Not Zhoushan!

After Pangu opened up the world, he once left the Pangu Blood Pond in Buzhou Mountain.

In this blood pool of Pangu, there is the blood of Pangu.

This Pangu blood essence was nourished by the essence of the sun and the moon, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and gradually formed twelve blood cocoons.

These twelve blood cocoons are very tall.

Every blood cocoon emits a dazzling blood light.

In the blood light, the blood energy surged.

In addition to the Pangu Blood Pond, there is also a protective barrier.

If there is no such enchantment, I am afraid that the demon ancestor Rahu and the ancestor of Ming He will be moved.

The Pangu Blood Pond is not ordinary.

This is the blood of Pangu!

At that time, Pangu created the world and left behind twelve drops of Pangu blood essence.

These twelve drops of Pangu blood essence were collected into the Pangu Blood Pond in Buzhou Mountain.

Over time, twelve blood cocoons finally hatched.

In every blood cocoon, there seems to be a powerful existence.

In the void!

Qin Tian transformed into the Tao of Heaven and looked at the Pangu Blood Pond.

Countless prehistoric creatures also looked towards this Pangu Blood Pond.

In particular, Hong Jun of Zixiao Palace, and Pangu Sanqing.

Kunlun Mountains!

Yuan Shi looked at the Pangu Blood Pond, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "What can happen in such a blood-stained place? I don't know what God Father thinks."

When Lao Tzu heard the words, he said lightly, "Second brother is silent, we should go and kill those otherworldly cultivators first."

When Yuan Shi heard the words, he suddenly felt that he was too high-profile.

Although he was transformed by the primordial spirit of Pangu's father, his strength was too weak.

Tongtian smiled and said, "Big brother, second brother, it's not too late, let's go quickly, so as not to be robbed by others when we get it."

Yuan Shi smiled and said, "Okay!"

Pangu Sanqing looked at each other and smiled.

They all headed for the Jiehai dike.

At this time, Pangu Sanqing was very happy.


Many great powers of the Great Desolation are also paying attention to this Pangu Blood Pond.

The blood cocoons nourished by the twelve Pangu blood pools seem to be about to burst out.

Qin Tian saw it in his eyes and smiled lightly, this is the Twelve Ancestral Witch, is he about to be born?

Pangu Yuan deified Sanqing.

The blood of Pangu transformed the twelve ancestor witches!


Twelve blood cocoons seemed to break out of the cocoon.

Qin Tian smiled slightly and looked at Pangu Blood Pond.


There was a loud bang, as if the sky had collapsed.

But see, in this Pangu blood pool, twelve blood cocoons gave birth to twelve figures.

These twelve figures, with tyrannical bodies, shocked Honghuang.

"Di Jiang, Jumang, Zhu Rong, Xingshou, Xuanming, Gonggong, Houtu, Qiangliang, Zhu Jiuyin, Tian Wu, Shebi Shi, Xizi, Twelve Ancestral Witches, meet the way of heaven!"

"Free gift!"


These twelve powerful ancestor witches appeared in the Pangu Blood Pond in Buzhou Mountain.

They all bowed reverently to the Tao of Heaven.

Countless great powers were shocked.

This Pangu Yuanshen has transformed into Sanqing.

The blood of Pangu transformed into the twelve ancestor witches.

Every Ancestral Witch is very powerful.

In the land of hundreds of millions of miles, all the spirits were frightened by the aura of the ancestors and surrendered!

Each of these twelve ancestor witches had visions.

Sanqing, who was rushing to Jiehai, heard the news of the birth of the Twelve Ancestors.

Yuan Shi heard the words, snorted coldly, and said: "It turns out that the spirit and blood of the father's spirit transformed into these twelve ancestor witches."

Yuan Shi looked down on these ancestral witches very much.

He believes that only their three clears are the inheritance of God the Father and can inherit the glory of God the Father.

And these ancestral witches transformed by the spirit and blood of the father are not qualified.


Qin Tian smiled slightly.

In the future, the demon clan and the witch clan appeared.

The west!

Under a linden tree, in one side of the Bade Pond, golden lotus blossomed suddenly.

These golden lotuses shine brightly.

Soon, two figures wrapped in golden lotus appeared in the Bade Pond.

These two figures are none other than the West's quasi-promotion and reception.

Mount Sumeru!

The demon ancestor Luohu heard the report of the demons.

"Reporting to the Demon Ancestor, in the Bade Pond at the foot of Mount Sumeru, two figures were born."

When the demon ancestor Luo Hu heard the words, his expression changed slightly, and he looked towards the Bade Pond.

The two figures that emerged from Bade Pond seemed to be naked.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu smiled lightly, but did not take it to heart.

Kunlun Mountains!

In this endless void, a red cloud appeared.

This is the first red cloud between heaven and earth.

I saw that this red cloud, after absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, instantly transformed into shape.


From time to time there are wild creatures born.

They are all famous immortals from the Great Desolation in later generations!

Kunlun Mountain, the first ray of yin qi between heaven and earth, gave birth to a woman with exposed tiger teeth.

And the first ray of yang energy between heaven and earth gave birth to a Taoist!

They are the Queen Mother of the West and the Duke of the East!


Qin Tian smiled slightly and dragged all these wild creatures to the chat group. .

Chapter 37

In this wild land, there are constantly the birth of famous immortals and gods in later generations.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, he smiled slightly, and brought all these immortals to the chat group.

Soon, a lot of newly joined the Great Desolate Powerhouse appeared in the group.

The Twelve Ancestors, Pangu Sanqing, Zhenyuanzi Hongyun, Zhunti Jieyin, Nuwa Fuxi, Di Juntaiyi and other newly born great powers in the prehistoric world all expressed their doubts.

They don't know where they are!

Hongjun said solemnly: "This is a group built by Tiandao for us. We can obtain Tiandao tasks in the group, and if we complete the tasks, we can get rewards!"

As soon as these words came out, Nuwa Fuxi, Pangu Sanqing, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all showed expressions of gratitude.

So touching.

Tiandao is really thoughtful for them.

This Pangu Sanqing and other great powers in the wild, all looked to the void, waiting for the coming of the heaven.


With a sound, a brilliance fell from the sky and shrouded it.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation know that the Dao of Heaven has come.

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