The sect master of Tongtian stepped out and said loudly.

'Zunti Daoist, you are shameless, come to my east again to hit the autumn wind."

"Tongtian Daoyou's words are not good, Honghuang is home. Regardless of each other, where does the difference come from?"

At this moment, another sage's vision was born, the Buddha's light was dazzling, and the Daoist received and led out of the void, his hands clasped together.

"Humph! How come there is no distinction between things?

At this moment, L Yuanshi Tianzun also stepped out of the void and said solemnly.

Immediately afterward, Taishang Laozi also appeared, looking coldly at the Western Second Sages

"Ca, it's so lively!"

Tai Chu also stepped out and said with a smile.

"At the beginning of the year, can you come and fight with us for disciples?"

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted angrily.

The eyes of the saints all looked at Taidao.

Tai Chu grinned and said with a smile, "No fight, no fight, this seat is just to watch the fun~_⊥"

The saints looked suspiciously at the beginning.

Tai Chu grinned and said, "This seat is really just to watch the fun. You don't believe it, if you don't believe this seat can swear by the way of heaven!

The saints just didn't believe it, and 8 Shuangyue stared straight at the beginning.

"Okay. Since you don't believe it. Then I will swear by the way of heaven to protect your hearts⊥"

Taichu rolled his eyes and stretched out a hand.Taisheng said, "The sky is above. I came this time in the very beginning. I didn't come to compete for disciples. I came to watch the fun, and I hope to see it!

The confused face of All Saints 2 still does not believe in the beginning.

Bi Yi also said last time that he would not fight for the emperor, but the emperor finally belonged to Wuji Mountain

It's not that there is a problem with this mystery, is it?

Isn't the tomb laid out in the beginning again?

All the saints were suspicious, and they each secretly and frantically calculated the origin of Xuanxu.

It's just that, at the very beginning, Chaos Beads were used to deceive the heavens.Don't say that the saints can't figure out anything, even the Taoist ancestors are afraid that they can't figure out the origin of the mysterious.

The saints looked at each other and nodded.

Suddenly, Daoist Zhunti turned over his hands, revealing the demon-subduing pestle, which smashed at Taichu with a single pestle.

At the same time, Yuanshi Tianzun also moved, and the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi in his hand suddenly lit up.The thunder of the gods descended from the sky and slammed into the beginning

Tongtian Sect Master also moved. Qingping sword lit up.Sword Light Riot, - Sword Slash to Absolute Beginnings

The Daoist Receiver put his hands together and attacked Taichu with the magical power of entering a dream.

Taishang Laozi said his words and deeds with his heart, and his actions were all the way, and the flat crutch in his hand drew a mysterious trajectory, and smashed to the beginning of the day with the trajectory of the heaven. ,

In an instant, the five saints actually shot Qi Qi to Taichu.

But the five saints did not believe in the nonsense of the beginning.They were frightened by Taichu. They decided to join forces to seriously injure Taichu first, and then they would fight for disciples. ,

."Depend on!"

At the beginning of the day, I saw the five saints attacking together. I was also startled, and I stomped heavily under my feet.A green lotus emerged from the void.Pack it drop by drop

Wrapped, instantly lost without a trace

In the beginning, though, it was proved by force.But if he was to fight against the Five Saints, he would not be so nervous!

Prove with force.The further the gap is, the bigger the gap is. It is very good for the cultivation level L in the first five realms of Primordial Primordial Realm to survive the attacks of the Three Saints.

It is impossible to fight against the Five Saints.”

Not long ago, all the saints also entered the five realms of Hunyuan one after another. In other words, they were the same realm as the saints in the beginning, and they were five enemies.


Five Saints fluttered.The moment the space was smashed, the fire, wind, thunder, and other objects rushed in.

Not far away, a green lotus spun out, and the petals of the lotus were lifted one by one, and L Taichu jumped out of it.

"We're not crazy!"

At this moment, Taishang Zhezi quietly appeared behind Taichu with a flat crutch. He slammed towards Taichu.

At the same time, Tongtian sect master stabbed at Taichu with a sword.

Too early to grin, grin.. Run the power of the law of power, gently - belt.Bianguai smashed towards Qingping Sword, and Qingping Sword slashed towards Bianguai.


A terrifyingly loud sound burst out, making people's eardrums hurt.

Taishang Laozi and Tongtian Sect Master staggered back.He looked at Taichu with a look of anger.

just now.Their power uncontrollably attacks each other.They know that this is a manifestation of the power of the law a

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