Killed and grabbed the two sisters-in-law back for the eldest brother"

With that said, Donghuang Taiyi turned into a streamer.Fly to the moon star.

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Chapter 3 The Most Dreaded Person of Dong Huang Taiyi ([-]) Please subscribe!

Di Jun was in a hurry and said: 2 "The ghost car and I Feilian, the two demon saints, quickly chase the East Emperor back to the mere two women. My demon clan must not offend so much for the sake of these two women!"

Di Jun is also considered to be an item-level god and demon of the Great Desolate Land, and a master of the quasi-sage peak. He also has two treasures like Hetu Luoshu.Ordinary people really can't hurt him.

Even if it is Sanqing's shot, Di Jun is sure to slip away.

But he was injured by the mysterious figure on the moon star, so Di Jun concluded that the mysterious man on the moon star was a peerless master!

Di Jun has always had great ambitions, how could it be possible for two

offending a woman so capable

."Yes, Your Majesty⊥"

Ghost Car and Fei, Lian, the two demon saints, took orders. They were busy turning into two streamers to chase after the Emperor Dong-

Although it is said that the ghost car is a nine-headed phoenix that is extremely fast, Fei Lian is also an ancient alien.It is also extremely fast, but the speed of the two of them is comparable to that of the East Emperor.Still far.

Donghuang Taiyi was the first to come to the second Taiyin star.

"Hey, which bastard injured this emperor's brother, get out of this emperor and suffer death"

Dong Huangtai is surrounded by the sun, the sun is really blazing, and the Chaos Bell is in his hand, and the sound is like thunder. It rolls into the Taiyin

- In the stars.

call out:..

At this moment, thirty-six rays of brilliance flew out from the lunar star, which were exactly the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls. ,

Donghuang Taiyi - startled.. hurriedly put the Chaos Clock on his head.

The Chaos Bell hung down with profound lights, protecting Donghuang Taiyi's body.


The terrifying knocking sound kept ringing.Thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls, turned into three earths and six heavens. They smashed on the Chaos Bell fiercely.

Rao is the emperor of the East, who has such a treasured body protector as the Chaos Bell, and was smashed and staggered backwards.

However, the turbid clock is indeed a congenital treasure.One of the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven is much stronger than Di Jun's Hetu Luoshu, even if it is the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearl.It's just the smashed Donghuang Taiyi & back tens of thousands of miles.

Soon, Dong Huangtai flew back and said angrily, "Shameless villain, he will attack, if you have the ability, come out and fight this emperor to death!"

Saying that, Tai Huang Tai held the Chaos Clock and rushed towards the Moon Star.

At this moment, a large axe phantom slammed into the chaos.The Chaos Bell let out a whimper, and it was actually spinning, flying back to the palm of Donghuang Taiyi.

Seeing this big axe phantom, Dong Huang Taiyi - why don't you know who the mysterious man on the lunar star is 2

Open Heaven Profound Truth

He fought against Taichu several times and was restrained to death by the Kaitian Profound Truth of Taichu.”

This time is no exception

A sacred mountain flew out and slammed into Donghuang Taiyi's body, smashing Donghuan Donghuang Taiyi into blood.It rolled over and over, and fell backwards, I don't know how many thousands of miles it fell.


In the end, Dong Huangtai - crashed into a big mountain and collapsed. That Taishan was buried by rocks.

East Emperor Taiyi

Crawled out of the rubble

With a horrified face, he said, "Fenbaoya. Taichu 1. The mysterious person on the lunar star turned out to be Taichu, damn..."

Having said that, Dong Huangtai has no intention of fighting again, and hastily turned into a streamer.Fly towards Buzhou Mountain Heavenly Court.

Donghuang Taiyi is a soil-footed martial idiot with a profound cultivation. . Even if he meets Sanqing, he dares to challenge, and it may not even fall to J Feng.But it was restrained to death by the Kaitian Profound Truth in the hands of Taichu.

In the beginning was the only one he feared!

Now that he came to the lunar star.2, he didn't even climb the lunar star, and he was defeated. It can be seen from the beginning.

the horror L

Donghuang Taiyi completely lost the idea of ​​competing with Taichu for the hegemony. He hurriedly ran for his life.

On the way, Donghuang Taiyi encountered two demon saints, the ghost car and Feilian, who were chasing after him.

When the two demon saints saw that Donghuang Taiyi was actually injured, they couldn't help but tremble.

What is the power of Emperor Donghuang Taiyi?

The two of them know.. Donghuang Taiyi, who owns the Chaos Bell, can be said to be the first person under the saints.

But Donghuang Taiyi was injured by the mysterious man on the moon star.If you don't see it with your own eyes.Even if they die, they won't talk to each other.

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