Tai Brahma hesitated for a while, then said, "Ancestor. There is a way for the poor, but I don't know if it will work..."

Old Ancestor Ming He's eyes lit up. He said with joy, "Aiya, Tai Brahma, tell me, what time is it? It's burning your ass. Don't worry about it, let's hear it!"

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Chapter 5 A lecherous person in the beginning, a beauty trick can fix it! ([-]) Please subscribe!

Da Brahma said: _"Perhaps you can use the beauties"

"Oh? Beauty plan? Tai Brahma continues!"

Ancestor Ming He hurriedly said.

Da Brahma said with a smile. "I've also heard of the romantic deeds of the beginning of the year. In the beginning, I had a relationship with Nuwa. I had an affair with the Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun Xu. I don't know if I had a relationship with the sergeant of the Wu clan. I heard that I was on the moon star some time ago. The two Taiyin goddesses also got mixed up. For the sake of the Western Taiyin Goddess, Taichu did not hesitate to beat Dijun and Taiyi, the first emperor-huang of the demon clan, offended the entire demon clan. There was also the matter of the dragon clan some time ago!'


What happened to the Dragon Clan?"

Patriarch Gu He asked curiously

Da Brahma said with a smile, "Some time ago, the dragon family didn't know how to offend Taichu. Zhulong showed up and fought with Taichu, but even Zhulong couldn't help it. Later, I heard that Zhulong used four dragon girls to ease with Taichu. The relationship can be seen from this. In the beginning, this fellow was just a womanizer!'

Old Ancestor Ming He nodded his head and said, “Yes, yes, Tai Brahma, you are right. It seems so.It was really lustful in the beginning.what should we do?"

Tai Brahma said with a smile, "Zhezu. My Asura tribe has seventy-two princes.

Lord L, all of them are beautiful and moving, and they are all from the boudoir. If you present a few princesses, you will definitely be able to exchange for the treasures of the ancestors! '

Ancestor Ming He patted his thigh.Haha laughed and said, "This is a clever plan, good. Just do it. When there is a chance, Pindao will use my princess of the Shura clan to exchange for the treasure of Pindao."

Da Brahma laughed. "And take this opportunity to form an alliance with that guy in the beginning... It's considered an extra strong ally, even the two lich clans wouldn't dare to touch us 1_"

Ancestor Ming He was overjoyed.. said, "Good. Good. Good"...

And the other side.I don't know yet

The plan of Dao Minghe Patriarch and Da Brahma.

If Tai Chu knew about the plans of the ancestor Ming He and Tai Brahma, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.


When did we become sluts?

It's just a few more girls

Out of the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld, Taichu and Houtuyi-lu rode on gluttonous gluttons.

In the beginning, he looked at Hou Tu angrily and said, "The last ten sisters. Remember, remember. I didn't go to find you, you must not go to the sea of ​​blood in the nether world alone. Otherwise, your witch clan's life will be ruined!"

In order to keep the back soil from going to the nether blood

In the beginning, Hais could only scare Houtu like this.

Sure enough, after listening to it, her pretty face changed drastically, and she said in shock, "So serious?

"Of course"

In the beginning, the face is not red and the heart is not beating

Hou + was very frightened, and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, senior brother, I have written it down. I will never go to the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld again in the future, just wait for the senior brother to come!"

Tai Chu grinned twice, stretched out his hand and scratched Houtu's nose. He smiled and said, "That's right. That being the case, Houtu girl. You go back to the Wu clan first. You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Hou Tu pouted and said, "Big

Where is Senior Brother going? I want to go with Senior Brother!"

Taichu smiled and said, "Where this seat is going, you are not suitable to go!"


The back soil is clever.

At the beginning, he stretched out his big hand, ripped apart the void directly, rode a gluttonous gluttonous food, and plunged into it.

When they reappeared, Taichu and Houtu were already outside the Wu tribe.

After the soil went down with gluttonous food, he reluctantly said. "Senior brother. You must come to find me."

"Lady, don't worry!_"

Taichu laughed.

Saying that, it was torn again at the beginning

Split Void rode a gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous glutton to come to a different mountain.

Tai Chu looked at Taotie.road. "You find a place to hide first - a place to hide, the place where the poor man is going, I'm afraid there is danger!"

Taotie nodded obediently and ran away in a hurry.

After Taotie left, Tai Chu looked up at the top of Buzhou Mountain and went straight to the Yaozu Heavenly Court in the thirty-sixth heaven outside Buzhou Mountain.


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