This Emperor Jiang Zuwu exudes a holy might.

He entrusted his primordial spirit to the way of heaven, and he became sanctified by proving the way.

Di Jiang became the second saint of the Wu clan.

Dijiang was sanctified, shaking the witches.

Hundreds of millions of witch tribes bowed in unison and said, "We will pay tribute to the saint!"

"We see the saints!"

Di Jiang gave a deep smile, swept away hundreds of millions of witches, and said: "Take advantage of the five thousand years of rain, you will continue to work hard, step up your training, and when you have a task, we will fight for the otherworld!"

"Follow the law!"

"Follow the law!"

The hundreds of millions of witches said in unison.

Hundreds of millions of witches, all in the rain, began to practice with their upper body naked.

Di Jiang looked at Zhu Rong Zuwu, Gonggong Zuwu, Qiangliang Zuwu, etc. He smiled with relief, and said: "Brothers continue to work hard and strive for all to become sanctified. At that time, we will fight for a bigger world for the Great Desolation. "

The rest of the ancestors heard the words and said in unison: "What the elder brother said is very true, we are exactly what we mean."

These ancestor witches all looked at the void.

Immediately, the ten ancestral witches, outside the Pangu Hall, were nourished by the rain and began to cultivate.

When I learned that Di Jiang had become a sanctified Taoist, I was relieved to be in the back land of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"Eldest brother has finally been sanctified."

Houtu smiled with relief, she thought of the husband who made Hongmeng Avenue.

The husband is still practicing in space.

Houtu controls the six paths of reincarnation, and she doesn't want to disturb her husband for the time being.

The second sage of the demon clan, the second sage of the west, the red cloud of Zhenyuanzi, and the patriarch of the Honghuang clan.

These prehistoric powerhouses, when they learned that Emperor Jiang Zuwu had been sanctified, came over one by one to congratulate him.

Di Jiang laughed, and in the Pangu Hall, warmly entertained these great powerhouses.

During the banquet, everyone was looking forward to the next mission.

Five thousand years of sweet rain, pattering.

For Honghuang, five thousand years is fleeting.

On this day, Gan Lin stopped, and there was a series of popping sounds throughout the flood.

This is a primordial creature, all of which are breaking through the cultivation base.

Qin Tian stood in the void, and he heard the breakthrough sound of all beings in the wild.

The entire prehistoric status has been elevated once again.

Qin Tian looked at the flood of billions and trillions, he was waiting for the arrangement of the system.

He had already had the system scan some great worlds for him.

It's time for these great powers to go to war.

Standing in the void, Qin Tian swept the sea of ​​​​the world.

In Jiehai, the worlds that he fought against went up and down with the waves of Jiehai.


Qin Tian heard a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, I found an unknown Daqian world, do you want to scan it?"


The battle mission is here! .

Chapter 185

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

Qin Tian suddenly knew that there was a task coming.

Sure enough, the system beeped to inform Qin Tian that he had discovered a vast world.


Qin Tian swept away all living beings in the wild and said solemnly.

For thousands of years, this rain has made the cultivation of the monks in the prehistoric improve.

Now that the mission is here, let's go to battle this world.

Qin Tian still doesn't know how many strong men there are in this world, worthy of all sentient beings to fight.

The wild world!

A lot of great powerhouses walked out of the cave, breathing a strong spiritual energy.

Every prehistoric warrior is looking forward to the arrival of the task.

Qin Tian was also waiting for the system scan.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the system scan was successful."

"Ding, this world is called the Great World of Eternal Life!"

"Ding, this world is a supreme world."

A series of system prompts came into the ear.

When Qin Tian heard the words, he read some information about this world.

It turned out that this world, called the Great World of Eternal Life, was a supreme world.

In this world, there are very powerful beings.

These existences stand side by side with the way of heaven.

These powerful beings are called the Immortal King of Era, the Demon Lord of Primordial Shi, the Immortal King of Creation, the First Ancestor Saint King, and so on.

Not only that, in the immortal world, there are also many small worlds, like the stars holding the moon, holding up the immortal world.

These small worlds also have tyrannical existences.

Such as the upper realm, the Buddha realm, the creation of heaven, the dragon realm and so on.

Every small world has a strong presence guarding it.

In this Buddhist realm, there are several ancient Buddhas.

There are five ancient heavenly kings in the creation of heaven.

In the realm, there are several powerful giants.

This is just a small world of the great world of immortality.

Soon, Qin Tian had a general understanding of this immortal world.

"This great world of eternal life can let the gods of the prehistoric world go to war."

Thinking of this, Qin Tian looked at the turbulent sea of ​​​​maritimes thirty-three days away, and said, "Let's get through!"

"Ding, we are opening up this immortal world for the host. It will take at least a hundred years to fully open up!"

A system prompt sounded for a while, Qin Tian thought about it and didn't care.

A hundred years, for Honghuang, is like a flick of a finger.

Immediately, Qin Tian stepped into the group while the system opened up the crystal wall of the immortal world.

Honghuang chat group.

The great powers of the Great Wilderness are all chatting in the chat group.

Discussing, looking forward to the arrival of the task.

"Thousands of years have passed, I don't know what tasks we will get this time."

"This time, it's my second Western Saint's turn to take action."

The two Western saints, Zhun mention and receive, were talking in the group.

The Second Saint of the West has not fought for a long time.

This time, if you can fight, if you can grab the mission, that's fine.

The Second Saint of the West sighed softly.

Zhu Rongzu Wu heard the words, snorted coldly, and said: "You are two saints in the west, you are already a saint, what are you going to do to fight, our witch clan is still a quasi-sacred realm, and you should get the task."

When the two Western Saints heard the words, they were a little sullen.

But thinking of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Houtu has been sanctified and is in charge of the six paths of reincarnation. In the future, it may be necessary to get the help of Houtu.

Moreover, Houtu is also Tiandao's wife.

The Western Second Sage, suddenly felt that if he quarreled with Zhu Rong Zuwu, he would definitely not be able to please him.

Immediately, the Second Saint of the West snorted and stopped talking.

Di Jiang heard the words and glared at Zhu Rong Zuwu,

He bowed his head to the Western Second Sage and said, "Two daoists, brother Wu Zhurong, this is the temper. Please also ask the two daoists, don't blame them."

The Western Second Sage wanted to ridicule a few words, but when the words came to his mouth, he stopped.

"Daoist Dijiang is very polite."

The Second Saint of the West made a mockery.

The second saint of the demon clan smiled proudly and said, "If this mission is a great world, then we can all go to war!"

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