That power piece leaf is already a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, what level of treasure is this leaf that was fiddled with in the beginning?

Obviously it is the best innate treasure!

Spirit treasures are hard to find, not to mention top-quality congenital spirit treasures

Top-quality congenital treasures are even rarer

I am afraid that there are only thirty or forty pieces in the entire prehistoric continent, and each piece of the best innate spiritual treasure is infinitely powerful.

A top-quality congenital spiritual treasure was like this by them


The gods and demons twitched violently when they saw that they could not wait to give themselves a big ear shave.

They are all regretful now. Why can't they even take away the root of the banana tree just now?

But in other words come back.Who would have thought that "two hundred and ten", the nine leaves on the spiritual root of the nine-leaf plantain have been picked off and the third leaf can be born?

In the beginning, he took off the Chaos Spirit Fan.Facing a Taishan not far away lightly.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew... an extremely violent and turbid storm swept out, and in an instant it moved a mountain hundreds of thousands of miles into

flat ground.

It doesn't stop there.The chaotic airflow swept through all the way, and everything it passed was destroyed, destroying everything. Even the ground was scraped out of a deep ravine.

"Haha, come on baby,"

Great joy at the beginning.The ecstatic way of playing with the Chaos Spirit Fan.

"This. The power is so strong!

"My God, as expected of a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, its power is not comparable to that of ordinary high-grade congenital spiritual treasures!"

"Shangxian at the beginning of the year is really insightful. He was able to fiddle with such a fetish!"

The gods and demons exploded in an instant.The chaos turned into a pot of porridge, looking at the spiritual fan in the hands of Tai Chu with envy and hatred.


Yuanshi Tianzun's old face instantly became extremely red. 8 Cheeks seem to have been slapped with two big ears, and they are hot and not ke

One moment he was still teasing Taichu for vain, and the next moment Taichu even fiddled with a piece of spiritual treasure.And it's still a top-quality congenital treasure.

This is simply Chi Guoguo's face slap, and it's still the kind of "slap" sound.⊥

Yuanshi Tianzun's face flushed with shame, and he could not wait to find a seam to get in.

In the beginning, he held the turbid spiritual fan and swayed in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, Daoist Receiver, Daoist Zhunti, and the demon master Kunpeng.Hahaha...."..


Sanqing's face twitched violently.Can't stay any longer.Hastily turned into three streams of light and fled away.

"Second brother. Don't talk so much_ You look so ugly: 1!"

In the distance, the voice of Taishang Laozi blaming Yuanshi Tianzun was vaguely heard.

Sanqing left the reception, Zhunti and others dared not stay in the same place any longer.

- Dao Liuguang leaves.

Taoist Kunpeng was about to go high. Taichu stepped out and blocked Taoist Kunpeng's way. He said in a deep voice. "Kunpeng Daoist friend and put down the spiritual fan in your hand, and this seat will let you go.

Taoist Kunpeng was too angry and said solemnly._"In the beginning. Are you actually trying to rob the poor?

Taichu said with a smile, "Daoist Kunpeng, I kindly helped you that day, but you were as timid as a mouse and left directly when this seat was in danger. You should repay this cause and effect today! Leave the spiritual fan and go. Otherwise This seat hurts you-Dun, grabbed the spiritual fan, you choose one|,

"In the beginning, Pindao fought with you!"

Taoist Kunpeng was furious.The big hand stretched out and suddenly turned into two sharp claws. Grabbing towards the beginning.

This claw is grabbed, and the space seems to be squeezed by a terrifying force!

It can be seen the power of Kunpeng Daoist's blow

Originally, Daoist Kunpeng didn't want to be an enemy of Taichu, but Daoist Kunpeng was poor. Except that he was creating Yaozu characters.After getting some merits, he will carry the merits into his palace, the Demon Master Palace, and sacrifice the acquired merits and virtues outside the Demon Master Palace. He has no more spiritual treasures that he can take out.

He doesn't even have one of the congenital spiritual treasures!

It can be said that although the demon master Kunpeng

Although famous, but he is a real pauper_Three no people!

Now that I have finally come across a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, how could the demon master Kunpeng easily hand it over to Taichu.

Seeing that the demon master Kunpeng Erguazi was caught, Taichu snorted coldly and punched it directly.

The magician Kunpeng Yixi

The demon clan is famous for its physical strength, and his demon master Kunpeng's physical body is even more famous.

If you fight for mana and supernatural powers, the demon master Kunpeng knows that he is not as good as being too obsessed."

But if you fight the flesh.He has faith to overcome the beginning"

But just when the demon master Kunpeng thought he was winning.An overwhelming force came, which directly broke his arm, and his body was like a kite with a broken string.Fly out. ......

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