Zhun mentions humanity, "Pindao has carefully analyzed the reasons for obtaining merit in the human race in the beginning, but if you are sincere to the human race, the heaven will surely have merit!"

"Junior Brother's words are quite good. Pindao has also carefully analyzed this matter, and it is true."

The receptionist nodded.

Zhunti Daoist double and the divine light flickered, and said, "Recently, the poor Daoist discovered a thing, the name and 'rice' worker, this thing can grow when it is inserted in the water. If you go to the human race and spread this thing, it will definitely benefit the human race. . Received a lot of merit for me in the West!"

Hearing this, his eyes suddenly lit up.Ha ha

He laughed loudly, "That's it. Junior Brother, hurry up and plan this!"


The Taoist Zhunti was overjoyed, and he turned into a fat Taoist, and went down the mountain to teach people how to breed rice.

The Daoist Zhunti came to the human race and taught the human race to grow rice.Busy in full swing.

All saints naturally see a

Shouyang Mountain.

Taishang Laozi frowned. After hesitating for a while, his figure flashed, and he came to the outside of Wuji Mountain and said in a loud voice, "Senior brother, Taishang asks to see you!"

Among the saints. Only profit

beneficial.There are no eternal allies!

Not long ago, Taichu and Taishang Laozi had a fight on the netherworld of blood, and now Taishang Laozi came to visit. , but also because of interest

The Yin-Yang Promise Tai Formation opened, and a Phoenix woman came out, and she said, sage, please!"

Taishang Laozi followed the Phoenix woman into the Wuji Mountain and came to the Wuji Hall.

Taichu, Nuwa and Taishang Laozi sat down

Taichu looked at Laozi Taishang with a smile, and asked, "How did fellow Taoist Taishang come to this Wuji Mountain?"

Taishang Laozi looks at Taichu and Dao

1_ Zhunti went to the stable to collect some rice from the human race, and the poor road of rice has seen it.It's a thing of great merit, if Zhunti succeeds, I'm afraid that Senior Brother Xu Mingqiyun is not ready to take action?"

Taichu pointed to Nuwa and said with a smile: 'People in the industry create people, and enjoy [-]% of the luck of the human race.This seat also participated in the creation of the human race, is the holy father of the human race, and also enjoys the luck of the human race.In addition, this seat also has the seal of the emperor's most treasured Kongtong. It also enjoys [-]% of the luck of the human race. In this way, my Wuji Mountain will enjoy [-]% of the luck of the human race, and the remaining [-]% of the luck. You go and fight, this seat Not the one who kills

Tai Shang Lao Tzu grinned.. a look of helplessness,

Said, "That...: That's it. That's it. Pindao will say goodbye!"

Having said that, the old master got up and walked away in despair.

Taishang Laozi came to the human race to borrow the hands of Taichu to make Zhunti collapse.Who ever wanted to say something from the very beginning. Hit the heart of Lao Tzu directly.Too Shang Laozi couldn't make it cheap and had to leave in despair.

Right at the beginning.The Wuji Mountains alone account for [-]% of the luck of the human race.

Moreover, the [-]% of the luck in this vein of Wuji Mountain is almost a fixed (good) luck, the luck of Nuwa's creation. , In the beginning, it participated in the creation of man's luck and the fixed air cloud of the emperor's treasure, because

This [-]% luck cannot be taken away

The remaining fifty percent of the human race will be divided among the saints.

Among them, the people of Taishang Laozi accounted for [-]% of the qi luck, the remaining [-]% of the qi luck, [-]% for the explanation, [-]% for the interception.

These luck are not fixed luck, will be lost.

Because the Western religion did not preach in the eastern land, it did not share the fate of the human race!

This time, Zhunti Dao was planting rice.If it is successful, it will definitely share a lot of luck from the human race, and it will be possible to mention the luck of the human race that the Daoist will share.Of course, it is divided into people's teaching, explaining teaching and intercepting teaching.

Among them, the teachings of those who are Taishang Laozi must

Of course it is the biggest loss!

This is not in a hurry at the beginning.The reason why Taishang Laozi can't sit still is very small.

ps ask for subscription, ask for subscription, ask for T-read" 11⊥⊥⊥⊥ Mountain_

Chapter 1 The lead and resistance are too high, and the quasi-prompt mention ([-]) Please subscribe!

If you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself _!

Helpless, Taishang Laozi had to go to the human race to prepare some small pieces.

The quasi-daoist cannot be allowed to take the fate of other peoples in vain.

Taishang Laozi walked halfway.Suddenly there was a rippling in the air, and a tall and thin Taoist with a bitter face emerged from the space. This Taoist was none other than the Receiver.

Zhun Ti Dao A’s plan is all for the sake of Western religion.”

When Taishang Laozi went to the human race, he was bound to destroy it. How could he let Taishang Laozi destroy the great keel of their Western religion?

Taishang Laozi frowned as he looked at the Daoist Receiver. "How do you block the path of the poor road, accommodating fellow Daoists?".

The Daoist Receiver put his hands together with a sympathetic look on his face, and said, "Daoist friend is too good. We know that we don't say secret words. Daoist friend must not ruin my Western teaching plan!"

Taishang Laozi frowned and said solemnly.

"Receiving and leading Daoist friends, the human race is in the east of me, and it has nothing to do with your Western religion. Please be sure to mention Daoist friends to withdraw from the human race, otherwise you are welcome to join the blame pot."

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