Chapter 1 Is the Dao of Heaven transformed by Pangu's consciousness?Nine-leaf plantain root! ([-]) Please subscribe!

- "A policeman, this time you have done a great job L Hahaha..."

At the beginning of Taixi, he opened the Chaos Orb, shielded the secret and breath, and began to study the Heavenly Dao Stone.

This Tiandao stone is the way of heaven to escape it - it is comparable to the innate treasure!

It is equivalent to, he picked it up - a congenital treasure!

I don't know how long it took, Tai Chu was shocked.

Because he discovered a great secret

He actually extracted a trace of Pangu consciousness from this Heavenly Dao Stone.

How can there be Pangu consciousness in Tiandao Stone?

this means


One is Pangu consciousness, so what are the remaining forty to nine?

In other words, the entire Heavenly Dao was actually transformed by Pangu's consciousness.

Does that mean that Pangu is still alive?

If Pangu is still alive.. what state is Pangu in now?

Is it beyond the avenue 2

After all, the invisible great god Pangu can exist in any state!

The Way of Heaven is only one form of its existence.”

At the beginning, he seemed to have accidentally discovered a shocking secret, swallowed his saliva, and put away the Tiandao Stone.

Get up, he intends to rot this secret into his stomach.

At least he won't reveal this secret until he has no absolute strength!

So what is the profound meaning of the opening of the sky that the great god Pangu inherited?

Will there be any tricks in these five days of profound meanings 2

Again.If the Dao of Heaven is Pangu's consciousness, then the various calamities that appear are not caused by Pangu, or is it that the great god Pangu is practicing through the calamities.

The more I thought about it at the beginning, the more terrified my heart became.It feels as if the invisible gentry has fallen into a huge pit.

"Sure enough, there are pits everywhere in the flood. Accidentally

It was calculated by others.”

At the beginning, he grinned. He tried his best to calm his heart.

Wait for the mind to stabilize.At the beginning of the day, he put away the Tiandao Stone, got up the gluttonous food, and continued to travel through the wild. ,

On this day, Taichu was riding on a gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous glutton to gallop in the clouds.

"Master, there is a heavy treasure born!"

Taotie's eyes lit up. He said with joy.

"Go, go down and see!"

At the beginning, his eyes lit up, and he said with joy

Taotie carried Taichu Second Road down and flew towards Baoguang.

When he arrived at Baoguang, he found a huge banana tree at the beginning. The banana tree was covered with huge leaves.Nine leaves flicker with the five elements, yin and yang, and nine attributes of wind and thunder.

"Liye Banana Tree"

Taichu exclaimed e

This nine-leaf banana tree is a top-grade innate spiritual root, and the nine leaves on it are all high-grade innate spiritual treasures.

One of the most famous.The banana fan with the dry wind attribute of the tomb is also the banana fan in the hands of Princess Tie Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King.

In addition, there is Taishang Laozi's fire attribute banana fan.This fire attribute banana fan can restrain Lingbao King Kong

When he arrived at Baoguang, he found a huge banana tree at the beginning. The banana tree was covered with huge leaves.Nine leaves flicker with the five elements, yin and yang, and nine attributes of wind and thunder.

"Liye Banana Tree"

Taichu exclaimed e

This nine-leaf banana tree is a top-grade innate spiritual root, and the nine leaves on it are all high-grade innate spiritual treasures.

One of the most famous.The banana fan with the dry wind attribute of the tomb is also the banana fan in the hands of Princess Tie Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King.

In addition, there is Taishang Laozi's fire attribute banana fan.This fire attribute banana fan can restrain Lingbao King Kong

Chapter 2 The tenth banana tree leaf, clearing the cause and effect with the demon master Kunpeng ([-]) Please subscribe!

Just for a moment, everyone's eyes are straight!

Because the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from this leaf are stronger than the previous nine leaves.

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