Seeing the maid, Haotian wondered, _'Why are you here?"

The maid was weeping.Said, "Your Majesty L also asks you to be the master of the Empress and Empress, so the Grand Master of Xuandu is actually..."

Haotian was stunned.A bad premonition rose in my heart, and I asked, "What happened?

The maid fell to the ground and cried, "The Great Master Xuandu actually took advantage of the Empress to take a bath. And broke into the harem to molest the Empress: .."

"What? What did you say?"

As soon as I heard it, I just felt

His head was green, and he was shaking with rage.roared

"What did you say? You can see clearly. Is it the Grand Master Xuandu?"

The maid cried 1_"Not only did I see it, but the soldiers and generals everywhere saw it.

Haotian's face twitched violently, and he gritted his teeth. "Master Xuandu Tai..."

He hated it.But is there any way.

He knew that Grand Master Xuandu dared to do this because there was a sage behind his back, but he was also strange, always plain as water.Master Xuandu Tai, who does not show off mountains or leaks.How could he suddenly flirt with the queen?

But this is not the time to think about this, any man.I'm afraid I can't stand this happening.

I am afraid that this news will spread throughout the Three Realms.At that time, Haotian will become the first green in the world.Become the laughing stock of the Three Realms.

As the dignified ruler of the Three Realms, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, how could he swallow this bad breath?

Hao Tian is crazy and can't care about anything at the moment L

He sent an order to let his own heavenly soldiers shrink, and no lower bounds are allowed!

But the strange thing is that no one listens to him at all!

The disciples of the three sects still go their own way, and even look at Tan Tian with full of eyes


Haotian was going crazy with anger, but he had no choice but to temporarily suppress his anger and wait for his mother to take revenge on the disciples of the Three Sects.

On the other hand, Sanqing was still waiting for the return of the Grand Master Xuandu.

Sure enough, Master Xuandu returned from behind them.

Taishengxiaozi frowned, looked at Grand Master Xuandu, said 06 Haidu, you went to Bajing Palace, "?"

"Disciple.11 The disciple did not return to the Eight Views Palace, but instead: .."

Master Xuandu's old face flushed.Couldn't speak for a while.

Too Shang Laozi's brows are too wrinkled

.Asked: "Say something!"

Master Xuandu Tai was crying with an old face.Said, "Tu Chuan:: Tu Chuan plunged into the forest, who would have thought that he would reach the heaven..."

"You're in the Heavenly Court 3 oh so..."

Taishang Laozi breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw the old face of Grand Master Xuandu blushing, he couldn't help but ask in doubt. "What's the matter with you when you arrive in the heavenly court?"

Grand Master Xuandu said with a sad face: "The disciple went to the bathing pool of the Empress of Heaven and :x:: And the Empress is still bathing:-." Jing!

With just this sentence, the scene suddenly became silent and silent.

Falling thorium can be heard

The crowd stared at Grand Master Xuandu in disbelief, and gave a thumbs up to Grand Master Xuandu.

After a brief silence, there was an incomparable sound wave.

Among them, the voice of the leader of Tongtian is the most t!

"Ha ha ha ha..".

Tongtian Sect Master laughed loudly. His voice was rumbling, like thunder, and he laughed loudly, "Xuandu, you-you actually entered the bathing pool of the Empress. Hahaha, Xuandu... If you like the Empress, You said it clearly. Uncle Shi grabbed it for you..."

Although Yuanshi Tianzun did not smile on the side

I but forcibly endured e

Poor Yuan Shi Tianzun hindered Yu Tai Shang Lao Tzu's affection, wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, the old face blushed like a pig's liver.The body - pumped, obviously endured extremely hard.

The heavenly soldiers and generals also endured the pain one by one.Group convulsions.

Grand Master Xuandu looked at the Tongtian Sect Master with a sad face and said, "Uncle, please don't cancel me. L: Second, how can I be addicted to women's sex if I focus on Dao, uncle, don't laugh..."

"Hahaha, let Pindao finish laughing, finish laughing. Hahaha, you actually broke into the Empress Palace, and the Empress is still bathing. Hahahaha, I laughed to death Pindao.


Tongtian Sect Master raised his head and laughed loudly, the laughter spread into the air, turned into a god of thunder, and kept exploding in the air.

Archmage Xuandu's old face was so embarrassed that he could not wait to find a seam to get in.

shame L

It's so embarrassing L

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