This is also a supernatural ability to receive and guide Daoists.The catastrophe was avoided!

On the Great Desolate Continent, there are two pots of porridge in the chaos of the Lich hegemony.Whoever thought about fighting the autumn wind


this day.The Daoist Receiver finally headed towards the East China Sea.

In the beginning, he still followed the Daoist in a leisurely manner.When I was sleepy, I teased the little girl Qingzhu, and I lived happily.

He is at ease, others are not at ease!

Especially the East Prince 1

At this time, the purple mansion has become a mess of porridge.

This matter also begins when a little demon in Zifu discovered the traces of Taichu and stopped to tell the truth to the East Prince.

The Purple House is located on the coast of the East China Sea. The direction it was heading towards in the beginning was the East China Sea.

Dong Chen thought that Da Chu was Lai Zi

The government is looking for trouble for him, so he is trembling.

"Damn... Pindao offended Tai Dao Na Duan before, and now Tai Chu is coming to the East China Sea. He must be looking for trouble. How can this be good?"

The Prince of the East sat in the first place.Looking at the people in Zifu, he said.

"Reporting to the emperor, this person was the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor, Xuanmen's senior brother. The emperor wants to stand in Honghuang. You must not offend this person."

- "Yeah, the magic power was high in the beginning. On Buzhou Mountain - people can overcome the three cleanliness, and the emperor should avoid its edge".

"In the early days, the senior mana was connected to the gods.

, absolutely incapable of watching it, the emperor should adopt a soft-hearted policy⊥”

The people below were messed up into a pot of porridge.But it was all nonsense.

The Duke of East heard it for a while.increasing anxiety.

Although Zifu is too powerful, it is known as the third largest force in the prehistoric continent. However, these gods and demons in Zifu only joined Zifu because they wanted to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

In the huge Zi Mansion, few of the millions of gods and demons are sincerely doing things for the Duke of East, and they only want to make a profit, where will they contribute to the enemy in the beginning.

At this moment, a god and demon dressed in a cursive scholar strode out,

Dong Wugong cupped his hands and said, "Emperor, this person was the first disciple of the Taoist ancestors in the beginning, and he must not be an enemy. Find a strategy to retreat him!"

Dongwanggong Shuangqi is too bright.. he said with joy; "How to retreat? Does King Xuan have a clever plan that doesn't work?"

There are four profound kings in the Zifu. They are Xuantian, Xuanzhan, Xuanlei, and Xuanhuang. All of them are masters of the peak of the Golden Immortals of the Great Luo.

Especially the Taoist Xuantian headed by this.Even more resourceful, he is the wisdom tail of the East Prince.

The East Prince highly values ​​the Taoist Xuantian

Taoist Xuantian looked at Dongwugong.

He cupped his hands and said, "Pen Dao heard that in the early days, this is very happy, especially greedy for treasures. If the emperor can choose - one or two spiritual treasures to give him, and then he can apologize. I don't think he will be an enemy of the emperor_"

Duke Dong frowned and said, "Isn't this too weak, it seems that my Zifu is afraid of him at the beginning of his life!"

"Aren't you afraid?_"

Taoist Xuantian was speechless, but he still held hands. "Emperor, now the two lich clans are eyeing the Zifu, and they may commit crimes at any time. We really shouldn't be enemies in the beginning!"

"Yeah, Dijun. Taizhang can bend and stretch. At this time.

We really shouldn't be the enemy of the beginning! '

The gods and demons have persuaded s

"Hey, well, that's all, that's it!"

Duke Dong stood up from his seat, sat back weakly for a long time, and sighed.

In this way, the East Prince went to prepare.

On this day, Taotie brought Taichu to the coast of the East China Sea.

Halfway through the road, gluttonous paused in his footsteps and said in a loud voice, "Master. There is someone blocking the way in front of you!"

At the beginning of the day, Phoebe looked at it, and sure enough, dark clouds were rolling in front of him. , obviously there are many gods and demons flying towards him.

After a while, the dark cloud came to Taichu.He manifested his true body. The leader was actually the Duke of the East.

Tai Chu was furious.Just as the Duke of Jiandong was at this moment, Duke Dongyu came out and said, "Senior brother, last time it was the poor Daoist who offended the big brother. Hanri Pindao is here to make amends."


Tai Chu's face is stunned

Dong Wanggongtai shouted, "There's someone here. Brother Yutai, bring it up!"

You Huangjin Litu carried two huge boxes, and with a thud, they placed them on the ground.

The Prince of the East personally carried the 2.5 boxes _

open.The two boxes of bright Baowu are revealed.

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