Tongtian Sect Master spit out another sip of tea, and hurriedly transmitted a voice to Daoist Duobao.

Although Duobao Dao A didn’t know why the leader of Tongtian was afraid to see a small human race, he still followed the words of the leader of Tongtian. It's you who can't wait. You better try somewhere else!'

Cang Jie grinned. He hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "If that's the case, then I'll leave!"

Saying that, Cangjie turned into a

Road streamer.Escape far away.

After Cang Jie left, Sect Master Tongtian breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little annoyed in his heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It was because he didn't have to lose face in front of his disciples.Annoyed because he missed a great merit.

It's just how to grab this great merit. He still can't think of l

Hejie came to Kunlun Mountain e

This time, it is Yuan Shi Tianzun's turn to worry!

Yuanshi Tianzun has thinner skin.He also didn't think of how to make the characters, so he ordered his disciples to push Cangjie away for the same reason.

Cangjie ate behind closed doors in Kunlun Mountain again and had to go forward

Go to Shouyang Mountain.

At the foot of Shouyang Mountain, Cangjie respectfully cupped his hands and said, "Human Cangjie, please see the Supreme Saint."

Entering the palace, the face of Laozi, who was concocting alchemy, twitched violently. He instructed the boy, "Tong Chuan, you go and tell that Cangjie L that the basin is in retreat, and there is no time to see him!"

"Yes, sir!"

The boy went out of the Bajing Palace.. came to the outside of the mountain and said to Cangjie, "Hejie z my master is retreating, you go!"

Cang Jie's face was shaking, and he had to get up and prepare to leave.


Huh? Teacher is concocting alchemy in the palace. 3 I just came out of retreat. After seeing Teacher s, why do you say that Teacher is in the group? '

At this moment, a fat Taoist came over, and Er-face looked at the boy with a dazed expression.

This fat Taoist is none other than Taishang Laozi's only apprentice, Grand Master Xuandu

The child is in a hurry.Busy to wink at Archmage Xuandu.

Master Xuandu Tai looked stunned and puzzled. _"What's wrong with your eyes? Cramps?

In the Eight Views Palace, the son of the Supreme Master had a black line on his head, and he wished to slap his unfilial apprentice to death.

and another

side.Hejie finally understood why the saints were in retreat.

Those high-ranking strangers simply didn't want to see him, so they shied away and said they were in a group pass!

Cangjie shook his head helplessly, set up the cloud, and prepared to return to the human race.

Halfway through the journey, Cang Jie muttered, I heard that the Holy Father is devoted to my human race, and he must be different from the other saints. I will go to the Holy Father in the Wuji Mountains! '

As he said that, Cangjie turned the cloud head again and flew towards Wuji Mountain.

All the saints look overjoyed

They are all ready to watch Taichu's good show after all, Cangjie let them

All embarrassed.It's only fair to make a fool of yourself in the beginning!

All the saints can't understand the key. They think that they must not have thought of it in the beginning!

Hejie rode the clouds all the way to Wuji Mountain.

Outside Wuji Mountain, L Cangjie knelt on the ground.In a loud voice, "Cangjie asks to see the Holy Father and the Holy Mother!"

The great formation of Wuji Mountain moved away, and Feng Luanhong walked out of it and looked at Cangjie.Said: "Come on, the son is waiting for your name!

Cangjie was overjoyed and hurriedly followed Feng Luanhong in.

The saints were dumbfounded, and their hearts were full of grief

In the beginning, did this fellow think

Is the key to spelling out?

What made the saints even more dumbfounded was that at the beginning of the day, the Great Formation of Wuji Mountain was specially opened to let their consciousness enter it.Watch Hejie make characters.

Outside the Promise Hall, L Cangjie respectfully knelt to the ground and said loudly, "Holy Father and Mother and Mother!"

Taichu and Nuwa walked out of the Temple of Promise together.

At the beginning, Xu Xu helped Cangjie and said with a smile, "Hejie. This seat already knows the purpose of your trip!"

Cangjie said with joy, "Dare you, Holy Father. Why can't I create a script that belongs to the royal family?"

Taichu smiled and said, "The old and the young are orderly, we are under the Tao of heaven, you make treasures, you should first create the word of heaven, and then you will try it."

Cangjie was stunned.Immediately, he picked up a branch and wrote it on a large rock.

It is the word "Tian Dao"!

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