Chapter 3 Antarctic Fairy Weng, Lolita Bixiao ([-]) Please subscribe!

The ten innate spiritual roots, and now even the bitter bamboo has been obtained.

In addition to the five-needle pine missing whereabouts, other spiritual roots are also in the bag.

Therefore, at the beginning of the day, it was necessary to travel to the great wasteland to find the whereabouts of the five needle pine.

Outside the Sanxian Island, the road headed inland. ,

Taotie said in a loud voice, "Master, why do you want so many dojos?"

Taichu curled his lips and said, "Master, I'm called being prepared, you know what a fart,"

"Besides, my lord, I have four dojos, Wuji Mountain, Wuliang Mountain, Sanxian Island, and Yujing Mountain. Are there many? Not many?"


Taichu pouted and said e

In the Zixiao Palace, the ancestor of Hongjun heard his body staggered, almost fell from the cloud, and scolded too much, "This stinky boy is even included in Yujingshan. Yujingshan is a dojo for the poor. It's just for you to take care of it, isn't there a lot to do around the dojo?

For a long time, Hongjun's ancestor's spirit was unstable, and he was too lazy to pay attention to the beginning. He closed his eyes and practiced on his own.

On the other side, gluttonous taotie carried Taichu all the way through the waves.

On this day, in the middle of the line, Taotie suddenly stopped.urn sound

Dao, sir, there is someone fighting in front of you","

Looking up at Taichu, I saw a woman dressed in green holding a sword. She was fighting with a person with a big forehead like a star.

"A person who looks like a birthday star, except for Lao Tzu. I'm afraid that only the Antarctic Immortal Weng is the only one. These two people are only Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation base, so this birthday must be the Antarctic Immortal Weng L. As for the greenness Who the woman is. I don't know. But this woman who can compete with the Antarctic fairy and wants to come here is not a mortal thing"_"

Taichu was analyzing in his heart. ,

"Hey, the Antarctic fairy, you dare to compete with the people of Sanxian Island with me for treasure.

, really do not know whether to live or die!,"

The green woman said angrily.

"Sanxiandao? Oh, hey. There are still people who dare to impersonate my Sanxiandao, and help her. Let's see what she says. Anyway, Antarctic Immortal Weng is also the 1st Yuanshi fellow of Yuanshi Tianzun's door and is not seen- 2.."

Too early to think.he reminded

"Stab the left with [-]% of the force, and stab the right with [-]% of the force..."

Fighting against people, you have to use all your strength to be able to chlorine⊥

In the beginning, the woman in green was asked to keep her hand.The woman in green was obviously hesitant. ,

But the Antarctic Fairy is worthy of the Yuanshi Tianzun

's big disciple.Cultivation is profound. A at this moment he has fallen behind.

After hesitating for a while, the green woman still used the sword according to what she said at the beginning.

The sword light flashed, and the sword directly pierced the Antarctic Immortal Weng's shoulder.

"This..." The woman in green l06e stared too much.exclaimed straight. 4919

Obviously, she didn't understand why she kept her strength, but instead hurt the Antarctic fairy.


On the other side. Antarctica Xianweng was injured and screamed.He stumbled backwards, looked at Taichu with a look of anger and anger, and said angrily, "Wu that Daoist, who are you?

How dare you offend the poor?"

Taichu said with a smile, "Don't say the name of this seat. I'm afraid to scare you to death if you say it."

Nanji Xianweng covered his wound, looked at Taichu with a look of anger, and said solemnly, "Hmph. You know that the patriarch of the poor Daoist is Pangu Zhengzong Yuanshi Tianzun... huh, you dare to hurt the poor Daoist, wait. I tell the teacher, I will call you a good-looking person, do you dare to leave your name?"

Taichu pouted in disdain. _ said, "This seat is called Taichu. You can ask your master to find this seat!"

"In the beginning? This name sounds familiar

Antarctic fairy

Where have I heard this name, Tai said, "Hmph. In the beginning, you waited with Pindao, and when Pindao went back to tell the family teacher, you must look good!_"

With that said, the Antarctic Fairy Weng turned into a streamer.Escape to the distance.

"Jumping a beam clown is just a mountain"

Tai Chu snorted coldly.A flick of the finger.A streamer popped up.

On the other side, the Antarctic Immortal Weng suddenly exploded with a "bang", and his blood was blurred.Only the two primordial spirits were left behind and turned into Dao Liuguang, escaping far away.

Originally, he didn't care about the Antarctic fairy at the beginning. After all, his cultivation base was too low, and he couldn't care about a flea himself. It was just the Antarctic fairy.

This fellow made threats over and over again, angering Tai Chu. .In the beginning, this shot destroyed his teach him a lesson

Seeing that Taichu had destroyed the body of Antarctic Fairy Weng with a snap of her fingers, the green woman couldn't help being horrified.Knowing that he had met Da Neng, he hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Bi Xiao, thank you for your guidance!"

- "Bi Lei?."

Tai Chu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.Know why.

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