

There is not yet a Heavenly Dao that can be promoted to the Great Desolate Dao and Chaos Dao at the same time.

Even, he has to be promoted to Hongmeng Avenue.

In particular, what kind of existence is behind this door?

In the Great Desolate Heaven, can we break through the Hongmeng Avenue in this Hongmeng space?

It's a mystery.

Countless heavens are all thinking in my heart.

Perhaps, it is really possible for the Dao of the Wilderness to be promoted to the Dao of Hongmeng.

Tiandao chat group.

Even the Heavenly Dao of the Wild World, who had just joined, was shocked.

Covering the sky, the universe and the heavenly way, it even showed a look of fear.

The Holy King God Realm Heavenly Dao was shocked.

"The Dao of the Desolate Heaven is really an invincible existence 々~!"

This Heavenly Dao showed incomparable respect and shock.

I am afraid that only the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao can be promoted to the Hongmeng Avenue.

"Yeah, Chaos Avenue has been easily promoted, this Hongmeng Avenue, I am afraid it is quite easy."

A Heavenly Dao, couldn't help touting.

This is the truth, not his nonsense.

"It's not easy for us to break through. This is the gap between the strong and the weak."

A Heavenly Dao, showing a very pious look.

He was subdued by the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, so when he saw that the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao was being promoted, he couldn't help showing a sigh.

These days, they are all discussed in the Tiandao chat group.

Some Heavenly Dao even believe that when the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao is promoted, will they also have the opportunity to be promoted?

In the Tiandao chat group, these Tiandao discussions came.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other gods of the Great Wilderness are also discussing in the Great Wilderness chat group.

These great powers of the Great Wilderness know that the Dao of Heaven has been promoted to the Dao of Chaos.

Next, are you still getting promoted?

At that time, the whole flood will usher in a big change.

"We think that the way of heaven is still being promoted, perhaps, it is being promoted to a more powerful way."

Daxian Yang Mei seemed to have thought of something, he looked at the crowd and said solemnly.

"A more powerful avenue? Heavenly Dao has been promoted to Chaos Dao, isn't that more powerful avenue, Hongmeng Dao?"

When Daozu Hongjun heard the words, he couldn't help taking a breath.

In my heart, I admire the way of heaven even more.

He didn't expect that Tiandao would even be promoted to the more powerful Hongmeng Avenue.

This is the most powerful road!

Hongjun Daozu showed a touch of respect and looked at the void.

The entire prehistoric land is shrouded in Dao Shengwei.

Above the tens of millions of trillions of sky, the Great Dao Shengwei shrouded countless creatures in the prehistoric wilderness.

These countless creatures are all bowing devoutly towards the void.


Hongmeng space!

In the space, Qin Tian felt the purple air of Hongmeng.

If these strands of Hongmeng Purple Qi are brought into the Great Desolation, wouldn’t everyone in the Great Desolation become sanctified?

Qin Tian shook his head, if that time comes, the prehistoric land may have completely collapsed.

Everything has to be taken slowly, it is impossible to eat fat in one bite.

The promotion of Hongmeng Avenue this time, the status of Honghuang will also improve.

At that time, there will be a few more holy places.

One of the holy places, Qin Tian has already thought about it.

A streak of Hongmeng purple energy surrounds his body.

Qin Tian had some insights into Hongmeng Avenue.

These insights made Qin Tian more proficient in the control of Hongmeng Avenue.

Immediately, Qin Tian sat cross-legged and continued to comprehend Hongmeng Avenue.

When he was comprehending, Qin Tian didn't know that the heavens, the worlds and the seas of the wild world were boiling.

The heavens and the world are shaking.

This wild world sea is turbulent.

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