The Daoist Receiver shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Fellow Daoist Taishang's words are too bad, the flood is a whole, how can there be any distinction between East and West!"

The old man said angrily. "Since the accomplices are determined to stop the poor Daoist. 2 Then we have to do a 477!"


Reach out to humanity.

The old man was furious.Pick up the crutches.He threw it at the receptionist.

Daoist Daoyin was startled, and hurriedly stepped under his feet, the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit and virtue spun out, radiating golden light.Protect his body.

"..." On, the golden light smashed around.

But there was no injury to the Daoist Receptionist, but the Daoist Receptionist staggered back a few steps.

In this way, the Daoist Daoist and the Taishang Laozi will fight at -.Carry the sky and earth torn apart.The sun and the moon are dull.

Although it is said that Taishang Laozi is in terms of mana or magic weapon.They are far better than the Daoist, but the Daoist is only fighting with the Laozi, not with the Laozi.

Taishang Laozi and the Daoist Receiver fight.Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master are still delayed.

Originally, the three clears were one.

But because it is Yuanshi Tianzun who thinks that Laozi and them are all ancients (bjbf)

Authentic. Taishang Laozi enjoys [-]% of the luck of the human race, [-]% more than them.So the bull is jealous.would not help.

Tongtian sect master always bullied her with Yuanshi Tianzun because he was angry with Taishang Laozi.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master both have the meaning of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.It's too hard here, Laozi Wang.

Poor Mrs. Laozi watched the rice mature, but he couldn't do anything.

At the same time that Lao Tzu and the Daoist were fighting, the final king of rice, who was quasi-receiving the Daoist, was mature.

Looking at - endless, yellow rice.Quan Ti Dao

People seem to have seen the situation of the Western teaching Taichang, and they are full of surprises.

"Spiritual Master.. The rice is ripe, can it be harvested?"

The old man of the two people asked.

The Daoist Zhunti waved his sleeves in high spirits and said, "Of course you can harvest, quickly harvest it"

△ Clan people are going to harvest rice.At this moment, an incomparably huge robbery cloud floated in the sky, and at the same time, the vast karma rushed towards the Daoist Zhunti.

Zundi Daoist is like a black hole, it seems that it can never be filled, absorbing karma crazily.

"How could it be Jieyun 2 this.. This is impossible?"

two-time.The Daoist quasi was dumbfounded.exclaimed.

A gust of wind blew through, and the overwhelming four fields of rice were all turned into fly ash, which was able to burn, and many poor human races lost their lives.

The people of the human race were also dumbfounded.They scolded Daoist Zhunti one after another, and big and small stones threw them frantically at Daoist Zhunti.

"How can this happen, how can this happen 2 shouldn't it be a merit?. How did it become a thunder robbery 2 What the hell is going on 3"

The Daoist Zhunti looked bewildered. Let his wife drop a small stone on the

on him.

The boundless karma is instilled in the quasi-daoist.Zundi Daoist had to manifest straight body to resist karma.

"Ah, it turned out to be Zunti of the Western Church. The Holy Father once said that we should be careful about the reception and Zunti of the Western Church. These two people are liars⊥"

In the crowd, some people recognized Daoist Zhunti, and the next moment, people heard that the pot exploded and scolded Daoist Zhunti, spitting stars flying.

"Hmph. The evil spirits of Western religion. Don't come to our human race, we don't welcome you to get out⊥"

"Get out of the human race, the evil spirits of Western religion, get out!"

"Shameless Zhunti, what the Holy Father said is right. We were blind and didn't see that it was Zhunti, a big liar, who taught us to teach us for the Holy Father..."

The poor quasi-daoist did not get the merits, but instead attracted _ a slap in the face.

That's good. The people of the human race did not feel sorry for Daoist Zhunti, but recognized that Daoist Zhunti regarded him as a god of plague.

In this way, if the Daoist Zhunti wants to come to the human race to preach again, it will be as difficult as going to the sky.

The hard-pressed Zhunti Daoist was slobbered by everyone, and he was still beating and scolding at the same place.

This is of course because the thief is aimed at mentioning

The impact on people's Dao heart was too great, which made Zhunti Daoist lose the reason why Xiao Shens did not resist.

Of course, these stones and saliva can't hurt the quasi-daoist at all.

But it's ugly

The dignified saint, but fell into such a field _ it really makes the gods and demons sigh.

The key is.The Daoist Zhunti has not figured it out until now. He has worked so hard to spread rice.Wholeheartedly seek welfare for the human race, and what descends for Mao Tiandao is boundless karma and thunder tribulation.

What's the matter with him?

In the Promise Mountain, in the beginning of the day, laughing up to the sky. The prospect of laughter

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