When Pangu Sanqing heard the words, Yuan Shi said indifferently: "We Sanqing, we are willing to go to war in another world."

The patriarchs of the three prehistoric tribes, including Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, all said in unison, "We are also willing to go to another world to fight."

For a time, the Honghuang chat group was lively.

These great powers of the Great Wilderness are all discussing, and they all want to get the task of fighting.

When Hongjun Daozu heard the words, he smiled lightly and said: "Wait a little while, don't be impatient, the task may arrive soon!"

The words of Hongjun Daozu caused these great powers to stop.

Hongjun still has some weight in Honghuang.

The demon ancestor Luohu snorted coldly and said, "Small tasks, Duguier, etc., the big tasks belong to my demon ancestor Luohu!"

He is always so strong.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

After hearing this, Daxian Yang Mei smiled lightly and said, "Daoist friend Luo Hu, you are always so powerful."

This sentence made the demon ancestor Rahu look at him with sullen anger on his face.

Immortal Yang Mei, he felt something, he smiled lightly, disapprovingly.

The chat group quarreled again in an instant.

The strength of the Demon Ancestor Rahu has aroused the resentment of some sages of the Great Desolation.

The Twelve Ancestors had a particularly strong reaction.

Before, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, without a saint, was crushed by the Demon Ancestor Luohu, and it was fine.

Now, the twelve ancestor witches have two saints.

These two saints are enough to make the rest of the ancestors not afraid of the demon ancestor Rahu.

Di Jiang seemed to sense something, he waved his hand to block Zhu Rong Zuwu, Gonggong Zuwu, etc.

These ancestral witches did not dare to go forward when they saw the elder brother like this.

.. 0 ......

Just when the powerful people in the group are still arguing.


A holy might, vented down.


This holy power is very vast and powerful, and it directly stuns these great powerhouses.

For a time, the group was silent, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

"You are in the chat group, keep yourselves safe, and I will give you the task of expedition."

"If you continue to argue, I will let you die!"

Qin Tian's words came from the void.

When these great powers heard the words, they were too frightened to speak out.

Qin Tian snorted coldly, he put this task on the task list.

In the Honghuang chat group, there are task lists and merit reward lists.

The task list is specially released for tasks, which can be used by the strong in the wild to grab tasks.

The merit reward list is to wait for the end of the battle to reward merit.

Soon, a task list appeared in the chat group.

These gods of the great wilderness all saw that this mission was a mission to conquer a great world called eternal life.

"The big world of eternal life, several small worlds, these worlds are really like the stars holding the moon."

Hongjun Daozu looked at the task list, showing a look of surprise.

In addition to the great world of immortality, there are also small worlds such as the Upper Realm, the Buddha Realm, the Dragon Realm, and the Heaven of Creation.

Seeing these small worlds, the gods of the Dragon Clan, the Demon Clan, the Witch Clan, and the Second Saints of the West are all shining in front of their eyes!

"This world of eternal life, you can fight!"

Qin Tian's words made the chat group boil!Husband.

Chapter 186

Anyone can fight?

Qin Tian's words made the Honghuang chat group boil instantly.

These prehistoric powers, prehistoric powerhouses, all showed a touch of joy.

With Tiandao's words, these great powers of the Great Wilderness have all begun to grab tasks.

"My two sages in the west, I wish to conquer the Buddha world for the sake of heaven!"

The Second Saint of the West, grabbed the task of conquering the Buddhist world.

"Our ancestors are willing to fight for the heaven and create the heaven!"

After returning from Houtu, the Twelve Ancestral Witches grabbed the task of fighting the fortune-telling heaven.

"My Ancestor Dragon, I am willing to fight the Dragon Realm for Heaven!"

Zulong, grabbed the task of conquering the dragon world.

"The second saint of the demon clan is willing to fight for the upper realm of the heavenly realm."

The second saint of the demon clan grabbed the task of conquering the upper realm of the world.


Some small worlds in the big world of immortality were taken away by these big clans.

"You wait to go to fight these small worlds first, and then, [-] Hongjun, Luo Hu, and Yang Mei will lead the great powerhouses and monks to fight in the great world of eternal life!"

"You wait for your hard work. If the battle is successful, I will reward you with the purple qi."

Qin Tian swept away all sentient beings and smiled with relief.

He was promoted to Hongmeng Avenue, and he waved his hand, and it was a Hongmeng purple qi.

These prehistoric powers, worship with sincerity.

"We will obey the law!"

"We will obey the law!"

These gods of the Great Desolation, all bowed in unison.

After distributing the task, Qin Tian left.

Immediately, he heard the system prompt sound, and the spatial channel was opened.

This space passage, located in the Great Desolate Realm Sea, is hundreds of billions of light-years in size!

The Western Second Sage, seeing the space passage of hundreds of billions of light years, couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

"Our two saints, we will fight in the Buddhist world!"

The two saints in the west do not wait for the rest of the prehistoric gods to speak.

These two saints went directly to the Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos.

This space passage as large as [-] billion light-years, one end is in the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world, and the other end is in the Buddha world of the immortal world.

Buddha realm!

A small world of the great world of immortality.

Buddhist world, Daleiyin Temple!

One after another Buddha light shrouded the world.

In the Buddhist world, several ancient Buddhas are absorbing infinite vows.

These vows come from the wishes of countless beings in the Buddha world.

Several ancient Buddhas were greedily absorbed.

These ancient Buddhas are all powerful beings.

Every ancient Buddha has the power to destroy the world.

"Our cultivation in the Buddhist world has reached its peak. Unless we step into a more powerful world, or integrate some worlds into our land."

"Having said that, how do we go about finding this world?"

In a word, several ancient Buddhas were stunned.


Just when several ancient Buddhas were talking to each other.

Suddenly, the entire Buddhist world seemed to tremble violently.

Several ancient Buddhas hurriedly probed with their spiritual senses, and then showed shocked expressions.

It turned out that at the entrance of the Buddha Realm, a space passage with a size of [-] billion light-years appeared.

At this moment, several ancient Buddhas looked towards this space passage.

"This? This is?"

An ancient Buddha named Qingtian asked in surprise.

This Qingtian ancient Buddha is one of the six ancient Buddhas in the Buddhist world.

He was stunned when he swept the space passage that was hundreds of billions of light-years in size.

This space passage is very mysterious.

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