"The prehistoric world does not know that the combat power above the gods is almost the same as that of the prehistoric world. This is the only real world, a supreme world!"

"With Honghuang's existing strength, if you want to fight with the real world, you may not be an opponent."

"Moreover, I also learned that there are ten supreme Taoist ancestors in this god, all of them are saints. In addition, there is a rumor circulating on this god."

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, told everything he knew to Honghuang Heavenly Dao.

Qin Tian was surprised when he heard the words.

He swept the immortal world and asked, "What rumors?"

"In accordance with the prehistoric way of heaven, this rumor is: Above the gods, reincarnation cannot be overturned. Eternity lasts forever, the supreme land!"

Sound off!

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, worship sincerely!

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled lightly.

"Above the gods, reincarnation can't be overturned? Eternal and eternal, the supreme land? This above the gods is a bit interesting."

Qin Tian stood with his hands behind his back, calculating in his heart.

In this prehistoric world, there will be six Heavenly Destined Saints in the future.

These six saints are Pangu Sanqing, Western Second Sage and Nuwa!

In addition to the six saints, there is also a saint named Hongjun Daozu.

In addition, he took a look at his spiritual sense and figured out that this Immortal Yang Mei was recently proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

And Hongjun got [-] million merits this time, which deeply stimulated the demon ancestor Rahu.

Presumably, this demon ancestor Rahu will also make a breakthrough in practice soon.

After such a calculation, Qin Tian knew it in his heart.

In the prehistoric world, there will be nine heavenly saints.

Above the gods mentioned by the immortal world, there are ten supreme Taoist ancestors.

Thoughts flashed in Qin Tian's mind, in this way, he could test a wave of heaven.


Above the boundary sea, the waves rolled.

Every wave is a world and a universe!

Qin Tian thought of the recent integration of a lot of great worlds.

With the blessing of luck in such a large world, Honghuang can add two more saints.

In this real world, Qin Tian decided to wait for Hong Jun to preach before going to fight.

If you defeat the true realm of God, you will have the most credit and more merit.

Even if they die in battle and have reincarnation, they can still obtain the Holy Throne.

After careful consideration, Qin Tian decided!


Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, looked up at the Eye of Heavenly Dao that shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.

The brilliance circulated, and the aura of the Great Dao shrouded the sky over the Boundary Sea.

This eye of heaven made him uneasy.

"Is this the terror of the Supreme Heavenly Dao?"

The Tao of the Immortal Immortal World is extremely shocking in the heart.

He knows that this prehistoric heaven is also a supreme power!

Do not!

He even surpassed the strongest!

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, worship sincerely.

The supreme strength of the prehistoric heaven, let him fear, let him worship!

Suddenly, the Immortal Immortal Realm Tiandao found that the Honghuang Tiandao was silent.

"Could it be that Honghuang Tiandao wants to go to the real world?"

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, hurriedly persuaded.

He bowed devoutly and said, "Please think twice about the Dao of the Desolate Heaven, there are ten supreme saints in this real world."

Hearing this, a piece of holy might burst out from the Eye of Heaven.

The vast Shengwei is shrouded in the sky of the Great Desolate Realm!

Qin Tian sneered and said: "I will toss the Immortal Realm well, and train more Immortal Immortal Realm monks for me. At that time, I will let you participate in the war, and you can also gain merit!"

Sound off!

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, showing a touch of excitement and excitement.

Prehistoric Heavenly Dao, how much respect for oneself is this!

It's so touching!

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, bowed devoutly, and said, "Thank you, Lord, for your respect!"

In the void!

The Eye of Heaven, made a sound.

"it is good!"

Sound off!

The Eye of Heaven, which appeared in the trillions of heaven and earth, suddenly disappeared.

The vast holy prestige does not know where to go.

Qin Tian returned to the Heavenly Dao space!

Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, excitedly said: "Don't worry, Lord, I will train more Immortal Immortal World monks for Lord, and let them serve the Lord!"


Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao sat cross-legged, and in front of him, a side of Heavenly Dao Lingchi was formed.

This Heavenly Dao Lingchi is where he gave birth to the immortal monks of the immortal world for the Wang Dao of the Wilderness.


Immortal Immortal Realm Tiandao, began to arrange the next restrictions in Tiandao Lingchi.

He devoted himself to nurturing immortal monks in the fairy world.

"Don't worry, Lord, I will never let the Lord down!"

The immortal world of heaven, the pious way.


The aura of the immortal world is integrated into the spirit pool.

This spiritual pond is like a sea of ​​breeding.

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian swept away the trillions of trillions of prehistoric worlds.

In the Zixiao Palace!

Daozu Hongjun sat cross-legged on the high platform.

Countless prehistoric powerhouses listened devoutly.

The voice of Daozu's sermons filled the Zixiao Palace.

No one dared to speak aloud.

This sermon is the first sermon given by Zixiao Gong Hongjun since his sanctification.

Outside the Zixiao Palace, a holy power enveloped the four fields!

Countless great powerhouses are immersed in this sermon.

Qin Tian swept the Zixiao Palace, and he transmitted his voice to Hong Jun, saying: "Hong Jun, I am the Tao of Heaven. How long will it take you to preach this time!"


  Over the Zixiao Palace, there was a sudden shock!

Hong Jun suddenly felt his mind move, and the sound of preaching stopped abruptly.

He heard Tiandao's voice.

In order to hide his inner excitement, Hongjun calmed down and continued to preach.

Immediately, Hongjun responded to the way of heaven with the voice of sound transmission.

"Tiantiandao, this preaching will take three thousand years!"

For three thousand years, for the strong in the wild, it is just a blink of an eye.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly, "Shan, I will give you three thousand years!"

Qin Tian's words suddenly surprised Hong Jun.

Could it be that, after three thousand years, what is the arrangement of Heaven?

Hong Jun suddenly thought of something and was a little excited.

Could it be that Tiandao discovered another world?

Having tasted the reward of merit and virtue for fighting the Immortal Realm, Hong Jun was delighted and excited.

Those in the Zixiao Palace were all immersed in the preaching of Saint Hongjun.

These prehistoric powerhouses are insane.

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