The ancient ancestor of the ancients shouted angrily and waved his fist again.

As far as the fist strength reaches, the stars, one after another, are instantly tragic and turned into ashes!

"Come again!"

The Lord of the Fire Realm stepped forward, and with a punch with a trillion trillion fire energy, directly enveloped the ancient ancestors.

The expression of this ancient ancestor suddenly changed, revealing a touch of panic and anxiety.

He was taken aback and looked at the Lord of the Fire Realm.


This punch directly smashed the body of the ancient ancestor.

The endless fire madly burned the primordial spirit of the ancient ancestors.

"Oh no!"

The primordial spirit of the ancient ancestors was howling and screaming in the fire.

He was not willing to be killed by the Lord of the Fire Realm.

He is a great power and a powerful existence.

He also has to earn merits and even preach and be sanctified.

Now, how could he be hurt by the Lord of Fire Realm?

Wan Guzu couldn't bear it, his primordial spirit was instantly annihilated, and his body died.

The Lord of the Fire Realm looked extremely arrogantly towards the prehistoric camp in the distance.

He smiled smugly and said, "You wait for the ants, who would dare to fight me? My Lord of the Fire Realm is a very powerful being!"

The Lord of the Fire Realm, standing in the sky.

When the other world masters saw this, they praised the power of the fire world master.


Among the twelve ancestral witches, Zhu Rong ancestral witch strode out.

He looked at the Lord of the Fire Realm, and said coldly: "A mere ant dares to jump in the wild? I, Zhu Rongzu Wu, come to fight with you!"

With a loud shout, Zhu Rong Zuwu slammed a punch towards the Lord of Fire Realm.

The Lord of the Fire Realm looked arrogant and shouted loudly: "My Lord of the Fire Realm is extremely tyrannical, how can you hurt me?"

With a loud shout, he punched in the air and slammed towards Zhu Rong Zuwu.


The fist collided, countless stars, unable to resist and collapsed in an instant, destroyed!

This punch knocked the Lord of Fire Realm back thousands of miles away.

He was actually shaken back by Zhu Rongzu Wu?

The Lord of the Fire Realm was furious.


He instantly blasted towards Zhu Rongzu Wu.

Zhu Rongzu Wu sneered and said arrogantly: "Rat, An dare to do this!"


Zhu Rongzu Wu punched again and slammed towards the Lord of Fire Realm.

This punch, with endless Nanming Li Huo.

This is one of the ten source fires.

Although the Lord of the Fire Realm can also use fire, for Zhu Rong Zuwu, he is not very powerful.

Zhu Rongzu Wu gave a deep smile and punched the Lord of the Fire Realm with a punch.


The Lord of the Fire Realm was shaken back thousands of miles away.

He was shocked to find that his body was cracking.

This shocked the Lord of the Fire Realm.

He stared at Zhu Rongzu Wu, and said very angrily: "My Lord of the Fire Realm is extremely tyrannical, and even one ant dares to hurt me? Destroy it!"

With a big wave of his hand, the billions of trillions of sky, endless fire, surged.

This endless fire rushed towards Zhu Rong Zuwu.

Zhu Rongzu Wu gave a deep smile and said, "How dare you take out such fake fire?"

With a big wave of his hand, the billions of trillions of fires were crushed by him in the air.

The billions of trillions of fire turned into wisps of blue smoke and dissipated away.

The Lord of the Fire Realm suddenly changed his face.

This Zhu Rong Zuwu is too powerful, right?

I wish Rong Zuwu, take a step

He said coldly: "Ant, die!"

A flame instantly flew out from his fingertips and fell onto the Lord of the Fire Realm.

At this moment, the flames burned wildly in an instant, covering the Lord of the Fire Realm in the air, burning his body wildly.

The Lord of the Fire Realm, in this flame, screamed wildly, roaring unwillingly.

"My Lord of the Fire Realm, how powerful, how can such a flame hurt me? No! I am not reconciled!"

The Lord of the Fire Realm roared.

He is a very powerful being.

However, why was his body burned by the fire of Zhu Rong Zuwu?

The Lord of the Fire Realm roared, screaming loudly.

Zhu Rongzu Wu sneered, and another flame, instantly burned the Lord of the Fire Realm into powder.

The primordial spirit of the Lord of the Fire Realm looked panicked and wanted to escape.

Zhu Rongzu Wu stepped forward and devoured his Primordial Spirit directly.

Immediately, Zhu Rongzuwu felt something, he walked back quickly and said, "Brother, I want to break through!"

It turned out that after devouring the Lord of Fire Realm, Zhu Rongzu Wu suddenly felt that he was about to break through.


The Lord of the Fire Realm was devoured and died in battle.

These great powers are very excited.

Zhu Rong Zu Wu, who can kill a powerhouse from another world, some great powers, whose cultivation base is higher than Zhu Rong Zu Wu, began to move.


The group of world masters were furious.

The Lord of the Alchemy Realm waved his hand and shouted, "Where is our army of hundreds of millions of trillions of wars? Take down the Great Desolation!"

With an order from the Lord of the Pill Realm, the tens of millions of trillions of troops were marching on the endless battle clouds.

The flood camp.

Hongjun Daozu waved his hand and shouted: "The hundreds of millions of trillions of prehistoric army obey the order, go to war in other worlds, and the opportunity to earn merit is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the hundreds of trillions of troops of all ethnic groups in the Great Wilderness rushed towards the hundreds of trillions of otherworldly troops with great excitement.

This army of billions of trillions of other worlds was instantly stunned.

Why are these countless prehistoric monks so excited?


As soon as the prehistoric army and the immortal army confronted each other, it was a fierce battle with rivers of blood and corpses everywhere! .

Chapter 213

The battle is fierce!

A piece of blood, dyed the land of trillions of trillions of red!

The entire firmament is shaking, and countless stars are wailing.

Hundreds of millions of cultivators, hundreds of millions of immortal army, launched a desperate struggle.

From time to time, the immortal powerhouse was killed and died tragically.

There are also cultivators in the prehistoric times, and the powerhouses of immortality, who blew themselves up against each other.

The entire sky, the entire earth, blood flowed into rivers, and countless corpses piled up like mountains.

In the prehistoric camp, many strong people are eager to move.

A strong man named Beihuang Old Ancestor stepped forward.

"My ancestor of the Northern Wilderness, come to fight!"


A strong man from another world called the Lord of the Ghost World stepped forward.

"The lord of my ghost world, come to fight with you!"


The lord of the ghost world released billions of trillions of ghosts.

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