We really shouldn't be the enemy of the beginning! '

The gods and demons have persuaded s

"Hey, well, that's all, that's it!"

Duke Dong stood up from his seat, sat back weakly for a long time, and sighed.

In this way, the East Prince went to prepare.

On this day, Taotie brought Taichu to the coast of the East China Sea.

Halfway through the road, gluttonous paused in his footsteps and said in a loud voice, "Master. There is someone blocking the way in front of you!"

At the beginning of the day, Phoebe looked at it, and sure enough, dark clouds were rolling in front of him. , obviously there are many gods and demons flying towards him.

After a while, the dark cloud came to Taichu.He manifested his true body. The leader was actually the Duke of the East.

Tai Chu was furious.Just as the Duke of Jiandong was at this moment, Duke Dongyu came out and said, "Senior brother, last time it was the poor Daoist who offended the big brother. Hanri Pindao is here to make amends."


Tai Chu's face is stunned

Dong Wanggongtai shouted, "There's someone here. Brother Yutai, bring it up!"

You Huangjin Litu carried two huge boxes, and with a thud, they placed them on the ground.

The Prince of the East personally carried the 2.5 boxes _

open.The two boxes of bright Baowu are revealed.

There are two whole boxes of treasures, although they are all acquired treasures.And most of them are artificially refined, but they can't hold up too much.

And there are several innate spiritual treasures and a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

This digs into the ground.It hurts people invisible, but it is an extremely powerful spiritual treasure

Dong Wanggong bowed his hands to Taichu Yi and said, "Brother Tai, Pindao has no intention of becoming an enemy of the elder brother, so he specially offered two boxes of treasures. There are also high-grade innate spiritual treasures to dig up the ground, and the elder brother will laugh at him!"

Tai Chu nodded confusedly.

"Okay, then we won't disturb Senior Brother. Senior Senior Brother, we are leaving!"

The Prince of the East bowed his hands to Taichu

Immediately afterwards, Duke Dongyu took the group of Zifu and drove away, leaving only Taichu with a confused face.

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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve Is Prince Dong having a convulsion?Send two boxes of Lingbao? (3) Please subscribe!

After Sanqing left, Tai Chu's figure swayed for a while.He hurriedly flipped his hand, a gourd appeared, and several medicinal pills were poured out.Take it.

Even in the beginning.It is also a bit overwhelming to continuously perform such great supernatural powers as the three-day celestial art.

But if you carry it with the three halal.It was true in the beginning, he had the law of power and could use it to bring himself back to his peak.

[-]- Put the medicinal herbs into the body. The Fa Jiu, which was eliminated in the body at the beginning, gradually filled up.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Taichu rides on a gluttonous gluttonous taotie_Taotie carrying Taichu .. going straight to the East China Sea

Originally, at the beginning, I was worried about how to find Sanxian Island.

After all, in the vast East China Sea, looking for the three immortal islands as far as the eye can see, it is just too difficult to find thoriums in the sea.

But just now I met the Daoist Receptionist.It's easy to do

The person who receives and leads the Taoist will get the bitter bamboo.This is predestined by heaven. In the beginning, as long as you follow the Daoist, you will be able to find two of the "six three three" islands in the Three Immortal Islands.

By the time.It is not difficult to get Bitter Bamboo L

The reason why Fang Cai Taichu was so troubled was that he wanted to hurt the Daoist Receiver.That is, he left a secret sign on the body of the Receiver.

This is tracking supernatural powers. Shadows stay scented!

It is the supernatural power that was learned from the collection room of the ancestor of Hongjun in the early days.

With this magical power, in the beginning, he could follow the Daoist and move forward all the way.

Along the way, Taichu followed the Taoist who received and led him around.

I also saw the chaos of today's prehistoric world

Emperor Jun and Tai-Two discovered the Thirty-sixth Heavenly Heaven outside Buzhou Mountain, established the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race on the thirty-sixth Heavenly Heaven, and opened the way to unify the Great and Wild.

It's just that the Wu clan is also very strong, how can they succumb to the demon clan.

There are often conflicts between the two lich clans, and the sky and the earth are torn apart.The sun and the moon are dull.

Of course, this is just a small friction.small-scale war.But even so, there were countless casualties between the two races.

The prehistoric continent is full of ghosts and ghosts, blocking the sun in chaos.

In this Tailuo Jinxian as many as a dog, Taiyi. Jinxian is the era of Taibai cabbage, even some quasi-sage strong people dare not go out easily

The receptionist went around in circles and clashed with the two lich clans several times!

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