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Chapter 4 The cultivation frenzy caused by the beginning, the first Lich War ([-]) Please subscribe!

Time flies by like a white horse. Another five hundred years have passed in a hurry.

On this day, Taishang Laozi finally broke through the realm of the middle stage of the quasi-sage.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master Mao tried their best to break through.

At this moment, the direction of Wuji Mountain is another divine light rising into the sky. , the world is eclipsed.Xiaguang Wanli.The golden dragon presents beads, the colorful phoenix presents auspiciousness, the unicorn roars the golden beads, the golden lotus hangs down, thousands of visions suddenly appear

In the beginning, it broke through L again!

The Realm of Quasi-Saint Peak L

Taishang Laozi was shocked and stunned.His face twitched violently, and he muttered, "This is

Impossible, impossible, within a thousand years, three consecutive links _ break through three realms in a row, this..-: In the beginning, this fellow is really too perverted. It’s not as good as a poor man.”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master twitched violently, and almost went into trouble.

For a thousand years, they have not even broken through a realm.At the beginning of the day, there was a triple chain, jumping three levels in a row.Completely crushed them.

In the Zixiao Palace, the ancestor of Hongjun was cut off from the cloud bed in shock and exclaimed, perverted.Perverted, this guy really made a triple jump at 19, this, this... do you want to be this perverted?"

Buzhou Mountain.Nuwa looked up at the vision in the sky, and smiled bitterly, "Eldest brother is really terrifyingly talented. He has continuously broken through the third level within a thousand years. This... This is simply a monster, you have to go like this. There is no regret in this life:

At this moment, the great god Fuxi ran over in a hurry, and said with ecstasy, "Sister. Look, the elder brother chose for you, isn't it good? The senior brother is too perverted. He has broken through three consecutive breakthroughs in a thousand years. Level. This 1.. This is simply impossible. Big Brother actually did it..."

"Xianchang, don't be kidding!"

Nuwa blushed with embarrassment, and hurriedly pushed herself down

Xi pushed L out.Begin retreating.

The great god Fuxi pulled Jiao Zitai and shouted, "Sister, hurry up and practice, and strive to break through the sage of Hunyuan as soon as possible. Senior Brother Tai said that when you break through the sage of Hunyuan, he will marry you"_"

Nu Wa blushed with embarrassment, as if a deer lived in her heart.He kept bumping, thumping and jumping, and said angrily: "Brother, don't say it anymore, go and cultivate!"

"Oh, the poor Taoist has to hurry up and cultivate."

Fuxi hurriedly ran to retreat⊥

Outside Buzhou Mountain, there are thirty-six heavens.

Chidong Huangtai was so depressed that he also went to retreat to practice e

Di Jun also ordered a lot of matters and went to retreat and practice.

The Wu clan, the Pangu Temple, and the Twelve Ancestors all retreated and began to practice frantically.

Even Yingyin and Zhunti, who have always liked to play autumn winds in the eastern world, returned to the west and went to retreat to practice. For a while, there was a wave of cultivation in the very beginning.

His successive breakthroughs.The triple jump has a deep feeling for Hongdi's demons.The gods and demons have gathered together to practice.

Under the leadership of this cultivating frenzy, the prehistoric world turned out to be

Strangely calm.Even the two lich clans, who were constantly rubbing against each other, began to converge.

And Tai Chu himself is also in retreat. Continue to stabilize the realm.”

After all, he broke through a bit too fast." The brain jumped three levels in a row, breaking through the realm of the quasi-sage peak."

More than [-] years passed in a hurry, and Sanqing, Jieyin, Zhunti, Nuwa and others also made breakthroughs one after another. , became the high E of the quasi-sage peak realm.

They were more than [-] years later than the beginning of the breakthrough.

Di Jun and Tai Yi also made breakthroughs one after another.

The two emperors of the demon clan broke through and began their expedition.

discuss.Extended cushion force

The demon clan first sent troops to the dragon clan of the four seas, and Donghuang Taiyi fought the ancestor of the dragon clan, Zhulong, on the East China Sea, and the candle dragon was defeated.

Zhulong said that the dragon clan had already been attached to Taichu Donghuang Tai Er hesitated, and then retreated.

Immediately afterwards, Donghuang Taiyi sent troops to conquer the various races in Honghuang. The races were merged into the demon clan, and the demon clan became a veritable clan of all races, with unprecedented power.

On this day, Di Jun and Tai two finally reached out to the Wu clan and launched a war of unification.

It's just that the Wu people are also extremely powerful. They only believe in their own fists. They don't respect the world.

Jun .. only respect the great god Pangu s

Great war, the first Lich War L broke out.

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