Prehistoric age does not know!

Three thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Then, another thousand years passed!


Daozu Hongjun swept away under the high platform, and there were countless strong people in the wild. He said solemnly: "After this sermon is over, you can go back and comprehend everything I have said. At that time, you will benefit a lot."

Sound off!

With a big wave of Hongjun's hand, the gate of Zixiao Palace, which was originally shrouded in brilliance, suddenly opened!

"We will obey the law!"

"We will obey the law!"

All the experts from the Great Wilderness who came to attend the sermon all agreed.

Immediately, these powerhouses filed out, drove Yunguang, and left Zixiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun bowed devoutly and said, "The way of heaven is above, I have finished my sermon!"


A pupil of Heavenly Dao appeared in Zixiao Palace.


The pupil of the heavenly path made a sound.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space and smiled slightly!

In this sermon, many strong people from the prehistoric times returned to the cave and began to understand the content of the sermon.


Great wasteland, somewhere in a cave.

A prehistoric monk, sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, the sky is falling, and the auspicious atmosphere is shrouded.

This prehistoric monk actually broke through.

"I, actually broke through Daluo Jinxian!"

The Honghuang cultivator was greatly surprised, and immediately, he showed a look of ecstasy.

Time flies, I don't know how long it has passed.

In this great wasteland, there were a large number of monks from the Golden Immortal realm.

Most of these Daluo Jinxian cultivators understood the content of the sermons after listening to the lectures in Zixiao Palace and became Daluo Jinxian!

The west!

Mount Sumeru!

The demon ancestor Rahu stood up abruptly, and he couldn't sit still.

"Hong Jun preached in the Zixiao Palace for a thousand years, so that a large number of Da Luo Jinxian cultivators were born in Honghuang?"


The demon ancestor Rahu suddenly felt uneasy.

If things go on like this, wouldn't his demon ancestor, Luo Hu, be compared?


The demon ancestor Rahu secretly said in his heart.

He stood on Mount Sumeru, overlooking the billions of demons.

The demon ancestor Rahu was heartbroken, and he hurriedly bowed devoutly: "I beg the way of heaven, help me to become holy!"

Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, worship him sincerely.


The void shook!

Qin Tian, ​​who was standing in the Heavenly Dao space, instantly fell in front of the demon ancestor Luohu.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Qin Tian looked indifferent and asked in a deep voice!

"I would like to become a saint of the Tao of Heaven, and I beg the Tao of Heaven to grant me the Violet Qi!"

The Demon Ancestor, Rahu, bowed devoutly, with a very sincere attitude.

This time, the ancestor Rahu had already figured it out.

If it is not holy, I am afraid there will be no chance.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly, "Yes!"


A holy power descended from the sky.

The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in holy power.

The trillions of demons, feeling the coming of the holy power, hurriedly bowed down.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu raised his head and looked at Qin Tian!

Qin Tian waved his hand, and a stream of Hongmeng purple energy fell into his hand!

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu immediately showed an excited look when he saw Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Is this the Hongmeng Purple Qi?

Refining Hongmeng Purple Qi can be holy!

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu was ecstatic, completely losing the ruthlessness of the Demon Ancestor.

In front of the Heavenly Dao, the Demon Ancestor Rahu is very docile and does not dare to have the slightest presumptuousness!


In the endless starry sky, the stars are extremely bright.

A galaxy of stars is like a jade belt.

Immortal Yang Mei, sitting cross-legged on the galaxy, began to break through!

Prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!


In the galaxy, countless stars exude a strong star power.

These ancient stars hold up the powerful body of Yang Mei Daxian!


Above the prehistoric starry sky, there is the breath of an avenue.


In the void, under the stars!

Immortal Yang Mei raised his head and saw that Dao Dao had descended the Thunder Tribulation Test.

This is his test of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Seeing the test, Daxian Yang Mei's pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body was shocked.


The breath of the avenue is filled with the starry sky.

One after another, three thousand chaotic gods and demons were transformed into three thousand chaotic gods and demons.

Immortal Yang Mei, standing in the midst of this great road thunder tribulation, stood still.


Hundreds of trillions of willow shadows shrouded the sky.

The entire void has transformed into a chain of laws.

Every willow is like a star, a galaxy.

Hundreds of trillions of willow shadows are suffering from the avenues of thunder.


Immortal Yang Mei drank in a deep voice, and countless avenues of thunder tribulation were swallowed up by him.

He can devour all magical powers!

However, the more swallowed, the more load.

Daxian Yang Mei suddenly felt something.


A chaotic god and demon transformed by a road god thunder cut off his branches and leaves.


Immortal Yang Mei shouted, the billions of trillions of willow phantoms, facing the chaotic hurricane, facing the avenue of thunder tribulation.

"My Yangmei, came out of chaos, why are you afraid to wait!"

Shen Sheng drank, Yang Mei Daxian will definitely cut through this Dao Thunder Tribulation and prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


The void shakes!

A terrifying chaotic power descended from the sky.

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