
Senior brother is really amazing, worthy of being the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor. He was able to create the method of sanctification!"

"To be able to create a method of sanctification, what kind of heavenly thief, Taishixiong's roots are afraid that it exceeds the Sanqing!"

In just a split second, the three thousand red dust guests of Zixiao Palace exploded and turned into a pot of porridge.

Even Sanqing was stunned and could hardly believe his ears.

It's just that these words were said by the Taoist ancestors, and they can't tolerate them not believing L.

"In the beginning, this fellow was able to create a method of sanctification? This...how is this possible?"

Yuan Shitian

Zun still doesn't want to believe s

Ye Yin and Zhun Ti looked at each other.They all saw the horror in their eyes.

Nu Wa's mouth is open and round.Look too early.Pretty face blushed for no reason.

The Queen Mother of the West also blushed slightly, and lowered her head shyly.

Jiutian Xuannv looked at the back of Taichu stalwart, her heart pounding for no reason.

"Huh? Why are you blushing?"

The Queen Mother of the West glanced at Jiutian Xuannv and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, that: that's nothing. Master. I'm fine.."

Jiutian Xuannv came back to her senses

. Busy bowed his head 1.8. .

Taichu turned to look at the crowd, and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoists have indeed created a method of sanctification, called the 'Three Yuan Returning Method'. This method is based on the three elements of heaven, earth and man. When Yuan returns to the throne, he can achieve the saint of Hunyuan. L, this seat is not a private person, and is willing to make this law known to the public. After the end of the sermon in Zixiao Palace, this seat will open an altar in Wuji Mountain three thousand years later. Friends, the three-element method of sanctification!'

"Thank you too, brother!"

The gods and demons are too happy. Thank you.

"You are welcome, when the time comes, I will be seated at Wuji Mountain.

Welcome fellow Daoists!

The smile on Tai Chu's face grew brighter.The way of righteous words.

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Chapter 5 Anger at Yuanshi Tianzun, Yang Mei Daxian is courteous ([-]) Please subscribe!

In the beginning, naturally, you will not do business at a loss

The reason why he agreed to preach at Wuji Mountain was because he saw a huge business opportunity

He entered the road in Wuji Mountain. 2 Naturally, not everyone can enter Wuji Mountain, and the rules for entering the mountain are determined by him.Then the benefits are inevitable.

It's just that the [-] red dusters know the reason why L is grateful to Dai Hui at the beginning of the year.

"Hmph, even if the method of sanctification has been created, it is the least known method of sanctification!"

Yuanshi Tianzun really couldn't get used to the obstructive look of the early days.solemnly e


He raised his eyebrows at first. , Looking at Yuanshi Tianzun, he disdainfully said, "The method of sanctification that has not been learned? This seat has created it. You may create one?"


With just this sentence, Yuanshi Tianzun's old face became the color of pig liver.Being choked by the beginning, he was speechless.

In the beginning, he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun coldly. He said solemnly. "What's more. The method of sanctification created by this seat is not the last method, the return of the three elements. It is to look at the three elements. The better the three elements are. The higher your cultivation, the theoretical Going up to 19, if you can use the three treasures of chaos to return to the origin, it can be comparable to the method of proving the Tao with strength!"

Yuanshi Tianzun quilt

He couldn't even say a word, and he was so ashamed that he could not wait to find a crack to get in.

"Hmph, if you can't do it yourself, don't tell anyone else!"

In the beginning, he said coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun was so embarrassed that he almost cried because of Taichu.

The face of Yingyin and Zhunti shook fiercely, secretly glad that they were not the ones who said otherwise, it was them who were humiliated now.

Maybe Daozu really can't stand it anymore_Tan Dan said, "Okay, this entry is over. After [-] years, you will come back to Zixiao Palace to hear the sermon."

"Yes, Daozu!"


Three thousand red dust guests have bowed their hands one after another

"Leave it in the beginning, its golden man can go on"

Daozu said lightly again.

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