The lotus seeds produced by the turbid green lotus of the second soil and the fourth grade.The treasured lotus it produces cannot exceed its own body, so it is only a twelve-grade treasured lotus at most.

But Rao is the [-]th grade treasure lotus. It is also the best innate spiritual treasure level. You must know that the lotus seeds of the [-]th grade Chaos Qinglian fell into the flood.

Great opportunity, the treasured lotus flower produced is only twelve grades.

Therefore, this lotus seed was planted in the beginning.It is the limit to be able to bear [-] tiers of precious lotus flowers

This is also thanks to Daxian Yang Mei who has been guarding the camera for so many years, and keeps chaotic airflow.Even the origin of the Chaos Demon God is used to protect Qinglian. ,

This Yang Mei Daxian has enough blood in order to live well in the beginning."

This makes Tai Chu very moved.

Why didn't Zhiyu Yangmei Daxian take these spiritual treasures? First, Yangmei Daxian didn't want to be too small and hate the beginning. . Second, these Lingbao are good.But when it came to Yang Mei

At the level of Daxian, I am afraid that it is not very useful. Otherwise, after the Taoist ancestors merged, there is no need to distribute all the spiritual treasures to everyone.

The remaining ninth-grade Qinglian belonged to the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and the sixth-grade belonged to the middle-grade congenital spiritual treasures.The third rank is the list of the lower rank innate spiritual treasures.

But this is the case. Because lotus seeds are innate things, and the precious lotus flowers it produces are innate things.

Too early to count.Twenty-four precious lotus flowers.There is only one lotus flower in this pond, and only one is the innate treasure level.

There are three treasure lotus flowers of the twelfth grade, that is, three top-grade congenital spiritual treasures, and these three treasures

Due to the nourishment of Yang (Li Dehao) Mei Daxian's original power, the lotus has mutated and has certain spatial characteristics.

In addition, there are six ninth-grade treasure lotus flowers, that is, six high-grade congenital spiritual treasures.

There are as many as twelve six-grade treasure lotus flowers, that is, seven or two middle-grade treasures.

The most is the third-grade treasure lotus.There are as many as thirty-six pieces, but these precious lotus flowers are of lower grades and have little effect.

But Rao is like this.. The harvest this time is also very great, and at the beginning, it was also a lot of money, and I was overjoyed.

Hesitate for a moment, too early

He directly collects this pond treasure lotus into the Chaos Bead and maintains it in the Mixed Bead.

Before, he didn't get the Chaos Orb in the beginning _ so the lotus seeds must be planted in Chaos _ Now he has the Chaos Orb..It is also more convenient to directly collect the lotus seeds into the Chaos Orbs to maintain 1 and carry them with you.

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Two ⊥

Chapter 7 Relying on the great immortal Yang Mei at the beginning, gluttonously swallowed it and went to one of them ([-]) for subscription!

After receiving Qinglian, the primary and secondary school in Taichu became much more at ease, looked at Taixian Yang Mei, and said, "Senior Yang Mei... This junior still needs your willow branches to cultivate, and asked Senior Yang Mei to cut the willow branches to thank the juniors and seniors. Endless!'

Cutting off willow branches is the source of the damage to Yangmei Daxian.”

It's just that Yang Mei Daxian tasted the sweetness of the space rune, how could he refuse the beginning, and immediately showed his body and cut off a willow branch.Hand it to the beginning.

Taichu received Yang Liuzhi and said with joy: "Thank you, Senior Yang Mei and Junior, for saying goodbye!

Having said that, in the beginning, he was going to leave in a gluttonous manner.

Daxian Yang Mei hurriedly stopped Taichu.Said: "Where are you going, little friend?"

Tai Chu said, "Naturally, it is going back to the dojo. I don't know why Senior Yang Mei has this room?"

Yang Mei Taixian hesitated for a moment...and said, "Young friend at the beginning, why don't you do it like this. Pindao will go to your dojo to disturb you for a few days. How?"

At the beginning, he couldn't figure out what Yang Mei Daxian was going to do, and said, "That-: the dojo of the poor Taoist..."

Daxian Yang Mei hurriedly said, "You can rest assured, little friend, that the poor Daoist will not eat and live in vain, and the poor Daoist will clean the courtyard for the Daoist friend, how?"

I was speechless for a while, sorry to say

" can you be embarrassed? Senior Yang Mei, this..."

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, let's go!"

Yang Mei Taixian waved his sleeves and took Taichu to the outside of Wuji Mountain.

Tai Shi was amazed, and secretly said, "This Yang Mei Daxian is indeed a space supernatural power, even if there is no space in the chaos, he can come directly to Wuji Mountain:."


Not long after Taichu appeared, a woman of peerless elegance walked out of Wuji Mountain and saluted Taichu.

Tai Chu smiled, "Fellow Daoist Yuanmu. This is Senior Yang Mei: .."

When Taipo Luo in the West was looking at the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.Yuan Feng once met Yang Mei Daxian and knew that Yang Mei Daxian was a great supernatural power.He hurriedly said, "Meet Senior Yang Mei!"

Yang Mei Taixian has a gentle temperament.He raised his head slightly to help Yuan Feng up and said, "Daoist Yuan Feng, please get up!"

"Let's go." Let's go back to the mountain! '

Da Chu smiled.

Everyone returned to Wuji Mountain

What made Taichu and Yuanfeng stunned was that Daxian Yang Mei actually took a broom all day and wandered around Wuji Mountain.

stand up.

Yuan Feng fell in love with the five bodies that Taichu admired. She didn't know what methods Taichu had used to make such a strong man bow his head and listen respectfully.

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