We are not malicious! '

Candle Dragon bowed.

Some people work for nothing.Naturally happy at the beginning.

After thinking about it, the masters of Da Chuyi are bold, and they are not afraid of what Zhulong will do. Even if he opens the three-talented formation, let Zhulong and others enter the island.

Once you enter the island, you will be catching turtles in the urn. Once the candle dragon has a heart, he is confident that he will stay on the island forever.

Zhulong took Longzi Longsun into Island A and instructed Longzi Longsun to build a palace for Taichu.

The gods and dragons exerted their magic power, and soon, magnificent palaces were built.

After the palace was built, Zhulong asked Longzi Longsun to go back first, and he stayed on Sanxian Island.

If there is nothing to show affection, Feiya is stealing!

Zhulong takes care of him like this, there must be something to ask him!

For the sake of Zhulong's diligence, Taichu decided to give some pointers to Zhulong.

Taichu looked at Zhulong Road with a smile

."If you have anything, just say it"

Candle Dragon hurriedly said, "Yes, thank you Daoist in the beginning!"

After a pause, Zhulong said with a sly smile, "That Daoist friend from the very beginning, my dragon clan has karma. The descendants of later generations are slow to cultivate and often die prematurely.

The clan is almost wiped out, please ask the Daoist friends in the beginning to cast a spell to rescue them.”

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Removing karma is very simple, as long as you have luck." I don't know what Daoist Zhulong has prepared and what to do?"

Zhulong hesitated for a moment, and said, "The demon clan is powerful. Di Jun and Taiyi established a heavenly court in the thirty-sixth heaven outside Buzhou Mountain. Dijun was called the emperor of heaven, and Taiyi was called the east emperor. Huang Fuxi, the two congenital gods, will be able to unite the great and famine. I plan to let the dragon clan belong to the demon clan.

At the beginning, he glanced at the candle dragon and said, if you let the dragon clan belong to the demon clan, it is tantamount to giving the dragon clan another disaster. I am afraid it will be in the future.

The dragon race will never be able to stand up again"_"

Zhulong was too shocked and exclaimed, "Why is this happening?"

At the beginning of time, he looked at Zhulong with a twinkle and said, "The demon clan builds a heavenly court, and their luck is prosperous for a while, it is inevitable, the dragon clan's surrender to the demon clan can alleviate the temporary difficulties and karma will also be slightly reduced: but the Pangu descendants fight against the witch clan. Heaven and earth, how could Z succumb to the demon clan? In the future, there will be an earth-shattering war between the two lich clans: II"

The candle dragon was startled and asked 1_How will the war be?"

Taichu looked at Zhulong with a smile and said, "Although the demon clan is tyrannical, the witch clan is also extremely powerful.

The clan won.That is also a serious injury to vitality, and the flow of qi is energetic, if the dragon clan is attached to the demon clan.Once again infected with the karma of the robbery, I am afraid that the dragon clan will not have the chance to turn over again in the future! '

This is not an alarmist at first. It is a real thing.”

The dragon clan of later generations. Yuyu joined the demon clan, and once again contaminated the karma of the calamity, making the karma entangled, not only the candle dragon fell, but also the dragon king of the four seas fell from the Daluojin fairy fruit position to Taiyijin because of the contamination of karma. wonderland

The Four Seas Dragon Clan, who is the most beautiful, was actually bullied by Sun Monkey and had no room to fight back.

Even Dinghaishenzhen, the treasure of Zhenhai, has been stolen by Sun Monkey.

Zi stole ⊥

The more Zhulong listened, the more solemn his face became, and he bowed deeply to Taichu.Dao, _ "Thank you for your advice in the early days of Taoism 1 If not, my dragon clan would almost fall into a doomed place"_"

At the beginning, Xu Xu picked up the candle dragon. He smiled and said, this seat is only because of the treasure house of the dragon family, and I saw you diligently building a palace for this seat.This seat is pointing you!"

Zhulong looked at Taichu with admiration on his face.He bowed deeply to Taichu again, and said, "Daoist friend of Taichu. I don't want the treasure house of the dragon family. Please also ask fellow daoist to point me to a clear path for my dragon family!"

Too early to think.Said, "That's it. Help people help

In the end, send the Buddha to the West. Let's do it.Wait for Nu Wa to be sanctified in the future. A You come to find this seat 967! '

Candle Dragon was overjoyed and said hurriedly, "Thank you, fellow Daoist!"

Taichu smiled and said, "It's okay, if you don't have a Japanese seat, you have to go out for a tour, and the three immortal islands will be taken care of by fellow Taoists!"

The candle dragon is busy and serious. "Don't worry, fellow Daoist_I will take good care of Sanxian Island!"

Having said that, the candle dragon slammed the dragon people back.

Several days passed.Zhulong personally sent the four sea dragon girls to Sanxian Island, and sent beauties from all ethnic groups of the sea to serve Taichu.

After a few more days, Taichu came to Qingzhu in the evening.road. "Zizhu, sir, I have something important to do when I go out, and you will take care of this Sanxian Island!

Although Qingzhu is reluctant to leave Taichu.But being able to do things for Taichu. She was very happy and said with joy, "Master, please rest assured that I will protect Sanxian Island!"

"it is good!"

Tai Chu grinned, touched Qingzhu's head, flipped his hand, and a three-generation bitter bamboo appeared, which he handed to Qingzhu.Said, "This is the bitter bamboo, one of the ten innate spiritual roots. Although it is three generations, it is also full of spiritual power. If you refine it, it will be good for your cultivation!"

"Thank you sir

! '

Qingzhu was overjoyed.. took over the bitter bamboo and went happily.

After a few days, Tai Chu left Sanxian Island and went to the inland

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