The sea of ​​blood is not his.He's not dead yet

The blood waves of the sea of ​​​​blood rolled violently, and the ancestor of Ming He spun out of the sea of ​​​​blood, looking at the beginning.Horrified: _" "Senior brother, let's go slowly"

At the beginning, he looked at the ancestor Ming He with a playful look, and said disdainfully, "How about fellow Daoist Ming He?. I have said that if you don't offer Xuanming Divine Iron_you will regret it!"

Old Ancestor Ming He's face shook violently, and he said in horror, "Yes, yes, what the senior brother said is that Pindao is willing to offer Xuanming Divine Iron. He also asked the senior brother to spare Pindao's life and put Pindao's life away. The treasure and the sea of ​​blood are returned. How?"

Tai Chu looked at the ancestor Ming He with a smile _playing taste, _ "Xuanming Shentie waits for this seat to kill you, this seat will naturally take it up"

Speaking of 663. Taichu's figure riot _. swept to the front of the ancestor of Ming He,

The involuntarily z punched out, directly blasting the ancestor of Ming He again.It exploded into a blood fog.

After a while, the ancestor of Ming He spun out of the sea of ​​blood.Shocking discovery.It turns out that [-]% of the sea of ​​blood is no longer under his control.

In other words, the extent to which he controlled the sea of ​​​​blood in the beginning has surpassed him!

This made Old Ancestor Ming He tremble and was extremely afraid of Taichu. If Zhao continued like this, he was afraid that he would be dragged to death by Taichu sooner or later.

Ancestor Gu He looked at Taichu with a look of horror, and said, "Senior brother. Pendao originally intended to offer Xuanming Divine Iron, and also asked the big brother to have a lot of money to spare Pindao's life.


Too early to grin.He smiled and said, "If I knew the day earlier, why should I have done it in the first place, even if the poor Daoist will spare your life!"

Old Ancestor Ming He swallowed his saliva and turned his hand, revealing a piece of divine iron L that shone with dim light and handed it to Tai Chu with the power of mana.Dao, senior brother, this is Xuanming Shentie, please don't break your promise.Let go of the poor road - horse!

At the beginning of the day, he took over the Xuanming Divine Iron, and the big sleeve (bifh)-waving directly cut off the connection with the sea of ​​blood.He smiled and said, "Seeing how sincere you are, this seat will give you [-]% of the control of the sea of ​​​​blood, but if you collide with the poor road again. Then don't blame this seat for being rude!"

"Yes, yes, Pindao no longer dares

Ancestor Yanhe said in horror

In fact, the ancestor Ming He really wanted to return to Yuantu Abi with two killing swords and a highland flame flag, but it was obvious that Taiwu would not give it to him, and he was afraid of angering Taichu again, and even lost the treasure of the sea of ​​blood. .

"This seat is gone. Fellow Daoist Styx. Do it yourself!"

At the beginning of the day, he turned back to Taotie, rode on Taotie, and the domineering Jianghou Tuye pulled it onto Taotie's back.whizzing away

"Congratulations to the senior brother"

Ancestor Ming He hurriedly said.

After the early days are gone,

Old Ancestor He's entire old face sank. Obviously, he hated Taichu thoroughly, but he was no match for Taichu at all.And in the beginning, there were means to make him lose control of the sea of ​​​​blood.

He is really afraid of the beginning!

Helpless, Old Ancestor Ming He had to shake his head, gave up the idea of ​​revenge, and sank into the sea of ​​blood.

After entering the sea of ​​​​blood, the ancestor of Ming He hurriedly summoned the four demon kings under his command to discuss countermeasures, and wanted to pass the three treasures of Huiyuantu Abi and Lidi Yanguang Banner.

"The four demon kings, the Yuantu Abi and Lidi Yanguang of the poor road have all been taken away by Taichu Naduan. What can I do? What can you do to replace them?

Pindao wants these three treasures back?

Ancestor Ming He looked at the four demon kings under his command with a bitter look.

The four demon kings under his command are Zizai Tianboxun Demon King, Tai Brahma Demon Jade, Desire Demon Jade and Shiva Demon King. These four demon kings were originally under the command of Mo Zuluoqian, and after Mazuluoqian died. Four The magic jade threw it into the ancestor of Ming He.It has become the giant of Peptide of the ancestors of Ming He.

"Grab. Let's gather my entire blood sea power, rush to Wuji Mountain, and snatch back three treasures for the ancestors!"

Demon King Zizai Tianbo Xun shouted too loudly.

"Kill us directly and grab it back.


The Demon King of Lust also shouted.

"Yes, let's get our men and horses up, rush out, and get back three treasures for our ancestor!"

Demon Lord Shiva opened his three eyes and gnashed his steel teeth so loudly that A also shouted loudly.

Ancestor Ming He heard a burst of blue veins on his forehead.

These individuals of the Shura tribe. , Born to be vicious and fighting evil, they only know how to fight, carry and kill, and ask them to find a way. It is indeed difficult for them.

The ancestor of Di Dong Minghe, who resisted the explosion of the four demon kings, said with a black face. "In the beginning of Wuji Mountain, there are people like Yang Mei Taixian and Daozu-level people.

Things, grab, you grab a fart, can you grab a saint? Besides.In addition to Yang Mei Taixian, that Mrs. Yuanmu is not easy to mess with, according to Pindao estimates.Mrs. Yuanmu was simply Yuan Feng, the former patriarch of the Phoenix Clan.Yuan Feng is an ancient emperor. After so many years, the ghost knows how fierce she is.

After a pause, Old Ancestor Ming He said angrily. "Besides, there is also the Wu clan. In the beginning, that fellow was still the supreme leader of the Wu clan. We also offended the Wu clan this time. What if the Wu clan attacked in a big way? Can we beat the Wu clan?"

Although the Shura people are also fierce and fierce.Naturally belligerent.But compared with the Wu people descended from Pangu.Still not a star and a half


Moreover, now the Wu clan is so powerful that it can compete with the heavenly court established by the demon clan, how can the Shura clan be the opponent of the Wu clan?

The four demon kings were scolded by the ancestors of the Styx.Almost ashamed.

After scolding the four major demon kings, the Ancestor Ming He finally felt better, and finally his eyes were fixed on the Great Brahma Demon King.He asked, "Tai Brahma, what are your plans?"

This Brahma is a wise man of the Asura tribe, a rare figure of the Asura tribe who does not use his muscles to think about problems and uses his brain.

Ancestor Ming He can only pin his last hope on Brahma.

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