Lean back.laughing straight up

Others don't know why the quasi-daoist didn't get the merits. Instead, he attracted boundless karma and thunder calamity, but it was clear in the beginning.

But it turned out that these grains were the things of the second human emperor Shennong's preaching.

The quasi-daoist used it to fool the human race!

This is to go against the sky and form a great cause and effect with the emperor, _ the emperor is the fate of the human race, so the way of heaven will bring down boundless karma and thunder tribulation to punish the Daoist Zhunti.

This is also the beginning of staying in Wuji Mountain to watch a good show.An important reason for not stopping would-be preachers...

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Chapter 2 The two Western saints borrow treasures, and the ancestor of Styx looks for a backer ([-]) Please subscribe!


A bucket-thick Divine Thunder descended from the sky and crashed against Daoist Zhunti.

The poor Zhunti Daoist, even though he was the venerable saint, was sent down by the Dao of Heaven: Dao Lei Ting gave Bi Bi's body a twitch.The hair is standing on end _ the smoke is coming from the mouth.

The Taishangzhezi and the Daoyin who were fighting also stopped.

The two were also confused.

"How can this happen? Shouldn't it be merit? How can it become a thunder calamity? This.1..What the hell is going on?"

The Daoist Receptionist-Looking at the road connecting the heavens and the earth with a dazed face..

Human terror Lei Ge exclaimed. ,

Taishang Laozi also looked at it with a dazed expression, then he was ecstatic and laughed loudly, "Fellow Daoist, you should go and see Daoist Zhunti, he is afraid that his heart is broken at this moment, and he is crying, poor Daoist. Goodbye hahaha...".

Having said that, the old master happily turned his head to Yangshan~.

Just because Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master did not come to help him.This also made Taishang Laozi feel grudges in his heart.

After Taishang Lao Tzu left, the Daoist Receiver rushed to the human race in a hurry. The scorched Daoist who was scorched by the thunder and then left.

When Daoist Zhunti saw Daoist Receiver, he looked at Daoist Receiver and cried with aggrieved expression, "Brother, why? Why is this happening?"

The Daoist received a wry smile and said, "I don't know why this is the case. I don't care. Let's go to eliminate the karma on you first."

Although the saint is not afraid of karma, it is only a small amount.”

The massive amount of karma injected into the body like the Daoist Zhunti is absolutely harmful and unprofitable for cultivation.

Just a moment's worth of gong.The cultivation of the poor Zhunti Daoist has fallen from the early stage of Hunyuan II to Hunyuan-realm.

This has to be cultivated back to the second realm of Primordial Primordial. Not yet

I know it will be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

This time, the cultivation base of Daoist Zhunti suddenly became the bottom of the saints!

Even in terms of mana alone, the Daoist Zhunti can't even compare to the sanctification of the Primordial Spirit.

The Daoist Zhunti nodded and asked, "Senior brother, where are you going to eliminate karma?"

Daoist Receiver frowned and said, "The only thing in the world that can eliminate karma is the red lotus of the [-]th grade karma of Daoist Xue Hai Ming He, let's go to the blood sea!"


The quasi-daoist nodded and said.

The two tore open the void and stepped out.coming soon

Above the sea of ​​blood.

Daoist Jie Yin had deep eyes, looked into the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and said loudly, "Fellow Daoist Minghe, please come out and see me."

The ancestor of the river is now -z when he sees a saint, he will use it

Previously, the saints fought on the sea of ​​blood.He ruined his entire Shura clan in a few years, and now Yingyin and Zhunti have suddenly come to the sea of ​​blood, and they want to see him by name, there must be nothing good.

To be honest, Old Ancestor Ming He really didn't want to see the two of them.

But the sage came in person, and he dared not see him

Helpless, the ancestor of Ming He only came up with the sea of ​​​​nether blood, and mentioned two to the reception and Zhun

The person bowed his hands and said, "Styx pays respects to two saints. I don't know that two saints are coming to my blood. What's the matter?"

Daoist Zhunti looked at Old Ancestor Ming He with a bitter look, and said, "Daoyou Minghe is like this, the poor Dao is contaminated with a lot of karma, and you need to use the [-]-grade karma red lotus of Taoist Minghe to eliminate danger karma, I also ask fellow Daoists to be complete.”

Eliminate karma by borrowing the fire red lotus of the [-]th grade karma?

This sentence is not false, but the key is this borrowing, after borrowing, still not repay 3

After all, Yingyin and Zhunti are notorious and notorious!

Ancestor Ming He really can't guarantee it.

What if Yingyin and Zhunti borrowed the [-]th grade karma fiery red lotus, and after eliminating their karma, wouldn't they pay him back?

So what can he do 2

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