The two words of heaven are one.It turned into two streamers and shot into the sky.

Day L

In the beginning, this fellow was too shameless.Actually flattering Tiandao

All the saints were annoyed and angry - all of them had their faces ashen and cursed.

At the beginning, it was a grin-z laugh. Looking at the sun with a bright face

Cang Palace.

On the other side, Hejie kept 3.2_ writing human characters on the big stone.Every time a human character is written, the characters fly into the air and are imprinted in the void.

Cangjie made a total of [-] characters before he stopped.

At this moment, a huge golden cloud of merit and virtue floated in the sky, descending a huge amount of merit and virtue, Xiao Chengtong A Cangjie's body.Cheng flocks to the beginning.Another [-]% flocked to the branch used by Cangjie and the stone on which to write.

In an instant, the branch turned into a pen, and Taishi turned into a golden inkstone. All of them are treasures of merit and virtue.

Merit enters the body. Cang Jie's cultivation level is like riding a rocket.

At the beginning, in the eyes of all the saints with envy, jealousy and hatred, they put away the huge amount of merit:-

Chapter 3 The shocking plan of the two Western saints ([-]) Please subscribe!

Cangjie coined the word, and the massive merits of the human body have directly become the realm of the early stage of the quasi-sage, and become the first person of the human race worthy of the name.

Cangjie knelt down on the ground and prayed, _Thank you Holy Father and Our Lady for being perfect! '

In the very beginning, Xu Xu helped Cangjie and said. "Get up!"

Cangjie washed his face with tears and cried, "I'm going to see other saints. Other saints see me as if they see a plague. They are all behind closed doors. Only the Holy Father is willing to see me and give me pointers. With great grace, Cangjie thanked the Holy Father again

With that said, Cangjie fell to the ground again.

In the very beginning, Cangjie was lifted up,

With a sincere face, he said, "Cangjie, you have misunderstood a few saints."

The faces of the saints twitched violently.I don't understand why it suddenly changed in the beginning.actually spoke for them

Cang Jie was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully, "Please ask the Holy Father for guidance!"

Taichu had a bright smile on his face and said, "The reason why they don't see you is because they don't know how to make characters. I can't blame them!"

It turns out that this fellow is holding back such a bird's fart

They are not as good as him, inside and out!

This guy really sticks l⊥ on his face

The saint had a black face, and the trace of goodwill he had just raised in the beginning disappeared in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Cangjie 19 nodded and said, "So, thank you Holy Father for your guidance!"

Taichu laughed. "Okay. This inkstone is a treasure of merit. Take it for self-defense!"

"Thank you Holy Father, then I will take my leave

Cangjie was overjoyed and put away the calligraphy pen and calligraphy now.Xiang Taichu and Nuwa handed over. Then they left Wuji Mountain and headed for the human race.

After Cangjie returned to the human race, he trumpeted how he used a divine brush to create his characters in the beginning_How to make him the number one human race!

in warehouse

Under Jie's vigorous praise, he became the strongest saint in the beginning.

At the same time, the prestige of the human race in the beginning has been raised again and again, reaching its peak.

Because the human race believes in the Holy Father.The luck of the Holy Father's palace insects converges.Nine gigantic golden dragons of luck are formed.

Due to the function of Qi, Wuji Mountain is thriving with blood, and the picture is auspicious.

The human race is lucky.The two lich clans are a little gloomy and bleak!

This is the reason for the change of luck.This is the principle of the causal cycle of heaven

The witches fell.They only believe in strength, don't care about luck


But the demon clan is different. Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi know the importance of luck. They started to check where the lost luck went.

I don't know, I don't know, Z Cha was taken aback

After verification, all the luck lost by the L demon brigade was left to the human race.

The demons are suppressed by the turbid bell.It stands to reason that the luck should not be lost. But why does the luck lose? 2

Di Jun finally came up with a terrible knot.

Those weak human races may replace them.Become the protagonist of heaven and earth

Although Di Jun is very reluctant to believe this conclusion

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