(bjbh) At first, Tai Shi didn't know what Yang Mei Tai Xian was going to do, but then he thought about it, Yang Mei Tai Xian was lying on Wuji Mountain, just to get the moon first.

Just throwing 1L of runes at the beginning can benefit Taixian Yang Mei a lot, not to mention that it is hundreds of runes for Taixian Yang Mei every time.

If it is easy to sweep the floor on Wuji Mountain, you can go tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, millions of years of suffering.

Xiu. Then why not do it?

This is definitely a good deal. You are as smart as Yang Mei Daxian. How could you not be able to settle this account?”

After settling in Taixian Yang Mei, Tai Chu was ready to go out.

Now the ten innate spiritual roots.Except for the fusang tree and the five-needle pine on the sun star, all of them were basically gathered in the beginning.

Even though it is only the incompleteness of Tu Taixian without spiritual roots, there is no way to replace it.”

The fusang god tree is on the sun star and can't run, but there is no news about where the five needle pine is.

Taichu was ready to go out for a walk.try your luck. see

Whether you can encounter five needle pine.It's better than staying in Wuji Mountain

Daxian Yang Mei saw Taichu riding a gluttonous glutton.In a hurry, he asked. "Little friend, where are you going?"

Tai Chu smiled bitterly, "Junior goes out and walks up"

"Pindao go with the little friends"."

Yang Mei Taixian lost the broom.To be with Taichu.

In the beginning, he was speechless, and smiled bitterly, "Senior Yang Mei, please be relieved, you are here in Wuji Mountain An Xiaowei. After three thousand years, the junior will solve the hundreds of runes for the senior.


Yang Mei Taixian's eyes lit up,


"Naturally, it is true juniors are guaranteed by the character of juniors. Absolutely true."

Tai Chu patted his chest with a thud, and said with a serious face.

"Alright, alright. Let's go, little friend. Pindao is waiting for the little friend to come back at Wuji Mountain!"

Daxian Yangmei said with ecstasy.

"Oh my god, Zhongyu got rid of this oil bottle."

Taichu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly slapped Taotie's head, gluttonous four hooves flew into the air, carrying Taichu straight into the sky.

"Master, where are we going?"

In the beginning, the urn sounded the urn's way a

At the beginning of the day, the divine light was filled with light.. Searching around, he said, "My lord, I don't know where to go, but you can just walk. Wherever you go, you will be there."

Such and such. In the beginning, the gluttons were allowed to go high and stop. Walk and rein.

In the Zixiao Palace, the ancestral Hongjun blew his beard and stared angrily, "This stinky boy, L Pindao, let him understand the rune... This stinky boy is better, what are you doing wandering about when you have nothing to do? After three thousand years, this If the stinky boy didn't take out one-thousand runes, let's see how Pindao cleans him up!

This month, gluttonous gluttons brought Taichu to a place on the banks of the Taihe River.


At the beginning, he was wandering on the side, and this fellow, gluttonous, didn't know what to do, and he fell in love with a big mountain holding the top of the mountain and gnawing wildly.

I was speechless for a while at first.He secretly said, "This fellow has the magical power of swallowing, and his appetite is really good!"

After a while.Taotie flew over and shouted, "Master, my stomach hurts, I can't digest it, it hurts, it hurts to death..."

At the beginning, he was stunned and muttered, "How can you still have a stomachache if you have the destiny to devour supernatural powers?"

Deaf Tie rolled on the ground in pain, howling, "Lord, there is a stone that I can't digest, it hurts, it hurts:.:."

"And your digestion

Something that doesn't move?

Tai Chu was puzzled in his heart. Tai hand stretched out, and the vast mana poured out, directly sucking the stone out of Taotie's mouth.


At the beginning of the day, he threw the stone into the river worm to wash it, and then carefully measured the stone.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, if you look at it, you will be startled at the beginning.

Celestial Stone!.

in other words.This stone is something that Heaven has escaped to -!

At the beginning of the opening of the sky, the Dao of Heaven was formed. Fifty was the completeness.

Therefore, there are five ways of heaven, and one of them escapes to become the four soil plus

gluttonous swallowed.It was the Tao that escaped him that day. One, no wonder he couldn't digest it...

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