"Thank you Master"

Zhao Gongming was ecstatic. He urged the black tiger under his seat to walk towards the willow formation.

It's just that Zhao Gongming plunged into the willow forest, and then like a bull into the sea, he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

When Zhao Gongming came back to his senses and took a closer look, he actually appeared in the Biyou Palace.

Zhao Gongming was too frightened and hurriedly urged the black tiger to come to Wuji Mountain.

Although the leader of Tongtian was apprehensive.But he still laughed and said, "I'm good at teaching formations. Look at it. Zhao Gongming will definitely turn back in no time!"

But wait, wait, the day lilies are cold.I don't see Zhao Gongming coming back

"Master, Master, it's not good, it's not good


After an unknown time, Zhao Gongming's voice came from behind.

The leader of Tongtian was startled and looked back. He saw Zhao Gongming galloping on a black tiger.He couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly said, "Gongming, why did you come behind the bushes?" He got off the black tiger.He hurriedly said to the Tongtian sect master. "Master. When I entered the willow forest, I only felt that the sun and the moon changed. When I reappeared, I actually appeared in the Biyou Palace:."

"Appeared in Biyou Palace 2....

The sect master of Tongtian was stunned, and he could hardly believe his ears.

This green willow forest actually leads to his Biyou



This shows what?

It shows that his Biyou Palace is also exposed under the eyes of Taichu?

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and couldn't help but sneered and cursed, 2 "Hmph, it's just the same as the sectarian!" Looking at Yuanshi Tianzun, he said solemnly: "Hmph. '

Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master quarreled again.

The grand old man on the side has a big head.He hurriedly said, "Okay, the critical moment. The two of you should stop arguing. We should think about it. How to break the formation!"


Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master each snorted coldly 737. They ignored each other. __

Taishang Laozi hesitated - down, said, _Xuandu, go for a walk and find out what's going on inside! '

"Yes, Master!"

Master Xuandu took the lead. 2 He set up the gossip purple gold furnace and walked to the willow forest.

Master Xuandu Tai walked into the forest and plunged into it, only to feel that the world was spinning, the universe was upside down, and when he reappeared, he was actually in a palace.

"Huh? Where is this place?"

Master Xuandu's face

Bewildered, he looked around and took a closer look.

I saw a girl taking a bath not far ahead.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Archmage Xuandu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.


The girl who is taking a bath is none other than Haotian's Empress!

However, after Wu Tian proclaimed the emperor, he established the princess of the nine-tailed fox clan as the empress.

When Grand Master Xuandu saw the Empress, the Empress also saw Grand Master Xuandu and hurriedly exclaimed. "Dengzizi, come here: . . .

"Emperor Empress. You listen to the poor way: The poor way is not intentional.

, but..."

Master Xuandu Tai hurriedly explained a

It's just how the current empress can hear it, got up and put on clothes, and shouted loudly.

"Here's someone.. Quickly take down this beast who blasphemed this palace..."


Chapter 4 Haotian's head is green, and Yuanshi and Tongtian ([-]) who laugh at each other, please subscribe!

Now in the entire Heavenly Court, apart from Haotian, no one can stop Archmage Xuandu.

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals poured in.But most of them are disciples of the Three Sects. Seeing that it is the Grand Master Xuandu, they all call them senior brothers, and they will listen to the words of the empress and empress.

Master Xuandu Tai blushed.He hurried out of the heaven and went to the lower realm.

On the other side, the Empress and Empress also sent confidants to go to the lower realm to inform Tan Tian.

At this time, Haotian was camping in the human world. He didn't act rashly, just sent his confidants to help Xuanyuan Huangdi.


At this time, a fairy flew over in a hurry. This fairy is the personal maid beside the empress.

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