Immediately, these great powers of the Great Desolation all looked towards the Dao of Heaven.

The demon ancestor Rahu sat on Mount Sumeru, he pondered for a moment and said: "The way of heaven is above, since this world is called the Primordial Demon Realm, then this Primordial Demon Realm is related to my demon ancestor Rahu. I beg the Dao of Heaven, give me this task! "

The demon ancestor Rahu bowed to Tiandao.

Rahu's words aroused the dissatisfaction of these great powers.

Heaven has said it, this is everyone's task.

Why did your ancestor, Rahu, grab it so hard?

When the ancestor Hongjun heard the words, he snorted coldly, and said, "Luo Hu, the ancestor of the devil, your words are too inauthentic, right?"

The demon ancestor Luo Hu laughed and said, "Why, do you have a different opinion?"

The demon ancestor Luo Hu looked at Hong Jun and sneered.

Hongjun snorted coldly and said, "Luo Hu, this is everyone's task, how did it become yours?"

"This ancient demon world and my demon clan are both demons, and my demon ancestor, Rahu, should take up this task."

Ancestor Ming He chuckled.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu glared at him and said coldly, "What are you laughing at?"


In the void!

A sage of heaven, descended from the sky.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation were silenced.

In particular, Rahu, the ancestor of the demon, felt the terror of Tiandao's suppression.

"You don't have to quarrel, anyone can take this task, and as long as it is completed, you can get a lot of merit!"

The words of the Tao of Heaven are to tell these great powers.

Anyone has the opportunity to take on this task.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space. He knew that the thirteen main gods of the demon world in this ancient demon world were all in the quasi-sacred realm.

It is not easy for this demon ancestor Rahu to use the power of the demons to win the ancient demon world.

Even if this demon ancestor Luohu is not good, he will be crushed by the main god of the ancient demon world.

When the demon ancestor Luo Hu heard the words, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness showed a touch of excitement.

"The way of heaven is above, Hongjun begs the way of heaven to grant me this task!"

"The way of heaven is above, and the dragon family is willing to take over this task."

"The way of heaven is above, I Pangu Sanqing is willing to take over the task!"

"The way of heaven is above, my twelve ancestors are willing to take over the task!"


All the great powers in the group begged to Heaven.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly, "You can all receive this task!"

Sound off!

Qin Tian assigned the task of this ancient demon world to these great powers.

Soon, these great powers of the Great Wilderness received this task.

The demon ancestor Rahu didn't dare to say anything more.

He thought to himself: "Since I have received this task, then I will rush to Jiehai as soon as possible!"

Immediately, Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, was at Mount Sumeru, summoned countless devil soldiers, and headed for the Jiehai dam.

At the foot of Mount Sumeru, next to Bade Pond.

Quan mentioning and receiving, I heard the mission released by Tiandao in the group.

Soon, the receptionist and Zhunti received the task.

At this time, the two felt that the demon ancestor Rahu led the army.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "The two of us are going to the sea dam!"

In an instant, this quasi-promotion and reception, with the golden lotus on his head, left the Bade Pond!


Di Jun and Taiyi heard the voice of Tiandao, and they also got the task issued by Tiandao.

This Emperor Jun and Taiyi turned into three-legged golden crows and went to the Jiehai dam.

Not Zhoushan!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, including Dijiang Ancestral Witch, Houtu Ancestral Witch, and Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch, also thought of something in the Pangu Hall.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu said: "I'll go to the Jiehai dam first!"

"Yes, big brother!"

"Yes, big brother!"

After that, the ancestor witches such as Tuzu Wu, Zhu Rong Zuwu and Gonggong Zuwu followed the Emperor Jiang Zuwu and stepped out of the land of the Wu tribe.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, Undead Volcano, Qilin Cliff.

The countless armies of the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Qilin Clan also headed towards the Jiehai dam.

The army of the three clans, the sound shook the four fields, and the mighty might!

Nuwa Fuxi, Zhen Yuanzi, and other great powerhouses also left the cave.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation went to the Jiehai dam.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, he stood in the Heavenly Dao space, watching the whole flood.

Even the changes in the ancient demon world did not escape his eyes.

Primordial Demon World!

The thirteen main gods of the devil world stand separately.

The Lord of Slaughter swept away all the Lord Gods of the Demon Realm, and said solemnly: "In my opinion, it is better to go to this space channel immediately and find out!"

Hearing this, the rest of the Lord Gods of the Demon Realm nodded in agreement.

The Lord of War stood up, and he said solemnly: "I will lead the tens of billions of war troops, enter the space channel, and go to find out!"

He swept away the Lord of Demons present, his voice icy cold.

The Lord of War is very powerful, he is a quasi-holy realm!

The words of the Lord of War made the rest of the Lord of Demons look at each other.

Immediately afterwards, these Demon World Lord Gods said in unison: "Okay, it's time for the Lord of War to go!"

"Okay, I will lead an army of tens of billions of wars to conquer this unknown world."

The Lord of War, burst out the power of law.


In the originally peaceful Primordial Demon Realm, a thunderous explosion sounded.

It seems that the Heavenly Dao of this ancient demon world is responding to the Lord of War.

It seems that he has been recognized by the Heavenly Dao of the Ancient Demon Realm, the Lord of War, and stepped out of the palace.


The Lord of War raised his scepter of law.

In the void, countless war armies descended from the sky.

These war armies are all subordinates of the Lord of War.

"Meet the Lord of War!"

"Meet the Lord of War!"

The monks of countless war armies said to the Lord of War.

Hearing this, the Lord of War gave a deep smile and said, "Wait, please go to this unknown world with me!"

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"

Countless war armies responded in unison.

The Lord of War laughed loudly, and with a wave of his hand, he led the tens of billions of war troops to the space channel.

Countless war armies, aggressive and monstrous.

The demonic energy of the tens of billions of troops is shrouded in the earth and void of trillions of trillions.

The Lord of War smiled proudly. He led a tens of billions of war troops and entered the space channel! .

Chapter 38


The lord of the ancient demon world war, led a tens of billions of war troops, and went to the space channel.

Soon, an army of tens of billions will enter the space channel!

The Lord of Order, Lord of Slaughter and other Demon Lords all looked towards the back of the Lord of War.

These Demon Lord Gods know that the Lord of War and an army of tens of billions will definitely be able to occupy this world.

No matter how powerful this world is, they can't stop them, the main gods of the demon world.

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