Donghuang Taiyi thoroughly understood the mystery of the Chaos Clock. He fought the Eight Great Ancestor Witch alone, and the sky and the earth shattered when he fought with the Eight Great Ancestor Witch. ,


The bell of the Chaos Bell was extremely fast, and the Emperor of the East showed his mighty power.

Zu Wu roared and fought against the sky and the battlefield, and the two sides fought hard, destroying the mountains and steaming the rivers.

Emperor Jun formed a great formation of Hunyuan Heluo with Hetu Luoshu.

Victory against three ancestors.

The demon master Kunpeng resisted the last ancestor.

The ten demon saints faced off against the various great witches. Although the great war between them was not as good as the war between the ancestor witches, they were also destructive.Day and no light.

The fighting resulted in countless casualties.

In the sky and the ground, there are people from the two Lich tribes who are fighting.

Every second, people die, their bodies die, and they disappear completely in this world.

Dead bodies piled up like mountains.

This prehistoric land is once again like a purgatory on earth, 760 servants

The killing was extremely tragic _l.

In Wuji Mountain, he had been waiting for this moment at the beginning. He felt that Heavenly Dao was secretly absorbing the power of this calamity, and immediately ran the infinite calamity, and began to frantically absorb the power of this calamity.

Although this Lich War is only a small amount of calamity, its power of calamity is also extremely terrifying.

At the beginning of the day, he started to run innumerable calamities, and began to frantically store these calamities.

But there is still a small amount of tribulation power that was sucked away by Heaven.

"Brothers. Form a great formation of the Twelve Capitals, and condense the real body of Pangu!"

At this moment, another change took place on the Lich battlefield.Emperor Jiang abandoned the second emperor of the East and shouted -:-.The sound was rumbling, spreading throughout the battlefield.

The rest of the ancestors heard what Di Jiang said.They abandoned their opponents and flew to Dijiang.

. The twelve ancestor witches gathered together, madly drumming their bodies.Make the most of the power of blood. ,

"The Twelve Capitals are too gods. Condensate!

The ancestors drank e

A terrifying blood light emanated from the twelve ancestor witches, shaking the world.Straight into the sky.

The blood light dissipated, and a stalwart giant appeared between heaven and earth:.

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Chapter 5: The real body of Pangu, the witches who dare to attack the saint! ([-]) Please subscribe!


A pioneering existence L

This moment comes back to the world, giants stand up to the sky, and their feet step on the earth.Head Xiang Cang Palace, the stalwart body made the entire prehistoric creatures feel shocked.

Even Di Jun and Tai Er were trembling with fear.

Wuji Mountain raised his brows at the beginning and muttered, 2 "This real Pangu body has such divine power, no, we have to find a way to get the real body of Pangu:."


Giants stand tall.shouted a

The sound rumbles.Like a thunderous explosion

Powerful.bombed the floods

Kunlun Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace, the Taiji diagram beside Taishang Laozi hummed.There was a tendency to break free.

Taishang Laozi reached out and pressed the Taiji map lightly.The trembling Tai Chi map quieted down

In the Yuqing Palace, Qingyun jumped out of the back of Tianzun Qi Shitian's head, and Pangu Fan wanted to break free and escape.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and snorted coldly.The thought moved slightly, and the Pangu Fan also stopped beating.

On the other side, above the Lich battlefield.

Being yelled at by the real body of Pangu, the Chaos Bell in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi had the tendency to break free, and it seemed to fly towards the real body of Pangu.

The Second Emperor of the East was too shocked. _I hurriedly hugged the Chaos Bell, which stabilized the Chaos Bell.

Unable to summon the God of Kaitian, the giant Pangu Xiping was furious. The giant moon, which was like a big sun that could burn with two rounds of bears, looked at Donghuang Taiyi, threw a huge fist, and punched Dong Huangtai with one punch.

Where the fist passed, the space exploded directly.The complete space was directly smashed into a deep groove, and things like fire, wind and thunder rushed in.

The violent chaotic airflow blew in, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Those who didn't have time to dodge the big demon, the little demon, and the people in the Wu clan were killed one after another!

Fortunately, the fetal membranes in the prehistoric world are stable. _The smashed space was quickly repaired, and more people were not killed.

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