What's more, the Lord of War fought in another world, and he also received the support of the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Demon Realm!


The Great Wilderness Sea!

The Lord of War led an army of tens of billions and stepped out of the space channel, and they came to this sea of ​​boundaries.

What caught my eye was a strange sight!

This is an endless sea of ​​boundaries.

In the boundary sea, there are still worlds floating around.

These worlds exude infinite aura.

Seeing this, the war master showed a very proud look.

"I didn't expect there would be so many worlds here."

He looked excitedly towards the Honghuang Jiehai.

The appearance of these worlds makes the Lord of War in a good mood.

The tens of billions of war troops were also attracted by the sight in front of them.

The worlds floating in the boundary sea are all billions of trillions of land.

If these places are conquered by their war army, then they will definitely expand the territory of the Primordial Demon Realm.

It can even improve their cultivation.

This tens of billions of war troops are very excited.


The Lord of War saw another world.

This world seems to be very huge, it can be said to be endless.

The Lord of War thought he had read it wrong.

He took a closer look and couldn't help but sigh.

This world is so big.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth shrouded in this world is very strong, and it has the posture of infiltrating outward.

This time, the Lord of War was extremely excited and overjoyed.

"Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth may spill out. This world is really good!"

The Lord of War showed a very excited look.

What is this world like?

Infinitely big, there are so many heaven and earth auras.

This is simply a blessing.

The Lord of War was very excited.

This world, he has to decide!

The Lord of War waved his hand, drank in a deep voice, and said, "Wait with you, enter this world!"




The tens of billions of war troops shouted in unison.


The land of trillions of trillions, with a bang.

The Lord of War and an army of tens of billions have fallen into this world.

Immediately, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth made these invaders greedily suck.

The Lord of War and the army of tens of billions of war do not know.

When they entered this world, countless powers watched closely.

"Wait for the war army, today, this world will be ours. Let's slaughter the powerhouses in this world!"

The Lord of War showed a very proud look.

The tens of billions of war troops, shouting like thunder, agreed in unison.


In the void!

Suddenly, countless flood monks appeared.

These prehistoric monks were all in secret, until the Lord of War and the army of tens of billions of war fell, and they suddenly appeared.

"Enter the Primordial Demon Realm!"

One of the prehistoric monks shouted.

Immediately afterwards, countless cultivators in the flood and desolation shouted.

There are about millions of these cultivators.


Millions of cultivators in the prehistoric era, slaughtered the army of tens of billions of wars.

The Lord of War saw this and sneered.

"Hehe, it turns out that this world is all this kind of ants?"

The Lord of War sneered.

As a quasi-sage cultivation base, he saw that millions of monks were just like ants.


A series of terrifying laws of war shrouded the Lord of War.

Immediately, it spread out.

The Lord of War has fought countless worlds.

He also slaughtered many of the world's powers.

Even the way of heaven in a certain world died in his hands.

Now, seeing these millions of cultivators, the Lord of War, sneered.

To the Lord of War, these monks are cannon fodder!

"My war army obeys the order and kills these monks to their heart's content!"

"This world is just one of the worlds I fought in the ancient demon world."

"Wait to kill as much as you like! And I, I want to step on the heavens of this world under my feet!"

The Lord of War sneered, quite proud.



The tens of billions of war troops obey the orders of the Lord of War.

Countless war armies slaughtered millions of cultivators.


In the void!

Millions of prehistoric monks and tens of billions of war troops confronted each other.

For the millions of cultivators in the prehistoric era, this army of tens of billions of war is the merit of walking.

The Lord of War, standing in the void, smiled proudly.

"Fight as much as you like, take out your sickles, and harvest these monks. Take your butcher's knives, and kill these ants!"

"This world will belong to our Primordial Demon Realm!"

The Lord of War smiled proudly, his voice full of sarcasm.

At first, he was a little cautious, thinking that the world was like a cloud of powerhouses.

Now it seems that the powerhouse in this world.But that's all.

In addition to being happy, the Lord of War is waiting for the Heavenly Dao to appear in this world.

He wants to harvest the Heavenly Dao of this world with his own hands!

The war was extremely tragic.

From time to time, war armies and friars from the Great Desolation were killed.

The Lord of War drank in a deep voice, and his laws of war instantly killed many cultivators.

Above the sky!

on the ancient sun star.


There was a loud bang.

On this sun star, two figures appeared.

It is Dijun and Taiyi.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi, with a cold look, swept away the Lord of War and the army of tens of billions of war.

The Lord of War also noticed two strong figures falling from the sun star.

He is arrogant by nature and doesn't care!

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