"Huh? Isn't that the authentic Yuanshi Tianzun of Pangu? Why did he enter the Zixiao Palace so late?"

"I looked at it when I came in

By the time the three of them were sitting peacefully outside, they thought it was because the three of them had inner demons.unable to pass large

"Then the Daoist Zhunti calls himself the magic of the West, and the magic of the West can't even be resisted by the mere inner demons, so he's still doing shit!" "[-]" ___ "And that seems to be the magician Kunpeng, who looks quite powerful from the outside. of.Unexpectedly, I was also blocked from the outside! It seems that we can't trust Yaoyan in the future! '

The pitiful Yuanshi Tianzun, Daoist Zhunti, and the demon master Kunpeng were talked about by others. They were so embarrassed that their face flushed, and they wanted to find a crack in the ground and go straight in.

In fact, the three of them are all great supernatural powers.

The mind of the Taoist L is very strong.Naihe couldn't stand it: I was instigating it at the beginning.

This is also the reason why the three of them are all at the beginning of the year.

Everyone sat down.

Taichu took out the futon directly this time.Sitting in front of the Six Saints

The six saints were speechless for a while

"As expected of the big brother, so noble, it's different: .."

The gods and demons who came to Zixiao Palace looked envious and hated for a while.

Just at the beginning of the sitting time, a huge Qingyun appeared in front of the Zixiao Palace. Above the Qingyun, the ancestor of Hongjun's ancestors.

The figure emerges. ,

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at Taichu.began to enter.

When the sage preached, it was naturally a golden lotus with bright tongues, and the sky was falling, and the whole Zixiao Palace was auspicious.

The gods and demons were naturally fascinated and intoxicated when they heard it, and various emojis appeared.

In the beginning, it sounded drowsy. _ Doze off straight. ,

Originally, this was the first sermon, but in the beginning I didn't want to come.However, He Hongjun Zhezu seemed to see through his mind.Call him in advance, and let him arrange the formation e

Helpless, at the beginning had to bite the bullet and listen.


Daozu entered. In the beginning, almost all of them, and even after the system was perfected. In the beginning, I felt that Daozu's words were full of loopholes, and they would be poisoned to death.

It's better not to listen to it than this! Be helpless, in the beginning, I had to close the five senses" and began to whimper and sleep.

Daozu grinned when he saw it, but didn't pay attention to it. He was obviously used to it.

Three thousand years have passed in a hurry

this day.Daozu and the final king have entered the Dao


Daozu stopped preaching, and the gods and demons came to their senses. The snoring from the beginning was especially obvious.

Those ones

The people in the Zixiao Palace are nothing but the people. After all, they had seen Taichu before sleeping in the Zixiao Palace. Although they were shocked, they were already mentally prepared.

But those red dust guests who are new to Zixiao Palace.But they were so shocked that Yue was stunned, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

Daozu preaches

That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the beginning, I slept for three thousand years.

This is simply outrageous!

Others sharpen their heads and squeeze into the Zixiao Palace, but they can't squeeze in!

In the early days, this fellow actually slept in the Zixiao Palace, this is a goddamn fuck

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed.

Jiutian Xuannv stared at Yue stunned, her pretty face twitching violently.

The Queen Mother of the West patted Jiutian Xuannv on the shoulder and said, "Calm down, let's talk about it. The senior brother has always been like this."

"Master uncle has a good personality x?'

Jiutian Xuannv smiled bitterly.

Daozu said indifferently, "Okay. This time, the three thousand years of entering the Dao are over. This time is the way of quasi-sanctification. It is also the foundation of the way of sanctification. There are four methods of sanctification. What do you not understand? , just smell it!"


Isn't the Four Ways of Sanctification 2 the Three Ways of Sanctification? What is the situation?"

Yuanshi Tianzun exclaimed.

Daozu looked at Taichu.Dao said, "There are three thousand avenues, and all the avenues can prove the Dao, but the poor Dao summed up three methods of sanctification. The way of sanctification!'

"What? Big Brother intentionally created a method of sanctification?"

"God, is there something wrong with my ears 2, Dao Zu said that Senior Brother Tai has created a method of sanctification? God. How is this possible?"

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