Sanqing's face was black again when he heard it.

Master Xuandu and Daoist Duobao were also furious when they were challenged in public.When even Er flew to the arena of Wuji Mountain.

It's just that Grand Master Xuandu and Daoist Duobao also have their own arrogance.

The two of them are not willing to besiege one with two, and they are still two big men besieging a woman

, the two of them can't hold back their old faces

Master Xuandu Tai looked at Daoist Duobao.Said, "Junior brother, is it you who come first, or the poor Taoist first!,"

Daoist Duobao hurriedly said L, "Senior brother is here. How dare you make trouble. It's better to come first!"

Master Xuandu nodded his head and said, "Good world, if that's the case, then the poor Daoist will go to the meeting-meeting junior sister!,"

Saying that, Grand Master Xuandu stepped forward and said, "Junior sister, the poor Daoist is also a Xuandu under the sect of people's education. Please also ask my junior sister for advice!_?

Goddess Wangshu snorted coldly and said, _Please advise!"

As he said that, he flipped his hand, took up the measuring ruler, and smashed it at Master Xuandu Tai with one ruler.

The ruler of the sky measures the heaven and the earth, neither long nor short.Just in time to get the Grand Master Xuandu, he smashed it on the forehead of the Grand Master Xuandu. ,

Master Xuandu Tai was startled, and hurriedly set up a gossip purple gold furnace to resist.


A crisp sound rang out.The measuring ruler smashed on the gossip purple gold furnace. It made a long and crisp sound.

Master Xuandu Tai was rushed by the force and staggered back a few steps, his face flushed red.I hurriedly took down the Bagua Zijin Furnace and found that the Bagua Zijin Furnace was in good condition.

No damage, this is a sigh of relief.

However, after this attack, Archmage Xuandu also knew the strength of Goddess Wang Shu. _


Chapter 2: The powerful goddess Wangshu, completely abused Duobao and Xuandu ([-])

Goddess Wang Shu snorted coldly and stepped out.With the measure of the sky ruler in his hand, he smashed his face at Archmage Xuandu.

Master Xuandu Tai saw the ferocity that Goddess Shu attracted.Don't be careless.He hurriedly set up the gossip Zijin Furnace.


The measuring ruler smashed on the gossip purple gold furnace again. There was an earth-shattering sound, and the terrifying strong wind was like a tidal wave, blowing all around, and blowing the sea of ​​Yaohai instantly set off ten thousand inches of shocking waves.

Countless huge tortoises were lifted into the air, and their short limbs flew into the air.Then it slammed into Yaohai again.

Goddess Wang Shu stood still.On the other hand, Grand Master Xuandu staggered back a few steps, his face flushed red, and he quickly checked the gossip Zijin Furnace.

Looking at it this time, Master Xuandu Tai saw that there were actually fine cracks on the top of the gossip purple gold furnace. He couldn't help but feel a pain in the flesh.Shocked and angry, "You deceive people!"

But Rao was like this, and he didn't dare to go forward easily.

The strength of Goddess Wangshu is completely beyond their imagination.

Powerful as Master Xuandu. Under Goddess Wangshu's hands, she only gets beaten, but Sibo has no room to fight back.

Wangshu Goddess II

It was silent and icy like an iceberg and snow lotus. It took one step and smashed it out with another foot.

Although every time she moves is very simple. And it seems very weak.Very soft.But it contains some kind of path. , although the attack power is extremely high.

That is the trajectory of the power of the law of the yin!

Because Goddess Wangshu was originally the Chaos Taiyin Demon God.Therefore, he was born to master Taiyin Law.

Sanqing looked at Qi Qi and exclaimed, "The power of the law x.:"

Suilang, Sanqing's moonlight all looked at Taichu again, with envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

The power of law can only be touched by a saint

, I didn't expect Goddess Wang Shu to only be in the realm of the middle stage of the quasi-sage.She actually came into contact with the ninth rule, no wonder she dared to clamor for Mingbao and Grand Master Xuandu alone.

The apprentice is perverted, and the master is also perverted!

Sanqing remembered that he was also a quasi-sage at the beginning of the year, and he mastered the power of the law.

Grand Master Xuandu looked at Goddess Wangshu with a look of horror, and turned to look at Duobao Dao Rendao. _"Junior Brother Mingbao, if one is not good, it is better for us to besiege her together. How?


Daoist Duobao nodded.road.

With that said, the two immediately started.

Master Xuandu took out a small flag with a flip of his hand, and saw that the small flag was good at facing the wind.In an instant, it turned into a terrifying taiwan, and on the big flag were densely packed runes, which were like bright stars and gold, which made people dazzled.

The Archmage of Xuandu would shake a lot, those runes rioted, thousands of runes poured out and 5 gathered together to form a Taiji map, swirls and spun to press the goddess Wangshu e (isg at the same time... Duobao Taoist double The arm shakes." Nao Qi Qingyun jumped out, and a multi-pallet pagoda appeared.

The many pagodas are as high as trees, with thirteen stories in size, and there are densely packed treasures hanging on them, including gold beads, golden lamps, and gold

There are thousands of treasures such as lotus s golden hammer and gourd.

Thousands of magical treasures swarmed out, banging at Goddess Wangshu.

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