Goddess Wang Shu is also powerful.Instead of retreating, advancing, stepping on the [-]th Grade Pure World White Lotus.Holding a ruler in his hand.The terrifying lunar real fire bear can burn.Attached to Quantum Tianmin.more powerful.

"Clap clap clap..."

The measuring ruler kept whipping out.Smash the magic weapon of Mingbao Daoist and the supernatural power of Master Xuandu Tai.

Goddess Wang Shu opened and closed.He quickly rushed to Daoist Mingbao and Master Xuandu Tai, and smashed at Master Xuandu.

The Great Master Xuandu hurriedly raised the gossip purple gold furnace to resist.


The measuring ruler smashed on the Conggua Zijin Furnace again, and the golden light of the Eight Diagrams Zijin Furnace smashed incessantly.

Master Xuandu staggered back. He hurriedly took down the gossip purple gold furnace and saw that there were more cracks on the gossip purple gold furnace.

And when Goddess Wangshu attacked Archmage Xuandu.It is also a punch to Duobaodao


Daoist Duobao rioted with golden light all over his body, and he also punched him.

Terrifying lunar real fire

Go ahead.Burning the soul of the famous Taoist a

Daoist Duobao staggered back.She looked at Goddess Wang Shu with a look of horror and anger, but she didn't dare to go forward, and hurriedly sat down to adjust her breath.

The Great Master Xuandu was also tumbling with qi and blood because of the need to measure the sky, and he also hurriedly sat down to adjust his breath.

Goddess Wang Shu also suffered a lot of injuries from this onslaught.

Originally, everyone thought that she was going to adjust her breath, but she saw the goddess Wang Shu - stomping her feet, - the double lotus spun out, and the power of creation and destruction coexisted.

And Shuanglian will wrap the goddess Wangshu s and wait for the goddess Wangshu to appear again. 2 has returned to its peak e

"The Goddess of the Moon of Creation and Destruction!"

San Qing all exclaimed, looking at Goddess Wang Shu with incredible eyes.

The goddess of the yin, who destroys and creates the same body, is simply an invincible existence, and can convert damage into cultivation almost instantly.

Such magical powers are simply against the sky!

It is also by virtue of the supernatural power of creation and destruction that the goddess Wangshu in the heyday can escape under the axe of the great god Pangu.

"Famous teachers produce good apprentices, and famous teachers produce great apprentices.

Taichu said with a smile on the side

Sanqing old face

All black.

This is the natal supernatural power, fuck you

However, Sanqing's eyes turned red with envy at the thought of such a genius in the early days.

Taishang Laozi's apprentice is a congenital human race, a wise man in the human race, with extraordinary roots:

Yuanshi Tianzun's apprentices have very deep roots.

Although the sect leader of Tongtian pays attention to teaching without distinction, there are also many people with deep roots such as the 5.6 Baodao Virgin, the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of Golden Spirit, as well as Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Niangniang.

But the people of Sanqingmen, compared with the goddess of the yin goddess, seem a bit unattractive!

Goddess Wangshu held a measuring ruler and walked towards Daoist Duobao and Master Xuandu Tai.

The two were startled and hurriedly stood up to resist.

Taishang Laozi hesitated and said, "Forget it, Xuandu, back down!"


Although Tongtian Sect Master was unwilling, he had to let Daoist Duobao retreat.

If they carry it on, Archmage Xuandu and Daoist Duobao will only increase their injuries.

At the beginning of the year, he looked at Laozi and Tongtian Sect Master, and laughed loudly, "Let's accept, let famous teachers produce high-level apprentices. Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices!

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Chapter 3 The master can't beat it, and you can't even beat the apprentice! ([-]) Please subscribe!

Goddess Wangshu looked at Xuanxu and said, "Junior brother. You go down. He will leave it to senior sister to deal with"

"Oh, this turtle son is amazing. Senior sister, be careful."

Xuan Xu drilled a head out of the turtle shell and said.

With that said, Xuan Xufei got off the ring.

Goddess Wangshu walked towards Daoist Ran Deng _ said, "Senior Brother Ran Deng, please!"

Daoist Burning Lamp took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he gritted his teeth.We will calculate the old and new accounts together! '

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