"Third brother, how can you be like this: Hahaha, make fun of:.: Take the pen Xuandu hahaha, if you make fun of Xuandu, you are making fun of the big brother, hahahaha-.."

On the side, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say anything.This statement.Almost burst out laughing.

The old man has a black face

.. glared at Archmage Xuandu.He turned to look at Yuanshi Tianzun again, and said, "If you want to laugh, just laugh, it's such a hard mountain to hold back."

"That poor man laughed. He laughed!"

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but burst into laughter for the next second.The sound is rumbling, like the explosion of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and it is even more presumptuous than the Tongtian Sect Master. (Did it)__"Hahahaha::..".

It seems that the whole world is filled with the laughter of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Taishang Laozi's old face darkened, and he said angrily, "Okay, have you laughed enough? If you've laughed enough, think of a way to break through!"

"Hahaha, enough laughing. Enough laughing, hahaha Yang"

Yuanshi Tianzun rolled around laughing on the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot, Tongtian sect master couldn't get up laughing on Kui Niu's back.

Taishang Laozi said with an old face, "Okay, don't laugh anymore."

The two slowly stopped laughing.

Tai Shang Laozi looked at Yang Liulin, frowned and said, "I am afraid this Yang Liulin is the handwriting of Yang Mei Daxian. If we want to break through this battle, I am afraid that only the three of us will come in person."

"Gu, senior brother is right!"

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master each nodded.

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Chapter 5 Yuanshi set fire to Haotian's [-] soldiers and generals ([-]) Please subscribe!

In fact, Sanqing guessed well, this is indeed the handwriting of Yang Mei Taixian.

It is precisely because Daxian Yang Mei's handwriting, Grand Master Xuandu, Guangchengzi, and Zhao Gongming, are all fine. If they were set up in the early days, they would have already died in the battle.

Yang Mei Taixian has a weak nature and doesn't like to fight, so the formation he set up is mysterious, but it doesn't kill directly. This willow forest formation just leads to everywhere.

If someone gets into it, it's just teleported elsewhere, and it won't take their lives _.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said: "This place is willow, which belongs to wood, so it should be attacked with fire!"


With that, Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand, and a Dao divine fire flew out and drilled into the willow forest. It was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no movement.

Yuanshi Tianzun was suspicious.

Just suffering Haotian!

Haotian was leading troops stationed in the mortal world, and suddenly a divine fire descended from the sky.Shenhuo flew out and drowned the entire camp in an instant.

Poor [-] soldiers and generals.Instantly fell into a sea of ​​fire.

Haotian was inexplicably horrified, and hurriedly flew out of the camp.Taking a closer look, he could not help gnashing his teeth.Angrily, _ "Yuxu Shenhuo. Yuanshi Tianzun s you deceive people too much, deceive people too much...


0 Poor Haotian leads [-] days _ Soldiers will be burned down by Yuanshi Tianzun next month.

First, the emperor was humiliated.Later, his subordinates were burned by Yuanshi Tianzun again.

Haotian was going crazy. With a loud roar, he flew towards Wuji Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not wait until Yangliulin caught fire.But waited for Haotian.

Haotian came in with a dark face, a sullen face, and glanced at Master Xuandu too.With a cold snort, his eyes turned to Yuanshi Tianzun again.

Tongtian sect master asked, "Haotian, didn't you help us to lead the way in the world? How did you come to Wuji Mountain?"

Haotian had a dark face, and said angrily, "I do my best to do things. I can't help but someone is making trouble. Just now, a jade fire descended from the sky, burning down all of my [-] soldiers and generals, and I was the only one who escaped!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's old face twitched violently.He exclaimed, "What? Pindao's fire...

Having said that, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't go on, after all, it was he who set fire to [-] soldiers and generals.

Laozi hesitated, looked at Haotian, and said, "Haotian (cceL_Xuandu can't rely on him for this matter... but this willow forest in front of me is weird, and this willow forest leads directly to three


Haotian was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Yang Liulin

With a suspicious look on his face, he felt a little better in his heart.

The old man took a deep breath.Said: "Such a great formation should be destroyed if it is needed!

Saying that, Taishang Laozi flipped his hand, and a Taiji map appeared. He threw the Daji map-z. The Taiji map was transformed into a golden bridge, traversing the heaven and the earth, and the willow forest was fixed.

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted loudly.The hand-turned out the Pangu Fan, and shook the Pangu Fan frantically. _ Dao Dao Terror: The terrifying chaotic sword qi flew out and shot at Yang Liulin.

The sect master of Tongtian shouted loudly..

Four swords, Zhuxian's four swords whistling. Turned into four long dragons. whistling into the willow forest

Under the action of these three treasures, no matter how powerful Yang Liulin is, it will be instantly shattered.

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