"Car car car..."

The three earth and six Dinghai Divine Pearls slammed into Di Jun, directly overturning Di Jun's smash and falling backwards.I don't know how many miles I fell

These thirty-six Dinghai Divine Beads were

It evolved into thirty-six heavens. Thirty-six Dinghai Divine Beads slammed on Di Jun's body is equivalent to (bjab) jade thirty-six heavens smashed on Di Jun's body.

Even if Di Jun had two treasures like Hetu Luoshu, he was smashed enough.

.And at the beginning, it was a sudden attack without warning, and Huang Dijun was caught off guard.Di Jun hadn't formed a formation at all, and before he could exert the power of Hetu Luoshu, he was beaten upside down and flew out.

Rao Shidi Jun is now also a master at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage realm, and he was also seriously injured by thirty-six Dinghai Zaizhu.

Outside the lunar star, a 29 demon little demon is preparing to welcome the emperor

Jun hugged the beauty back, but he didn't expect Di Jun to bleed directly. _ Fly upside down. Come out.

What is this operation?

The two big demons and the little demons were bewildered.

After a while, I saw Di Jun's face was embarrassed. When he came back, he said in horror, "Let's go. Let's go x."

Saying that, he ran away in embarrassment.

All the big demons and the little demons were also startled. They hurriedly told God Jun.

Buzhou Mountain, the thirty-sixth heaven.

Inside the Lingxiao Palace.With lanterns and colorful lanterns, gongs and drums are played.A jubilant scene.

It's a big thing for the demon emperor to marry too much.

The demon clan is from top to bottom, and it is called a beaming one, from the first to the thirty-fifth layer of the heavens, they are all very happy. . Auspicious in the sky.Lucky fortune.

The thirty-sixth layer of heaven, Daluotian, was the site of Taichu. At the beginning, Emperor Jun and Taiyi were pointed out, saying that there were thirty-six heavens outside Buzhou Mountain, but the highest one-layer heavens were reserved for Taichu.

therefore.The demon clan did not dare to move the [-]th layer of the heavens.

It's just that the demon clan had a good time in the beginning.There are many magnificent palaces built on the thirty-sixth Tai Luotian, and fairies often clean the palaces.

Outside Nantianmen, East Emperor Taiyi

He personally led the ten demon saints of the demon clan.Three hundred and sixty-five demon gods, countless demon kings and demon generals lined up to wait for Di Jun.

Because they believed that Di Jun would naturally be able to catch him.

"It's here.. It's here. His Majesty the Emperor is back..."

There is a big demon flying. Report to Donghuang Taiyi.

Dong Huangtai was overjoyed, and Busy Tai shouted: "Hurry up, play the gongs and carry the drums. Let's get lively..."

In an instant, gongs, drums and musical instruments all over the sky became a sound of L.

It was extremely lively outside Nantianmen, with gongs and drums, and colorful ribbons.The haze shrouded. The golden dragon presents pearls. The colorful phoenix is ​​auspicious.Kirin

hiss.The cranes danced, and the auspicious beasts galloped around happily, with extremely hot eyes.

It's quite lively here., But Di Jun came back - watching this scene, I almost got bloody

Is this to welcome me back in embarrassment?

"Stop, stop for me, stop quickly...".

Di Jun's old face was ashen, like a mad lion, roaring, s?

what the hell is this 3

Why is His Majesty the Emperor so embarrassed 3

Seems to be injured?

All the big demons and the little demons looked dumbfounded

Dong Huangtai's face is fierce

twitching.Looking behind Di Jun, he asked, "Brother, where are the two sisters-in-law?"

Di Jun's old face twitched violently, he gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it!"

Dong Huangtai frowned.. said in shock.

"Could it be that the two goddesses of the yin are not willing to marry your eldest brother?"

Di Jun's old face flushed, and he said angrily, "I don't want to!"

Dong Huangtai frowned and said solemnly.

"My eldest brother is a demon clan without an emperor and has a distinguished status. It is a blessing for both of them to marry her two lunar goddesses as emperors and concubines. How dare they refuse eldest brother.

. 2 and also injured the big brother! '

Di Jun said with a wry smile, "My virtuous brother doesn't know that he is hungry, how can the two mere goddesses of Taiyin hurt the poor... It's just that there are masters on the stars of Taiyin. The two goddesses of Taiyin actually recognize that master as master, then The servant actually had thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls, and Pindao was caught off guard. Therefore, he was injured L."

Because the Three Earths and Six Dinghai Divine Pearls had never been used in Tai Chu, Di Jun did not know that it was Tai Chu who injured him.

Hearing this, Dong Huangtai was instantly furious.He said in a deep voice, "Damn it, you dare to hurt the eldest brother, the eldest brother will wait a moment. 2 The poor man will go here and take that bird boy.

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