At this moment, all living beings, hundreds of millions of trillions of floods, are in a huge earthquake.

For example, the second sage of the demon clan and the second sage of the west, all bowed down and did not dare to move at all.

This is the avenue Saint Wei!

At this moment, the spiritual energy of the entire prehistoric land also increased in an instant.

Some of the spiritual rain turned into a spiritual fog.

The spiritual mist nourishes all beings in the wild, making the cultivation of all beings in the wild have some improvement.

When Houtu saw that all beings in the prehistoric wilderness were breaking through, he thought to himself, "々' I don't know, can my brother Di Jiang make a breakthrough?"

In fact, after marrying Tiandao, Houtu also asked her husband about it.

The husband said lightly: "Everything goes with the flow."

After hearing the words, it is inconvenient to ask again.

At this time, seeing that the monks in Honghuang were breaking through, she thought of her brother.

"I hope that the Wu clan can still produce a saint of heaven."

Hou Tu looked up, a pair of star eyes, looking at the void.

She is waiting for her husband's return!


Suddenly, the entire prehistoric world, the heavens and the myriad realms, and the prehistoric realm sea were shaking violently.

A streak of Hongmeng purple energy suddenly came out, shrouding the sky above the trillions of trillions.

Countless prehistoric monks, prehistoric powerhouses, are all in shock and trembling dragons.

Is the appearance of this primordial purple energy the way of heaven?

Hongmeng space!

Qin Tian stood up and felt a stream of purple aura surrounding him.

He got promoted!

Qin Tian, ​​promoted to Hongmeng Avenue, mastered Hongmeng Purple Qi!

He smiled up to the sky and strode out.

Having mastered the Hongmeng avenue, he is a stream of Hongmeng purple energy at his fingertips.

"Today, I am sending down the Primordial Violet Qi, you can grab it!".

Chapter 184


Qin Tian went from Honghuang Avenue to Chaos Avenue to Hongmeng Avenue!

The speed of this promotion has caused the shock of countless powerhouses in the heavens and the world.

The Chaos Realm Sea, countless Heavenly Dao, are also discussing in the Heavenly Dao space.

Qin Tian was promoted to Hongmeng Avenue, and with a wave of his hand, it was a stream of Hongmeng purple energy.

"Wait, grab it!"

This is Qin Tian's kindness to all sentient beings in the wild.

All sentient beings in the prehistoric world have the heart to snatch when they see the purple qi in the sky.

In the East China Sea, Zulong shouted loudly and said, "My Ancestral Dragon wants this Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

The undead volcano, Yuan Feng sighed in a deep voice, and said, "My Yuan Feng wants this purple qi!"

At Qilin Cliff, Shi Qilin said solemnly, "My Shi Qilin wants this Hongmeng Purple Qi."

Many gods of the prehistoric and desolate, all went to Hongmeng Ziqi.

Every Great Desolate Great Master wants to get this Primordial Violet Qi.

At this moment, countless prehistoric creatures looked towards the void with envious expressions.


In the void, several powerful figures appeared.

An ancestral witch said loudly, "This grandmist purple energy belongs to me!"

With a big wave of his hand, he directly grabbed the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shiqilin and other great powers in the wild, when they saw this person appear, they were all stunned.

He is none other than the Emperor Jiang Ancestor of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

This Zhurong Zuwu, Gonggong Zuwu, Qiangliang Zuwu, etc., all came to protect the Dharma of Emperor Jiang Zuwu.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu got the Primordial Violet Qi and returned directly to Buzhou Mountain.

This time, Zu Long and other prehistoric powerhouses were directly blinded.

This Emperor Jiang Zuwu actually grabbed the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Some great powers are very annoyed.

Why can't I grab it earlier?

In the void, Qin Tian swept away the living beings in the wild, and he transformed into the pupil of the heavenly way, shrouded in the void!

"I have been promoted to Hongmeng Avenue, and I have poured down [-] years of rain for you, and you will continue to work hard to conquer the other world!"

Qin Tian's words made all the billions of trillions of creatures heard.

These creatures all bowed to Qin Tian.

Every living being is grateful for the grace of heaven.

Another five thousand years of rain.

I don’t know, after these five thousand years, will there be a mission to conquer other worlds?

These prehistoric creatures are all looking forward to it.

The patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans, the great power of the prehistoric tribes, also went back separately.

Soon, Qin Tian brought down a rain in the flood of trillions and trillions.

The rain is pouring down, pattering.

Every prehistoric creature is being nourished by the rain.



From time to time, there is the sound of the breakthrough of the prehistoric creatures.

Throughout the prehistoric wilderness, countless creatures are in the rain, breaking through the cultivation realm.

And in Buzhou Mountain.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu got the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and he stepped into the Pangu Temple and began to refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

The ten ancestral shamans, including Zhu Rong ancestral witch, Qiangliang ancestral shaman, Gonggong ancestral shaman, and Shibi ancestral shaman, are all protecting the Dharma for Emperor Jiang ancestral shaman.

This Emperor Jiang Zuwu, combined with Hongmeng Purple Qi, suddenly felt that his cultivation had improved.


A loud noise came from the Pangu Hall.

The ten ancestral witches all looked towards the Pangu Temple.

There is also the great power of the Great Desolation, feeling the change of Buzhou Mountain.

The second saint of the demon clan looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain in the lower bounds.

"The Emperor Jiang Zuwu is about to prove the Tao and become holy."

The second sage of the demon clan knew that Emperor Jiang Zuwu had stolen the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and he would definitely fuse the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

At that time, this Emperor Jiang Zuwu will surely be sanctified.

Thinking of this, the two saints of the demon race all looked into the distance.


Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other great powers in the wild, also felt the change in Buzhou Mountain.

This is one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch, who is breaking through.

When Daozu Hongjun saw this, he smiled with relief and said, "There is another saint in the prehistoric world!"

The entire prehistoric world felt the change from Buzhou Mountain.

Some of the great powers in the wild, all looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

This Emperor Jiang Zuwu, I am afraid he is preaching and becoming holy.


The whole firmament is shaking.

This is the vibration from Buzhou Mountain.

Outside the Pangu Hall, Zhu Rong Ancestor Witch, Gonggong Ancestor Witch, Qiangliang Ancestor Witch, Xuanming Ancestor Witch and other ancestor witches were all excited and excited.

Wu clan, we need another saint.

This saint is the elder brother Emperor Jiang Zuwu.

These ancestral witches all looked towards Pangu Hall.


With a loud bang, the door of Pangu Temple called.

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