He, smashing the ancestors of Youxuan, is full of arrogance.

Hearing this, in the Three Clears, the leader of Tongtian strode out.

He looked at the Lord of the Demon Realm and said lightly, "I'm coming!"

When the Lord of the Demon Realm saw the Tongtian Cult Master come out, he sneered and said, "You will kill yourself as soon as possible, and I will leave you with a corpse. If not, let your body die!"

Hearing the words, Tongtian sect master said coldly: "It's just an ant from another world, how dare you jump on my territory?"

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted into the void, "Come on the sword!"


In the void, between the billions of trillions of heaven and earth, a fierce and incomparable sword light instantly appeared in the void.

This sword instantly fell into the hands of Tongtian Sect Master.

This sword is named Qingping!

This is the Qingping sword of the Tongtian sect master, and it is powerful!

With the Qingping Sword in hand, the Tongtian Sect Master shouted loudly, and the terrifying Holy Power suddenly enveloped the void!

The Lord of the Demon Realm suddenly felt that Shengwei was mighty, as if suppressing him.

His face changed suddenly, and he knew that this prehistoric powerhouse had extraordinary strength.


The vast Shengwei seemed to suppress him.

The lord of the demon world shouted angrily and said, "I am the lord of the demon world, how could I be afraid of you? Die!"

With a loud shout, the Lord of the Demon Realm instantly threw a punch towards Tongtian.

This punch, like overwhelming mountains and seas, suddenly made the entire void shake!

The entire void seemed to be torn apart.

The Lord of the Demon Realm, with a deep smile, can't he stop a sword?


The entire void is shrouded in the power of the Demon Lord's fist... 0

The Lord of the Demon Realm, with a bang, smashed towards the Tongtian Cult Master.

Tongtian Sect Master's expression turned cold, and he took out the Qingping Sword.


This sword, with an endless edge in an instant, rushed to the front of the Lord of the Demon Realm.

A loud bang, the might of a sword, cut off the arm of the master of the demon world.


The Lord of the Demon Realm screamed, very painful.

Immediately after, it was another sword, which directly split the body of the Lord of the Demon Realm!

The Lord of the Demon Realm screamed, his entire body shattered, and a primordial spirit revealed a panicked look.

"Want to escape?"

When the Tongtian sect master saw something, he sneered, and the Qingping sword slammed towards the primordial spirit of the master of the demon world in an instant.


The power of a sword instantly penetrated into the primordial spirit that the master of the demon world had no time to dodge.


"Damn it!"

The Primordial Spirit of the Lord of the Demon Realm shouted with pain on his face.

"The lord of my demon world is immortal and immortal. Why are you so powerful and why do you kill me?"

He screamed miserably.

Tongtian Sect Master didn't talk to him too much.

He sneered and said, "An ant, dare to jump?"

With a wave of his hand, Qingping Sword instantly strangled the primordial spirit of the Lord of the Demon Realm.

The lord of this demon world died directly.

The rest of the world masters were furious when they saw this.

Are you sure you're right?

The Lord of the Demon Realm, was killed so quickly?



A powerful being took a step directly.

He shouted loudly and said, "Tongtian walk slowly, I will fight with you!"

This powerful being is the master of the poison world.

The master of the poison world, shouting loudly, wants to kill Tongtian.

Tongtian sneered, the Qingping Sword had not yet shot.


A terrifying big banner directly covered the lord of the poison world in the air.


The master of the poison world was strangled by this banner before he could respond.

This scene shocked countless powerhouses.

This magic weapon is too terrifying and too powerful.

The master of the poison world was killed just by saying a word?

An ancient ancestor of the Great Desolation said in shock: "Pangu Fan? Yuanshi Tianzun, why don't you give me this otherworldly ant?"

This ancient ancestor of the Great Desolation, who wanted to step forward, the master of the war drug world.

Who knows, he was cut off by Yuanshi Tianzun! .

Chapter 212


In the void, this magic weapon, like a banner, instantly killed the master of the poison world on the spot.

However, the powerhouse who used this dharma treasure like a banner is the Yuanshi Tianzun in the Three Pure Ones.

Yuanshi Tianzun sacrificed Pangu Fan and instantly killed the master of the poison world.

Eternal Allied Forces!

When these world masters saw this, their expressions suddenly changed.

The Lord of the Poison World was instantly killed.

This made these world masters furious.

"How can we be defeated when we fight the floods?"


An incomparably powerful world lord stepped forward directly.

The appearance of this world lord made the entire void tremble, and countless creatures were mourning.

He released billions of trillions of killing intent, covering the entire sky.

In the prehistoric camp, that old ancestor was cut off by Yuan Shi before.

When he saw another World Lord stepping out, he hurriedly shouted and rushed forward.

He wants to earn merit!

"I am the ancestor of all ages, today, take the life of a dog!"


The ancient ancestor of the thousand, volleyed a punch, and blasted towards the world master.

This world master is the master of the fire world.

He shouted angrily and said, "My Lord of the Fire Realm, are you afraid you won't succeed?"

With a deep voice, the Lord of Fire Realm 30, punched in the air, with endless fire, slammed towards the ancient ancestors.

Hundreds of trillions of fires seemed to burn the entire void.

The ten thousand ancient ancestor snorted and said angrily: "My ten thousand ancient ancestor, is the great power of the prehistoric wilderness, you and other little ants, also dare to make mistakes?"


The ancient ancestor of the ancient world fought with the Lord of the Fire Realm with a fist.

As soon as the fists clashed, the heaven and the earth were torn apart, countless stars.Instant annihilation.

The entire void suddenly darkened.


The power of one punch, countless galaxies, are collapsing.

The two powerful beings retreated thousands of miles away in an instant.

"Come again!"

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