His Biyou Palace is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals Come to the Dynasty, and there are many disciples to fight for the emperor. Naturally, it is more suitable.

Taichu looked at the saints with a smile; "

There are two disciples under my sect. That's it.We can win three games to the west!"

"Good. That's it!"

All the saints said.

The quasi-hold Taoist hurriedly said. "I also want to participate in Western religions!"

Tai Chu snorted coldly.cold voice. "Hmph. Reception, Zhunti. The two of you made Jin Chan get out of the shell and transfer all the Western disciples to Buddhism. Buddhism is not a bug in Xuanmen. How can you participate in the battle for the emperor?"

"Yes. Brother Tai is right. The emperor can only be a member of the Xuanmen."

Tongtian Sect Master said loudly.Yin and Zhun mention two people.Shen said. "

Hmph, you two are opportunistic.Self-rewarding. Buddhism is not my mysterious door.Naturally, we cannot take part in the struggle between people.”

The old master also said solemnly. "Acceptance - Zhun mention two fellow Daoists. You two behave like this. How can you be worthy to teach the emperor?"

Receiver and Zhunti blushed, wishing that Di would go up to fight Taichu and Sanqing desperately

The Daoist Zhun Ti rolled his eyes and said, "Although Buddhism does not belong to Xuanmen, my Western religion is Xuanmen, and my Western religion is still alive, as long as the two of us receive good apprentices before the disciple competition. It is also considered a member of the Xuanmen, so we can participate in the battle for the second emperor?"


! '

The eyes of the Taoist are too bright. Delighted

Taichu raised his brows and smiled, "You can, but the premise is that you can't bring people from Buddhism here to recharge. If you dare to use people from Buddhism, then this seat will go to Mount Sumeru and live in it for three thousand years!"

"We also go to the West to live for three thousand years⊥"

The saints listen.also threatened.

817 "Hmph. Don't worry. The second high _ There is still some time left for the emperor to come into the world. We Western religions will surely find good disciples!"

Prospective Daoist swears the Dao of B.

"Okay, then I wish the two fellow Taoists found a good apprentice."

Taichu said with a smile.

Sanqing is: a look of disdain.

Although there is still some time before the second emperor of Gao was born

.But now start taking apprentices.It is too late to train disciples.

Bi Yi.The disciples of Sanqingmen are not strong.

Taishang Laozi has Master Xuandu - Grand Master Xuandu's cultivation base is not weak.Now it has reached the realm of the middle stage of the quasi-sage.

There are two golden immortals under the gate of Yuanshi Tianzun.There are also Antarctic Fairy Weng. and Daoist Burning Lamp.Also strong.

Ten thousand immortals from the master of the Tongtian Sect came to court. The fourth Tai's direct disciple, Tu Shixian, outer disciple Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and others were not weak.

Yieyin and Zhunti are now accepting apprentices and retraining them. How can they be so fast.Unless you encounter a peerless genius.

And this person must also be a member of the clan.Because only the human race can increase the cultivation base in just a few decades and thousands of years.

after.All the saints left Zixiao Palace.

Don't say it yet.At this time.. there really is a peerless talent in the human race__


The 6th chapter is the beginning of the battle against the five saints alone, the power of the law of the leader of the sky ([-])

Chapter [-] In the beginning, the five saints fought alone, the power of the law of the leader of the sky

The genius of the human race is extremely powerful: carrying the great merits of the world.

This person's name is Xuanxu, a sign of Xuanxu's coming into the world.There are nine golden dragons of luck rising into the sky. Hovering in the air for a long time, they have not come to the world.

After Xuan Chu was born, he could walk on the ground.Being able to read in March is extremely intelligent.

When he was a little older, Xuanxu would visit the immortal family to practice Taoism, and any method of divine passage would be learned. In just a few decades, he was already in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

Such a genius, even if he looks at the whole flood.Also an absolute genius

Some people even say that this person is comparable to the beginning!

this day.Xuan Xu is repairing the east at the top of the mountain.

At this moment, auspiciousness descended from the sky, and golden lotuses poured into the ground, and the rays of the sun were looming.All kinds of visions are born.

This is the vision of a saint.

The Daoist Zhunti appeared in front of Xuanxu and said with a smile to Xuanxu, "Pin Dao is the 3 Western Zhun Ti saints, you are willing to worship the poor Dao sect 3

What kind of honor is this for a sage to come to the door and take the initiative to accept him as a disciple?

At this moment, another vision appeared in the sky, the purple air rolled endlessly, and the sky descended into auspiciousness.The ground gushing golden lotus, all kinds of different

Elephants live.

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